Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 582 You can overwhelm you with momentum!


The audience suddenly fell into a strange silence.

As if the tennis shot just now was like a huge palm directly pinching everyone's hearts.

The whole person's breathing became stagnant.

Especially after everyone saw the huge deep pit on the court.

And at this time, Garden-Antoine was lying like a dead dog under the wall of the stand.

Everyone was shocked.

"This is too scary!"

"Is this the appearance of killing the opponent directly?"

"Oh my God! I'm still shaking now!"

Everyone in the audience suddenly exclaimed.

Then a feeling of horror hit my heart directly.

Everyone shivered involuntarily.

Looking at Senyu Shinji on the court with horror.

After a moment has passed.

Everyone was relieved now.

"Garden Antoine was completely severely injured!"

"It's simply the rolling in the rolling!

"It's still the same as the previous game, it's horrible!"

The audience was in an uproar this time.

But even this time.

They still dare not look directly at Senyu Shinji on the court.

As if afraid of being bombarded by the opponent's tennis ball.

Above the court.

Senyu Shinji looked calmly at Garden-Antoine, who was lying on the ground and convulsing.

Speak directly softly.

"stand up!"

It was as if the tennis shot was not made by him at all.

at this time.

Garden Antoine, who had just eased over, finally stopped his wailing.

After hearing Senyu Shinji's words.

Suddenly the raging anger burned directly. ,


Then he wanted to struggle to get up.


The severe pain in his body seemed to follow his movement.

Becomes more serious.


He suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach.

next moment.

Garden-Antoine coughed violently.

He subconsciously covered it with his hands.

But then.

A touch of bright red blood flowed directly into his palm.

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

It's just a shot of tennis.

He even directly vomited blood with a world-class professional player, Garden Antoine.

This sense of horror suddenly appeared in the hearts of everyone again.

And Garden-Antoine is completely impossible to continue fighting at this time.

He quickly screamed with a panic on his face.

"Referee! Referee! I abstained...!"

"I won't compete with this demon!"

"I will die!

The referee on the side also involuntarily wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

The result will be announced directly afterwards.

That's it.

With Garden. Antoine abstained.

Senyu Shinji directly won the first victory!


The next two games are also in full swing.

The opponent opposite is not Senyu Shinji's opponent at all.

Directly failed miserably in the fame again and again.


The morning of the Sydney Cup Professional Challenge is over.

And now there are only 8 players remaining on the field.


The players in Group A except Senyu Shinji.

Another popular seed player also made it directly.

That's it.

Senyu Shinji will compete with Milne Claire Latin for the Final Four!

The audience was almost in constant cheers.

Some are cheering for Senyu Shinji.

Some are cheering for Milne Claire Latin.

After hearing this enthusiastic voice.

Senyu Shinji in the waiting zone couldn't help but chuckle.

"Squad for the Final Four!

Then he directly took the shot and walked towards the court.

Even this time.

Senyu Shinji still has a gentle and calm smile on his face.

That kind of windy posture.

The truth made the audience look at it.

next moment.

Following Senyu Shinji, he continued to walk towards the court.

An invisible momentum rose directly.


The whole stadium fell silent directly.

The breathtakingly powerful breath made them hold their breath more and more.

I dare not say a word.

next moment.

Above the court.

A heavy air wave directly violently tossed up.

After Senyu Shinji stepped onto the court.

This tumbling air wave rolled directly to the surroundings.

Layers of air waves directly set off intense smoke and dust.

This directly caused everyone in the audience to tremble directly.

They seemed to feel that a huge palm pinched their hearts tightly.

Everyone is blushing.

It seemed to be in a deep suffocation at this moment.

Senyu Shinji just walked towards the court.

The aura released from his body directly stunned everyone present.

On the side of the auditorium.

Everyone in the Japan national team is here.

"The Minister's breath is stronger than before!"

Kunimitsu, the handist, seemed to be crushed by the boulder in his heart.

Senyu Shinji's eyes on the court were filled with admiration.

For momentum.

Although this kind of thing is intangible.

But can give the other side invisible pressure.

Even a three-pointer before the war is possible!

Now Senyu Shinji on the court.

Almost every move is full of strong momentum.

Just walked calmly towards the court.

Can give everyone an unparalleled sense of sharpness.

This momentum is simply unstoppable!


No battle, its momentum is amazing!


Under the gaze of thousands of people.

Senyu Shinji came to the court.

At this moment, his face still has a gentle and calm smile.

Looking at Milne Claire Latin who also stepped onto the court at this time.


The momentum on his body directly rushed to the opposite side in a sudden rush.


It's like a stormy wave in the sea.

The aura above the entire court kept tumbling fiercely.

This directly caused Milne Claire on the opposite side to breathe.

It was as if his throat was tightly pinched by an invisible big hand.

This terrifying momentum directly stopped him.

w "His aura is so terrifying!"

Milne Claire Latin's face became harder to look.

As if a huge mountain appeared on the whole person.

It was too heavy for him to breathe.

Faced with such a terrifying momentum.

He didn't seem to have the slightest room for defense at all.

His face gradually became paler.

Cold sweat kept coming up on his forehead.

It is in front of this terrifying and vast momentum.

Milne Claire Latin directly froze in place!

It seemed that the second step could not be taken at all.

at this time.

Senyu Shinji came over with a slightly teasing laugh.

"Why? Can you not bear the momentum facing me?"

Milne Claire Latin suddenly looked up at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side. .

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