Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 584 Dream power

Following Senyu Shinji's words just after falling.

Suddenly an incomparably powerful aura rose directly.

A heavy wave of air spread to the surrounding like a ripple.

Face this moment.

Opposite Milne. Claire Latin even unfolded the Asura Shinto idol.

Still sweating coldly in front of the momentum of this terrifying cloth.

The whole person's breathing became extremely rapid.


next moment.

The anger in his heart was straight ~ was detonated!

The spear rider behind him suddenly shook the spear in his hand.

Immediately resisted the momentum of this horror cloth.

Milne Claire Latin also gradually recovered.

One after another, he was overwhelmed by Senyu Shinji's momentum.

And the other party's words kept despising him.

This made him directly forget what fear was in his heart.

He is a world-class ordinary pinnacle player!

Even a powerful professional player galloping in the tennis world!

But now he has been scorned by a junior high school student again and again.

The pride and self-esteem in his heart have been completely aroused.

Milne Claire Latin looked up sullen and looked at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

Said in a cold voice.

"ten minutes?"

"Then you show it to me! Little devil!"


It was as if there was endless anger in his eyes.

What is different from others is.

Milne, Claire Latin became more angry.

The calmer his heart becomes.

It can be said.

Such calmness has created him now.

Some people even call it a cold-blooded knight!

Senyu Shinji on the opposite side didn't want to hear any nonsense from Milne Claire Latin.

Point the racquet in your hand directly at the opponent.

Said with a gentle smile.

"Serve it!"

"Now you have nine minutes!"

After hearing this.

Milne Claire Latin didn't say much anymore.

Throw the tennis ball in your hand directly.

Racquet then smashed out hard.


And at the moment racquet hit the tennis ball.

A beam of light directly enveloped Milne Claire Latin.

That is Selfless State!

The limit of hard work! Open!

The limit of talent! Open!

The limit is seamless! Open!

The three doors suddenly opened.

Then the three huge beams of light directly merged into a beam of brilliance.

The vastness enveloped Milne Claire Latin.

Tennis seems to be endowed with immense power.

The above seems to flash with the brilliance of the Selfless State three-door power from time to time.

From time to time, there was a dark mist of Asura Shinto.

this moment.

It seems that tennis can no longer be called tennis!

It's more like a terrifying blow from another world!

A burst of terrifying roar suddenly appeared above the court.

Many players in the audience suddenly exclaimed.

"Selfless State! The limit of seamlessness has been opened?!"

"Asura Shinto and Selfless State's three goals open together. Who can fight back with such a tennis ball?"

"Senyu is dangerous!"

Shouts of exclamation kept appearing in the audience.

Even the people on the Japan national team couldn't help but worry about Senyu Shinji.

But then it was relieved again.

How could Senyu Shinji be defeated by such a tennis ball?

It's just kidding!

Above the court.

Milne Claire Latin roared.

"Take it! Senyu Shinji!"

After his roar sounded.

The tennis ball suddenly shot out.

A burst of light kept flashing here.

A phantom of tennis balls appeared directly above the court.

It can be said.

Tennis is now under the blessing of two extreme strengths.

Its speed is beyond everyone's imagination!

Almost instantly, he appeared directly in front of Senyu Shinji.

If you change to someone else.

Faced with tennis like this.

Will definitely be taken aback.

They couldn't even react and let the opponent's points directly.

But now we are not facing ordinary people.

Now we are facing Senyu Shinji, who is known as the Senyu of Senyu!

"I said, don't play such tricks!"

Senyu Shinji saw this after hitting the tennis ball.

The look is based on that calmness.

At this moment, he was shaking his head.

While waving the racquet in his hand casually.

next moment.

The extremely fast tennis was directly picked up by the racquet in his hands.


His arms slammed hard.

Suddenly, an extremely dazzling bright light burst directly from the racquet.

………For flowers 0

Illuminate the entire court directly.

Even the beam of Selfless State on the opposite side of Milne Claire's body dimmed.


The tennis ball was shot directly with a deafening roar.

Of its|

As if to completely penetrate the entire court.

The air wave seemed like a rough sea.

It's almost like blowing everything away.

Five changes in light hitting and sweet spot increase!

After seeing this scene, Milne and Claire Latin on the opposite side.

His eyes shrank suddenly involuntarily.

But the next moment.

He has no reaction time at all.

The tennis ball crashed directly onto the ground.

Suddenly sand and gravel splashed and dust rose.

Milne Claire Latin wants to fight back.

But the next moment.

As he rushed to the point where the tennis ball fell.

A touch of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face.

Because the tennis ball didn't eject at all.

And a deep pit appeared directly here.

At this time, the tennis ball is already incomparably scorched and embedded in the center of the pit.


Senyu Shinji scored again!

The entire stadium fell directly into silence.

There was no sound.

Everyone watched this scene dumbfounded.

Even the audience in the front row moved backwards involuntarily.

The whole person's body trembled involuntarily.

Then he swallowed hard because of saliva.

just now.

They clearly saw a blazing sun directly above the court.

The hot feeling seemed to be that they were facing the real sun.

Wait until they come back to their senses.

The scorching sun has disappeared.

And the tennis ball fell directly on the ground.

After a while.

After the dust dissipated.

A huge pit appeared directly in their sight.

Then he couldn't help but sucked in a cold air.

Just whispered blankly.

"Is this really tennis?!!"


No one will answer him for this question!

at this time.

The court audience is still extremely silent!


Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation.


Everyone seemed to be relieved.

As if just breaking free from a nightmare. one.

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