Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 596 Truth that never manifested

this moment.

Senyu Shinji understands that the strength of the former high school student in Asia is stronger than he thought.

In other words.

The strength of Lin Liyan on the opposite side is almost reaching the level of a world-class elite!

Facing such a strong man.

Senyu Shinji is not prepared to have any reservations.

It directly shows the nine-fold change in the sweet spot increase.

With the constant bombardment of both sides' tennis.

The power on tennis became more and more terrifying.

at this time.

Lin Liyan's face also changed color.

"Is it possible to show such an infinitely increased power tennis ball?,

Lin Liyan did not expect that Senyu Shinji he was facing could show such a skill.

The key is.

The opponent even borrowed the power of Xuanwu!

This is true!

If this continues.

The power on tennis is definitely not so strong.

Just hit the ground.

It will definitely show a very scary side.

at this time.

Lin Liyan shook his head helplessly.

"I lost this round!"

He is quite aware of his power now.

There is no way to fight such a tennis ball.

As he said.

next moment.

The racquet26 in his hand hits the tennis ball directly.

Suddenly tightly for an instant.

The racquet broke directly.

Then flew out with the tennis ball.

That's it.

The first confrontation between the two.

Senyu Shinji wins!

Lin Liyan looked at the racquet falling on the ground.

I couldn't help but sighed long.

Then the two murmured a few words.

Lin Liyan turned around and left the Sydney Stadium.

Senyu Shinji looked at the other person's figure.

An interested smile appeared on his face.

After that, they also took the Japanese national team and left here.

The time without a game flies quite quickly.

that's all.

The next day.

Inside the Sydney Stadium.

It was already overcrowded at this time.

After all, the two key games of the semi-finals and finals will be launched today.

Everyone is looking forward to it!

at this time.

Above the court.

The last four players of the Sydney Cup Professional Challenge are waiting on the court.

Both sides watched.

Just at this time.

There was a direct sound from the stadium broadcast.

"Sydney Cup Professional Challenge Semifinals!"

"Senyu Shinji vs. Lin Liyan!"

"Please play both players!"

After the sound of the broadcast fell.

The two also walked straight towards the court.

at this time.

On the side of the auditorium.

Everyone on the Longguo U-17 team is also paying attention to the situation on the court.

A man with an extremely calm expression asked curiously.

"Is he the first supernova of the century that is called Senyu of the fairy?"


A player beside him also answered with a serious face.


"His strength is not below the captain at all!"

Both of them are players of the Dragon Kingdom team.

The former is named Ji Junxi.

It is No. 4 in the Longguo U-17 team.

It is also a military division in the team!

The latter is named Su Zhiyuan.

The No.3 of the Long Guo team!

This time.

They also joined Lin Liyan to participate in the Sigoni Cup Professional Challenge.

But the luck of these two people belonged to that kind of rather bad existence.

I met the real strong directly in the qualifiers.

Was directly eliminated.

The two looked at Senyu Shinji for a moment.

Su Zhiyuan asked in a deep voice.

"Who do you think will win this game?"

Then he set his sight on Ji Junxi.

For Ji Junxi.

He is the strongest military division in the entire Dragon Kingdom U-17 team!


His strongest is not in tennis power and speed.

It's intelligence!

Almost the various strategies of the Dragon Kingdom team are customized by him!

The key is.

He has an extremely heaven-defying talent!

That is to be able to explore some of the other party's data in an instant!

But even this is him.

After facing this problem.

It just answered with a helpless expression.

"totally no idea!"

"The Captain's Four Elephant Mythical Beasts can now all be transformed!"

"There is even a tendency to move in a substantial direction!"

"But this is Senyu Shinji, I haven't seen it at all!"

"His strength seems to have no lower limit at all!"


Ji Junxi did not lie!

No exaggeration!

He tried to analyze Senyu Shinji's strength time and time again.

But when he analyzed his strength this time.

When looking at Senyu Shinji again.

The opponent's strength does not seem to be his strongest state.

This situation appears again and again. ,

This made Ji Junxi, who claimed to be mainly intellect, also directly helpless.


He also watched various battle videos about Senyu Shinji carefully before.

As he finished watching.

Finally came to a scary conclusion.

That is that Senyu Shinji has never used his full strength!

Almost every game is hiding his true strength!

Even when he was playing against Ralf in the bear country before!

After hearing Ji Junxi's words.

Su Zhiyuan on the side asked immediately.

"So you are more optimistic about Senyu Shinji?"

After all, his own military division admired his opponent so much.

Some facts made him unable to imagine what the opponent's strength had reached.

"I do not know either!"

"Only hand over to the game result 653!"

Ji Junxi continued to spread his hands and shook his head.

Then he looked at the court.

Although Senyu Shinji's strength is not bottomed out.

But Lin Liyan's strength is not weak!

Now Lin Liyan was able to master all the four elephants.

Look inside the entire Dragon Kingdom U-17.

No one is his opponent at all!

Even many people think that Lin Liyan's strength is strong enough to challenge those world-class professional players in European and American countries!


It's really hard to tell which of these two is stronger!

He didn't dare to make a conclusion in private.

Just at this time.

The referee on the court directly blew the whistle of the game.

"Sydney Cup Professional Challenge Semifinals!"

"Senyu Shinji vs. Lin Liyan!"

"First round, Senyu Shinji serve round!"

"Game start!"


The semi-finals of the Sydney Cup Pro Challenge kicked off!

Above the court.

Senyu Shinji kept patting the tennis ball.




A rhythmic impact sounded on the court.

Then he directly looked up at Lin Liyan who was opposite.

Lin Liyan's expression was quite serious at this time.

The whole person squatted.

Shoot with both hands.

Staring at Senyu Shinji with heavy eyes.

Gives a very calm feeling. .

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