Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 548 Byodoin Temple was despised for the first time

this moment.

Everyone on the Freedom National Team understood it.

Senyu Shinji is not only strong in his own.

Even the coaching ability is quite powerful.

This is for Jeff.

He is not comparable to Senyu Shinji at all!

"It seems that this U-17 World Cup will have another strong opponent!"

Barron, a member of the free country team, showed a worried look.

Now the four major German countries have made them feel quite troubled.

Now the dark horse of Japan's national team has appeared again.

The truth made him feel uneasy.

Just when the players from all countries are marveling.

The Mao Xiong national team is extremely silent at the moment.

They lost the game this time!

The most important thing is to lose so miserably.

Three games in a row.

No game can be won.

This is an unacceptable fact.

"Why is this the result?"

Gilbert almost screamed.

He couldn't believe the scene before him.

He has investigated the Japanese national team members before.

And Senyu Shinji and his players.

Nothing is left out of this!

But judging from the overall data 623.

The overall strength of the Japan national team is not as good as the Teddy Bear national team!

But now the strength shown by the opponent has exceeded everyone's imagination!

"Taylon! You must win the next game!

Ralph was silent for a long time.

There was a roar suddenly.

This moment now.

He even has the urge to go underground!

It's really shameful and conspicuous!

Three consecutive defeats on his home court!

This ending is too ironic.

Now only in the next two games to win.

They might be able to save a bit of face for the bear country!

After hearing Ralph's roar.

Tyren replied immediately.

"Yes! Captain!

But compared to everyone's despair.

Instead, his face was full of excitement and excitement.

For Tyronn.

He has been waiting for this day for too long!

Even now the Teddy Bear national team has already suffered a disastrous defeat!

But he was not at all sad.

Because next.

When the disappointment of the crowd is at its extreme.

If he can beat the opponent.

Bring the first victory for the entire bear country.

Then he is the hero of the entire bear country!

that time.

His fame is bound to rise!

The key is.

He defeated the famous Byōdōin Hōō!

Maybe then.

He can surpass the leader Ralph in prestige!

"Byōdōin Hōō, or someone else.

"As long as you block my victory, then you will be severely crushed by me!"

this moment.

Tylen walked towards the court with full ambition.

He held the racquet tightly in his hand.

Maybe it's a little expectation.

Maybe it was a little nervous.

In contrast, the Japan national team is here.

Everyone is extremely happy and excited.

This time.

They defeated the national bear team, which ranked higher than them!

It's a complete victory!

Seeing everyone so happy.

Senyu Shinji also smiled and pressed his hand.

Then calmly said to everyone.

"Victory is certainly worth celebrating."

"But we can't just let our arrogance relax!"

"The next two games, we strive to win all!"

After that.

Senyu Shinji put his gaze directly on Byōdōin Hōō's body.

Upon seeing this.

Byōdōin Hōō sneered directly at the waiting zone where the Mao Xiong Nation team was located.

"Coach Senyu!"

"Give me ten minutes!"

"I will win this victory for us!"

Look in his eyes.

The player who can catch the eye of the entire Teddy Bear national team is the main player Ralph.

The opponent's strength is not generally strong.

Even the ranking of high school students in the world is ahead of Byōdōin Hōō.

But this is not what Byōdōin Hōō(cgab) is worried about anymore.

Because now his opponent is not Ralph.

The other players are just a bunch of rubbish.

After Senyu Shinji heard Byōdōin Hōō's words.

He also nodded.

Then he watched him walk to the court.

at this time.

The broadcast in the stadium also rang out.

"The third singles two game!

"Mao Xiong Country U-17 Representative Team Lee-Taylon vs. Japan Country U-17 Representative Team Byōdōin Hōō!"

"Please go to the arena!"

After the sound fell.

The two also walked straight to the court.

Then stared at each other.

"Are you Byōdōin Hōō from the Japan National Team?"

"I heard people say that you are amazing!"

Tyron looked at Byōdōin Hōō on the opposite side.

A grinning smile suddenly appeared on his face.

The expression was full of disdain.

"Now you are ready to accept the result of failure!"

With such a crazy hunting attitude towards the other party.

Byōdōin Hōō didn't bother to bother with him.

In his opinion.

The other party is just a piece of rubbish.

"So much nonsense!"

He snorted directly.

The opposite Tyronn saw it.

Suddenly, my heart became a little annoyed.

He is No. 2 in Mao Xiong Country!

He was so despised by the Japanese players who have always looked down upon.

Then raise the middle finger directly.

Yelled at Byōdōin Hōō.

"You idiot!"

"I will let you understand what a gap is!"

"Prepare to end this senseless game in thirty minutes!"

Hear the words of Tylen on the opposite side.

Byōdōin Hōō seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world.

"thirty minutes?"

"Am I an idiot?"

He immediately rose up into a domineering air.

There was a tyrannical look in his eyes.

He is already quite anxious now!

He wants to completely destroy this waste opposite!

at this time.

The referee on the side also blew the whistle of the game directly.

"The players from both sides are ready to take their place!

"The first round, Japan's U-17 team, Byōdōin Hōō serve the bureau!"

"Game start!"

The referee also saw that the two had already had an argument.

Especially now the mood of the entire Teddy Bear national team is quite depressed.

Let the two of you continue.

Maybe things will be big in the end!


Byōdōin Hōō went straight to his position.

Slap the tennis ball in your hand on the ground.

There was a cruel sneer on his face.

Especially when he looked at the excited face of Tylen on the opposite side.

The current Byōdōin Hōō seemed to scream and scream fiercely.

next moment.

The tennis ball in his hand was thrown directly into the air.

Then racquet waved brazenly.

Suddenly, a terrifying piercing sound rang uninterruptedly on the court.

Then he rushed straight to the head of Tylen on the opposite side.

Byōdōin Hōō showed violent tennis from the beginning!.

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