Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 562 Lofty, stunned

And Ralph's previous hit tennis.

At this moment, it is already vacillating between the heavy waves.

It was as if the power on the tennis ball was being consumed by this heavy wave of air.

The key is.

The power of the blizzard is not the kind of weak game.

On the contrary, this game is quite strong.

It is completely composed of pure to the extreme power!


Power alone is not enough!

There are so many ways to dissipate the power of the tennis ball!

As long as it reaches the corresponding level.

Such a powerful tennis ball can only be quickly wiped out.

At the moment.

The tennis ball with the power of the violent bear struggling in the whirlpool of the air wave.

There was a continuous roar.

The tyrannical and desolate roar of the bear seemed to sound on the stadium.

But in the face of the wave of anger caused by Senyu Shinji.

The power of the violent bear is still inevitable to be completely wiped out.


Ralph Xeon's blow directly became the most common tennis.

With the rolling of the air wave.

The tennis ball flew straight to Senyu Shinji.

at this time.

Ralph seemed to see a bright light.

In the endless bright light.

A white misty figure slowly emerged.

As lonely and arrogant as the nine gods.

And as indifferent to everything as life dominates.

The fairy king phantom seemed to appear before his eyes.


The fairy king domain is completely unfolded!

Senyu Shinji chuckled lightly.

"If your power can't penetrate my realm!"

"Then, all your skills can only become a joke in the end!"

next moment.

The racquet in his hand waved directly.

Tennis directly becomes an extremely beautiful parabola.

Lightly crossed the net.



Senyu Shinji directly cracked Ralph's unique trick, the power of the bear.

Ralph stared at this scene blankly.

The whole person fell into a state of self-doubt.

He was wondering if he had made a mistake just now.

He wondered if it was just a nightmare.

The tennis shot just now was the power of the violent bear that he tried his best to show!

What kind of power is on it.

He knows it best!

It's no exaggeration even to say.

The power on the tennis shot just now has reached the third level of Senyu Shinji's nine-fold increase in the sweet zone.

This can be said to be the key for him to conquer the teams of other countries!

but now.

His Xeon hit was easily cracked by the opponent!

It didn't even arouse a splash of water!

This makes him really hard to accept!

at this time.

"Is this unacceptable anymore...?"

"But this is just the beginning!"

Senyu Shinji's gentle laughter reached Ralph's ears directly and clearly.

It was as if he was laughing at Ralph's desperate look.

It also seemed to be mocking his strong blow to be so unbearable.


Senyu Shinji looked at Ralph on the opposite side.

There is no more interest.

Continue directly.

"Serve it!"

The racquet in his hand pointed directly at Ralph on the opposite side.

I don't want to wait any longer.

See here.

Ralph took deep breaths one after another.

I want to calm my inner throbbing.

He has not forgotten what his mission is.

Although the tennis hit just now was cracked by Senyu Shinji.

But Ralph's violent bear power has not yet been fully revealed.

Then Ralph, who was in a good mood, continued to serve directly.

Accompanied by a soft drink sounded.

The racquet in his hand slammed out.

The blue light flickered directly.

A burst of terrifying roar echoed over the court.

The blizzard seemed to be approaching again.

This time is more terrifying than the last time!

The bears of the blizzard are dispatched!


Even more terrifying than before.

But in front of Senyu Shinji's fairy king realm.

It still has no effect at all!

next moment.

The tennis ball came to Senyu Shinji directly and obediently.

"Go all out!"

"Otherwise, you won't even be able to penetrate my realm!"

Senyu Shinji waved the racquet directly.

The tennis ball then rushed directly to Ralph.

Ralph's whole person's mood on the opposite side is even more unstable!

Because now the two bears of the power of the violent bear have no effect at all when they are dispatched.

But now the game has reached this point.

He can only keep gritting his teeth and persevere.

The racquet in his hand kept swinging the tennis ball.

The strength is constantly increasing.

this moment.

There were bursts of terrifying roar in the stadium.

Then every time the sound is so ear-splitting.


Even so.

It still has no effect at all!

No matter how powerful Ralph showed.

No matter what skills he uses.

Facing Senyu Shinji's fairy king realm.

Don't even talk about scoring his tennis!

You can't even pass through the domain hole!

As if his tennis ball was like a drop of water.

And Senyu Shinji's fairy king realm is like a sea of ​​king sun.


He can't destroy it!

""Why is this?"

Ralph became more and more desperate.

He really hopes that all of this is not true now.


Even this escape.

The facts before him are still dazzling in his eyes.

"In front of the Immortal King Realm!

"Your tennis has no effect at all!"

Senyu Shinji's gentle laughter reached his ears.

He looked up.

The other party is still as calm as ever.

It was a sharp contrast with him.

this moment.

Even if everyone does not say.

I also understand in my heart.

Senyu Shinji is so much better than Ralph!

After Ralph on the opposite side heard Senyu Shinji's words.

The whole person worked hard to suppress all kinds of complex emotions.

Then continue to face the game.

He still hasn't forgotten his mission.

That's for the face of Mao Xiong Country!

Then it continued (Wang Haohao) to use the power of the violent bear.

One layer and one layer more show up.


No matter how hard he tried.

The final result has not changed at all.

The Immortal King Realm on the opposite side seemed to have become a moat that he could never cross over.

Just a moment.


Senyu Shinji won the third game directly.

"Is this the strength of Senyu Shinji?"

"I can't beat it!

"Who can overcome such an existence?"

The viewers of Mao Xiong Country have completely lost a bit of hope.

I don't think that Ralph, who is trying to swing the racquet on the court, can beat Senyu Shinji.

Players from other countries also stared blankly at Senyu Shinji on the court.

But in the end.

I can only open my mouth wide, unable to say a word.

They have evaluated Senyu Shinji's strength as high as possible.


Still underestimated Senyu Shinji's strength!,

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