Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 564 The Immortal King's Statue Revealed Again

After Senyu Shinji's voice fell.


A breeze passed by.

The whole audience seemed to hear the rustling of the wind.

Amidst the sound of the wind, a loud noise came.


A yellow color gradually entered the virtual realm along with the sound of the wind.

It is impossible to catch the shadow of the ball at all.


The tennis ball fell on Rael Fu's baseline.

Immediately afterwards, it popped off the court.


The audience fell into death-silence again.


Ralph's unwillingness became more apparent at this moment.

The racquet in his hand is also tightened.

Then continue to serve without saying a word.

Almost all his violent bear power was released.

Even the various skills that can be used are all revealed.

But facing Senyu Shinji's fairy king realm.

These tennis balls of his still have no effect at all!

It took less than a while.

Senyu Shinji has already won the fifth game straight away.

That's it.


The current game is completely one-sided.

The final result can be said that there are only two cases.

One is that Ralph surrendered directly.

The other is that Senyu Shinji continued to crush and win the sixth game.

Above the court.

this moment.

It seemed to be extraordinarily long for Ralph.

He blankly looked up at the score board on the side.

The dazzling numbers above made his unwillingness to echo in his heart.




He was completely silent.

Except for the bloodshot eyes.

It is endless unwillingness and perseverance.

The next final game.

If you lose even this game.

Then the Teddy Bear national team is really completely defeated!

Really achieved a five-game losing streak.

The match between the two sides continues.

Sixth inning.

Senyu Shinji serve bureau.

For Senyu Shinji.

This game has been long enough!

Now he had no mood at all to continue playing with Ralph on the opposite side.

this moment.

He serves directly.

The tennis ball suddenly exploded under the impact of the racquet in his hand.

A burst of terrifying noise suddenly burst out.

The air wave suddenly turned violently.

Then he rushed to Ralph's side suddenly.

After seeing the flying tennis ball.

He took a deep breath.

Then he rushed out resolutely and resolutely. ,

He still hasn't given up now!

He wants to keep fighting!

For the compatriots behind!

For the bear country!


this moment.

It seemed that the giant bear behind him had grown a bit bigger.

The breath on his body also became more and more unyielding and fierce.

The bear's eyes are as red as blood.

It's chilling.

See this scene.

All the members of the Mao Xiong national team suddenly choked up.

"team leader!"

"Captain Ralph!"

"Come on! For the glory of Mao Xiong Country!"

this moment.

After they yelled loudly.

The crowd in the otherwise sluggish auditorium suddenly woke up.

Then he looked at the Ralph who didn't give up on the court.

Even if he is tall.

At this moment, it makes people feel a little sad.

This kind of atmosphere, this kind of sentiment was continuously transferred among the audience of Mao Xiong Country.


A sparse voice was also shouted with the crowd of the Mao Xiong national team.

The voice gradually grew stronger.


An excited shout rang out throughout the stadium.

Everyone is at this moment.

Can deeply feel that kind of blood.

That kind of unyielding!


All the shouts came together.

The national anthem of Mao Xiong Country was sung directly.

After hearing this voice.

A warm current suddenly emerged in Ralph's heart.

It seems as if the loss of Gang オーcut is all due!

It seems that his mind has evolved at this moment!



An extremely terrifying aura rose directly from his body.

It's like a cold winter current.

Like an Arctic storm!

The entire court was completely submerged in an instant!

this moment.

His aura became stronger.

As if everyone gave him infinite power.

The emotions of tyranny, indomitability, anger and so on flickered in the eyes of the giant bear.

"bring it on!"

Ralph shouted loudly.

Then rushed forward suddenly.

Without hesitation, he waved the racquet in his hand.

The blue light flashed brightly.

The wind and snow kept rolling.

Tennis, which had never been ahead, came to an abrupt end.


It exploded directly in Ralph's roar.


Suddenly, waves of ripples appeared on the realm of the Immortal King.

The cold winter current!

The giant bear roars!

The tennis ball rushed towards the realm of the fairy king frantically.

See this scene.

Senyu Shinji was also a little surprised.

...Seeking flowers 0-

Ralph's tennis shot has surpassed the power of all previous tennis balls.

Very powerful.

It can be said.

This shot of tennis contains more than just vast power.

More is the spirit of Ralph.

And the touch of his compatriots!


Senyu Shinji did not change his expression at all.

Just step forward directly.

The air waves in the entire Immortal King realm suddenly rioted.

The realm of the fairy king has become stronger and tougher.


Even so.

The power on the tennis ball has not been wiped out.

Just at this time.

The racquet in Senyu Shinji's hand has been swung out fiercely!

Shoot the tennis ball directly.

Relf on the opposite side suddenly rushed towards the flying tennis ball.

The air kept roaring.

It was like a giant bear that never surrendered.

Do not smash the fairy king realm.

I won't give up!

next moment.

The racquet in his hand slammed directly on the tennis ball.


A bright blue light blooms directly above the racquet.

The power of the bear is fully released!

The cold winter current kept raging.


Shoot directly at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

Many illusions emerged.

Converge directly into this tennis ball!

"Senyu, take it!"

Ralph roared.



The giant bear directly rose from his body.

Accompanied by dazzling blue light.

Accompanied by the cold current of winter.

Accompanied by endless tyranny and fierceness.

Directly rushed towards Senyu Shinji.

this moment.

The giant bear is especially clearly visible!

The opposite Senyu Shinji watched this scene calmly.

Then he asked Ralf in a deep voice.

"Is this all your strength?"

"Is this the you of Lord Mao Xiong?"

"Is this the one who is called the number one high school student in the world?"

So loudly.

next moment.

Senyu Shinji's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp.

In the realm of the fairy king.

The phantom of the fairy king emerged directly.

With the dark black fog tyrant on Senyu Shinji's body blended.

next moment.

Senyu Shinji shines endlessly here.

In the endless bright light, a white misty figure slowly emerged.

It is as lonely and arrogant as the nine gods, and indifferent to everything as the ruler of life.

The statue of the fairy king, now!-.

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