Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 586 Extreme speed, airtight

"what? What?"

"Why is this?

Milne Claire's eyes widened.

With a dull face, he looked at the tennis ball that had stopped rolling.

Frozen, there was no reaction.

Why not powerball?

Why not the kind of tennis that can blast people out?

Why not the kind of tennis that can smash the ground into a deep pit?

Why is it an ordinary falling short ball that can no longer be ordinary?

Senyu Shinji looked at Milne Claire's lazy expression.

He grinned suddenly.

"Your preconceived habit is not good!"

After Milne Claire Latin heard Senyu Shinji's words.

Suddenly raised his head and looked at the opposite side.

Senyu Shinji's smile made him crazy.

this moment.

His face turned directly into pig liver color.

"You bastard!

Obviously just now he could feel the breath of Senyu Shinji on the opposite side becoming extra strong.

Obviously, the racquet in his hand had already swung so vigorously on the tennis ball.

But no one thought of it.

The opponent turned the offensive directly in an instant.

It has directly become the falling short ball in front of me.

26 Milne Claire Latin is no longer what it used to be.

According to him as usual.

It's almost the kind of the more fierce the Vietnam War.

Even in the face of tough opponents.

Even at a disadvantage.

His heart became more and more angry.

How calm is inside.

But now his heart can't calm down at all!

"calm down!"

"You must calm down!"

Milne Claire Latin kept breathing deeply.

After the anger in my heart was gradually suppressed.

His eyes also slowly returned to a clear and calm color.

He is quite clear on a match between the strong.

Anger will only give the opponent a chance!

Then the referee directly blew the whistle.

So the first game ended in this way.

Then the two began to exchange venues.

This time it's the turn of Senyu Shinji serve!

With the two men in their respective positions.

Senyu Shinji did not speak either.

Throw the tennis ball in your hand directly.

The next moment racquet hit the tennis ball hard.

This set of actions is still so smooth.

Give people a very standard textbook serve.


The tennis shot flew out suddenly.

Go directly over the net and hit the ground.

But the reaction speed of Milne Claire Latin on the opposite side and his own movement speed are quite good.

In an instant, I came to the position of the tennis ball.

The racquet in the hand is cut directly.

It's exactly the kind of power that cares whether you have vast power on the tennis ball.

It can be seen how vigilant he is now.

next moment.

The tennis ball was hit directly by him.

Three kinds of streamers flashed on it.

The power above seems to have become immensely vast.

The roar continuously appeared above the court.

The air wave suddenly surged with the appearance of the tennis ball.

Then spread out like ripples around.

Knight sprint!

This is another of his skills.

Although it is not a world-class game.

But under the blessing of the Three Doors of Selfless State.

Its power is no less than world-class skills.

As the tennis ball quickly crossed the net.

It fell on the ground fiercely.

Suddenly the dust rose.

Then the topspin kept spinning on the ground.

But the tennis ball did not catch up in the first time.

Instead, it ejected after spinning for a while.

People can't tell where the ultimate goal of tennis is.


Senyu Shinji didn't look at the tennis ball at all.

Take the shot directly.

Racquet reached above the ground.

Sparks suddenly splashed.


Accompanied by a burst of unusually graceful arcs of sparks appeared behind everyone's eyes.

The tennis ball was immediately picked up by racquet.

It's just amazing.

The tennis ball seems to be stuck to the racquet.

It did not fly directly to high altitude.

next moment.

Senyu Shinji cuts directly with his backhand.

The vast power on the tennis ball suddenly disappeared.

Then it turned into a beautiful arc and quickly crossed the net.

Charged directly in front of Milne Claire Latin who was on the opposite side.

After seeing this scene.

Milne Claire Latin suddenly became more solemn.

"The opponent's cutting ability is so strong!"

Although the tennis shot just now was not a world-class skill.

Put aside the power of Selfless State.

There is still an unimaginable horrible spin on the tennis ball!

But when this spinning force faced Senyu Shinji.

Suddenly disappeared directly above the opponent's racquet.

As if it had never appeared before.

But there are lessons from before.

Milne Claire Latin didn't dare to be distracted at all.

When even reacted.

Then he took a step back directly.

Appeared in front of tennis.

A burst of bright light suddenly appeared on his arm.

The power of Selfless State is fully displayed.

Then the racquet in his hand slammed out.


The tennis ball is like being hit by a giant truck.

Suddenly deformed.

An unusually fast shot followed.

It flew to the court on Senyu Shinji's side.


Suddenly it flashed non-stop.

One after another spear phantom appeared directly on the court.

It seems that every blow is so real.

The sound of 647 Jin Ge and Iron Horse appeared with the appearance of these spears.

And after this spear.

A heavy wave of air came violently.

In the eyes of everyone, this scene is impossible to be hit back!

I don't know which one is the real tennis ball!

Even Milne. Claire Latin is also quite sure that Senyu Shinji on the opposite side can't crack it this time.

After all, this is his famous skill!

But just after a confident smile appeared on his face.

A crisp impact sound appeared directly in his ears.

Milne Claire Latin hurriedly looked at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

Suddenly his eyes opened wide.

Because Senyu Shinji actually appeared countless of his figures directly on the court.

What does this mean?

This means that Senyu Shinji's speed has reached the extreme just now.

These figures were left directly on the court!



After a horrible roar sounded.

He appeared in the center of the court again.

It is still so light and breezy.

It seemed that it was just a casual activity just now.

But Milne Claire's Latin side has already appeared with an extremely fast tennis ball.

Then crashed and fell behind him.

It ejected directly out.


Senyu Shinji scored again!.

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