Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 569 Pansy. Hardy, the strong always strong

Above the court.

Just when everyone is watching.

The free national team's Pansy Hardy and the Argentine team's main player walked the court!

They started the last game~ the competition!

As the game unfolds.

A series of roars kept appearing on the court-.

Tennis balls seem to be shot directly between two people.

Pansy Hardy's strength is quite strong.

It was even praised as Pandora's Box!

But the strength of the Argentine main player on the opposite side is also quite good.

After all, he can become the main player of the sixth-ranked team in the world.

Its strength definitely has a world-class strength level.

As the two began to fight.

It just hit the ball directly.

Pansy Hardy looked at the Argentine general Hemingway Steve on the opposite side.

There was a frivolous smile.

"I really can't underestimate it!"

Then the racquet in his hand was swung fiercely.

Immediately shot the tennis ball out.



A burst of horrible sounds appeared directly on the court.

Immediately refracted constantly on the court surface.

It seems to be a weird lightning.

Full of magic and horror.

Tennis at this moment.

I don't know where it will fall.

Changing the track time and time again!

It appeared five times in total!

Five-pointed star refraction!

After seeing this scene.

Steve suddenly snorted expressionlessly.


next moment.

It just shoots out directly.

As if his figure was on the entire court.


The five-pointed star refraction suddenly appeared on the racquet in his hand.


But on the opposite side of Pansy, Hardy seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago.

The left foot was melted directly on the ground.


A wave of air appeared all around him.

Pandora Realm!

And the tennis ball that came out of the opponent's counterattack also smashed into this field severely.


But in this weird Pandora field.

Tennis has directly and passively changed its trajectory many times.

Then appeared directly in front of Pansy Hardy.


The racquet in his hand was swung out suddenly.


An incredibly bright light illuminates the entire court.

The tennis ball suddenly shot out.

After Steve saw this scene.

The look moved.

The speed of the movement became even more rapid.

At the next moment.

Just a swing.

The flying light hitting the ball was easily resolved by him.

Then he rushed towards Pansy Hardy on the opposite side with a more terrifying power.

For two people.

This game is the last game between them!

It is a game that determines the victory between the two teams!


The battle between them has become more intense.

In the auditorium.

"I didn't expect Pansy Hardy of the Free National Team to have such a powerful strength!"

Kunimitsu's expression also became serious.

Senyu Shinji defeated Gerald of the Free National Team before.

Pansy Hardy never chose to compete with Senyu Shinji at that time.

Instead, he privately signaled that Gerald was on the court.

You must know that Gerald's strength belongs to NO.3 even in the free national team!

Everyone thought Pansy Hardy, who didn't even make the Freedom National Team rankings, would not be very strong.

But now it seems.

The strength of the opponent is completely an existence that they cannot despise!

A variety of world-class skills appeared in his hands one after another.

Five-pointed star refraction!

Just hit the ball!

Pandora Realm and more!

Each stunt is quite powerful.

Even the powerful Argentine general Steve took it extremely seriously.

Irie Kanata on the side also said very solemnly at this moment.

"It seems that in addition to the free national team going out to lead Jeff, there is this Pansy Hardy!"

If you haven't seen this game.

Who knew that the Free Nations team still has world-class players like Pansy Hardy?

at this time.

"He is stronger than Jeff!"

Byōdōin Hōō on the side said with a serious face.

for him.

It can be seen from this game alone.

Just when the voice of Byōdōin Hōō fell.

Above the court.


Pansy Hardy's body suddenly rose up with waves of dark fog.

Then hovered around him for a while.

Condensed into a figure directly behind him.

That figure seemed to be hiding its face.

It gives people a feeling of weird, mysterious and unknown.

...Seeking flowers 0-

It seemed more like a witch appeared from Pandora's Box.

After this figure appeared.

There seemed to be a cold and uneasy hovering above everyone's hearts.

"Is that a witch?"

Kikumaru Eiji said uncertainly.

Then he turned his gaze to Senyu Shinji who was aside.

It seemed that he hoped that he could explain the doubts to everyone.

"Asura Shinto!"

"The Witch in Pandora's Box!"

Senyu Shinji also looked at Pansy Hardy on the court with some interest.

On the one hand, this person has followed them many times in Japan before.

Not only the game before Tamamo.

It's still an expedition to another country.

This person can always be found in the distance.

Plus the Asura Shinto idol that he showed on the court now.

It is true that Senyu Shinji wants to find a chance to have a good meeting with the other party.

Just when everyone was discussing.

Above the court.


Pansy Hardy continued to serve.

It can be said that this tennis shot contains the terrifying power of Asura Shinto.

The indescribable force of terror was immediately revealed directly from above.

It horrified everyone.


Accompanied by bursts of terrifying roar.

The dazzling and weird light kept flickering.

The medical black mist seemed to loom over the tennis ball.

This hit tennis is very strong!

In an instant, the court went directly through the hole.

Heavy waves of air kept rolling violently on the court.

After Steve saw this scene.

And did not choose to avoid.

Instead, he rushed forward directly.


He still underestimated the strength of the opposite Pansy Hardy.

I also overestimated my own strength!

Accompanied by a powerful and strange flying shot.

Almost just for a moment.

Steve was directly bombarded by this tennis ball.


After a dull noise sounded.

He fell feebly to the ground.

Suddenly screamed.

Then Xia stopped.

The fainting passed!

So far.

The audience is extremely silent!

No one thought that such a scene would happen.

That's the Argentine general!

But under the blow of Pansy Hardy.

I fainted directly!

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