Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 574 Encounter, the lord of the dragon country



A dark mist rose directly from Ito Hayato's body.

Constantly hovering around him.

next moment.

This dark mist condenses directly.


A huge storm phantom appeared directly behind Ito Hayato.

And in the center of the storm there was even a figure standing faintly among them.

The figure is now clearer than in the U-17 training camp in Japan!



Ito Hayato's Asura Shinto is directly revealed!

With the appearance of two figures.

Hayato Ito seemed to regain his confidence again.

He looked at his opponent with determination.


The racquet in his hand points directly at each other.



The face of the man who saw this scene also showed a dignified look.

next moment.

Accompanied by a roar.

Heavy waves of air kept rolling up.

Suddenly the dust rose.

A strong breath emerged on the court.

An unusually bright light suddenly rose from the body of Ito Hayato's opponent.

It seemed like the dark green of Xuanwu.

It's like a golden light from a giant dragon.

It's white again like a tiger.

Or the red of the fire phoenix.

The light kept flashing.

For a moment, it seemed colorful.

It was so transparent again in an instant!


Four figures emerged directly behind him.

Golden Dragon, White Tiger, Fire Phoenix, Xuanwu!


Hayato Ito was shocked suddenly.

He can feel the incomparable power from the opponent.

Four phantoms.

Each path seems to contain extremely vast power.

The gaze of every divine beast made his heart tremble.

Even his body became a little stiff.

Just listen.

"Then serve!"

The man opposite said calmly as always.

As if there is endless majesty in his voice.

this moment.

It feels like the opponent is looking down at Hayato Ito.

This made Ito Hayato's face more difficult to look.

Show directly the power of Asura Shinto.

Swing hard on the tennis ball.

A burst of horrible sounds appeared directly on the court.

The storm kept raging.

The samurai kept waving the long sword in his hand.


After the tennis ball fell on the opposite court.

The four elephant beasts rushed out directly.

Various visions of wind, rain, thunder and lightning are constantly emerging.

next moment.

The racquet in the man's hand was also directly swung out.


A burst of dragons, tigers, roars, phoenix roars, and basaltic screams appeared directly.


The waves of anger kept tumbling.

The neighing sound was deafening.

Hayato Ito looked up to the opposite side.

I saw the four elephant beasts rushing towards him with unimaginable power.

Each one is so real.

Every one is so scary!

Hayato Ito was shocked suddenly.

The power of Asura Shinto was fully released.

The storm kept rushing towards the four elephants.

The samurai furiously swung the long sword in his hand.

Want to kill it.


Even so.

The four elephants and beasts have already come to him.


The samurai died directly in the mouth of the white tiger.

The storm annihilated under the claws of the dragon.

next moment.

You can only see a faint black mist dissipating with the wind.

Hayato Ito was also directly injured.

Straight to the end.


The man on the opposite side didn't seem to hear Ito Hayato's screams at all.

Continue to speak calmly.

"Continue to serve!"

That kind of voice is terrifying.

The majesty in the voice was trembling.

After hearing the other party's words.

Hayato Ito couldn't help but stand up again.

Face such an opponent.

He can only grit his teeth and continue to serve.

But the next moment.

What he ushered in was still the terrifying Four Elephants.


After the endless sound appeared.

Hayato Ito stood there sluggishly.

Tennis also shot out fiercely.

That's it.


This game is over!

Hayato Ito was eliminated in the second round of qualifiers!

After seeing this scene.

A look of surprise appeared on Senyu Shinji's face.

Hayato Ito's strength is actually very strong.

Even many times, Senyu Shinji thought he was the protagonist of this world.

But this is such a person.

...Seeking flowers 0-

Will be directly crushed and defeated by the calm looking man on the opposite side!

The truth surprised him a bit.

He can feel it clearly.

At this time, Hayato Ito's opponent on the court was extremely powerful.

Must be a world-class player!

A smile appeared on Senyu Shinji's face.

"A world-class player has appeared!"

The strength of the opponent is basically equal to that of Byōdōin Hōō.

at this time.

A voice appeared on the side.

"Lin Liyan is still that strong!"

Mitsuya Akuto walked to Senyu Shinji's side.

Exclaimed with a serious face.

And Omagari also retorted solemnly.

"More powerful than before!"

"His four elephant beasts can smash Asura Shinto to pieces!"


Mitsuya Akuto also nodded helplessly.

Senyu Shinji was a little confused on the side.

The Lin Liyan in their mouths was a little strange to him.

"he is?"

Senyu Shinji asked involuntarily.

Mitsuya Akuto was taken aback.

After taking a deep breath.

Said solemnly.

"Lin Liyan, the leader of the Longguo U-17 team!'

"At the same time, he is also the first person in Asia!"

After hearing this.

A look of surprise flashed in Senyu Shinji's eyes.

Omagari continued to add.

"Coach Senyu didn't know he was normal."

"After all, he is a strong man who has appeared before!"

"In terms of his strength.

"Definitely surpassed Byodoin Temple!"

"His Four Elephants can condense the Four Elephants."

"Some people even call it the Asian high school student closest to the strength of the world's elite!"

After hearing these words.

Senyu Shinji also has a keen interest in this Dragon Lord named Lin Liyan.

Now that the other party has participated in this year's Sydney Cup Professional Challenge.

Then there must be a contest between them.


The premise is that the opponent has not been eliminated early!

Just when everyone was discussing.

Lin Liyan on the court also walked off the court.

Walked straight towards Senyu Shinji.

Then a smile appeared on the majestic and calm face.

Stretched out his hand directly to Senyu Shinji.

"Lin Lika, the leader of the Dragon Kingdom team!

"Senyu-san, lucky to meet!" One.

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