Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 85 I want to destroy your rubbish!!!

"Wow, I almost got it.

"what a shame.

"But, you played that ball really well!"

Akutakawa Jirou didn't seem to realize that another goal was conceded and the game was over.

On the contrary, the excitement on his face was unabated, and he looked at Ajutsu directly.

"Shut up, you rubbish!"

Ajutsu hates that others keep chattering in his ears, talking endlessly.

It just so happens that Akutakawa Jirou is just a talking tuberculosis.

"Ah, don't you like it, but I like talking very much, what should I do?"

Akutakawa Jirou looked at Akutsu dumbly, without realizing that the person in front of him was about to explode.



The Yuzao who was watching the battle from below saw this scene and couldn't help laughing.

Ajiuzin has always been shown to others with that vicious face, and most people have long been intimidated.

However, the player Hyotei didn't take this kind of thing to heart at all.

Even Senyu Shinji showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.


Akutsu who seemed to be aware of this, his face grew colder.

The fierce light was revealed in his eyes.

The body jumped up.

Hit a ball again.


The tennis ball burst out like the anger in his heart.

Instantly fell to the ground.

Large patches of dust rose.

Everyone felt the terrifying power on that ball.

When I look at Akutsu again, his whole body is muscular and contains unparalleled explosive power.

It's not like a junior high school student, let alone a national one.

"GEMEOVER, Yuzao's serve is over, and the two sides exchange venues."

The referee on the high platform blew the whistle directly.

The two sides directly exchanged venues.

"Ehuo, it's me, you have to be careful."

"I'm very good.

Akutakawa Jirou had a high morale and kept slapping the tennis ball. The excited eyes also revealed the fighting spirit.


The tennis ball went straight up from the fingers, and Akutakawa Jirou jumped up and waved the racquet violently.

"call out!"

The tennis ball slammed to the opponent's baseline like a streamer, very fast.

At this moment.

Akutsu's endurance to Akutakawa Jirou has reached its limit.

"I want to completely destroy your rubbish!"

Looking at the tennis ball flying in front of him, Ajujin's face was full of tyrannical and fierce celebration.

I saw him slowly bending down, and racquet hit the ground.


There was a violent friction sound, and a large number of sparks came in from the contact point between the racquet and the ground.

"This is "

On the sidelines, the faces of the players in front of Yuzao suddenly changed.

They recognized Ajutsu's posture as a sprinting ball.

It was a horror shot that gave strong kinetic energy by running.


At the moment the tennis ball fell.

Ajujin's figure jumped up.

The racquet in his hand swung out with unprecedented force of terror.

The tennis ball that is still spinning directly enters into a terrifying wave, shatters the space, and shoots out.


Akutakawa Jirou went online long before serving.

He wanted to win with volley in front of the net.

Who would have thought that Ajutsu could use such terrible skills?

Before he could react, the ball hit Akutakawa Jirou directly.


An unprecedented force of terror burst out of tennis.

Invisible fluctuations shocked the audience.

A terrifying destructive force instantly knocked Akutakawa Jirou away.

Everyone only heard a scream, and a figure had already hit the ground, unconscious.

"Ci Lang!"

A group of Hyotei players immediately ran to the stage anxiously.

Everyone did not expect that it would be such a coincidence that Akutakawa Jirou appeared directly on the path for Volley's opponent's tennis.

The ball hit his stomach straight.

As the softest place of the human body, the stomach is attacked, and it is not possible to turn the river over!

The severe pain suddenly made Akutakawa Jirou faint, and his face was so pale.

"No, Cilang must be sent to the hospital immediately.

Oshitari Yuushi, who came from a medical family, could tell at a glance that Akutakawa Jirou's body was severely injured.


Hyotei's electors glared at Akutsu.

"Okay, take it to the hospital quickly.

Atobe ordered directly.

Immediately afterwards, all Hyotei team members accompanied the medical team to take Akutakawa Jirou to the hospital.

"As Hyotei player abstained, the game was won by Tamamo-mae Gakuen.

The referee announced the result directly.

The audience was silent at first, and then burst into cheers like a torrent of joy.

"Before Yuzao!"

"Before Yuzao!"

"Before Yuzao!"

Everyone is shouting that the dark horse in this Tokyo Metropolitan Contest-Tamamo Mae Gakuen, everyone is conquered by the powerful strength of Senyu Shinji and others.

U17 training camp far in the mountains.

In court No. 1, the two figures are in a fierce confrontation

Smoke and dust enveloped the entire court, and there were splashing stones everywhere.

"That red-haired guy is amazing! He can beat the boss of Byodoin Temple to this point."

"By the way, do you know which school he came from?"

"I heard that it was an unknown school, and was later invited back by Coach Saito himself."

"What's his name? By the way, Oni Jujiro."

Around the entire No. 1 court, there are densely packed U17 players.

Since the last time Byōdōin Hōō strongly conquered an army, the entire training camp has respected him.

Almost every time a new player arrives, he will compete with Byodoin and establish a new order that belongs to him.

But no one thought that such a strong player would come this time.

Good guys!

The two sides can actually tie without any ball skills.

The name of Oni Jujiro completely shocked the entire U17 training camp.

Monitoring room.

The three head coaches of Kurobe Yukio, Saitō Itaru, and Tsuge Ryūji are watching the game in front of the screen.

Although they were not as shocked as ordinary players, the excitement in their eyes could not be concealed.

I have to say that this player who was dug from a remote place, Oni Jujirou, is indeed a bit scary!

Until now, Byōdōin Hōō is sweating, but he still has a plain face.

"Head coach, come and see.

at this time.

A U17 training camp consultant hurried in and interrupted the behavior of the three Kurobe trio.

"What happened?"

Saitō Itaru looked at the consultant in front of him with a puzzled face.

"Computer calculation data"

The consultant replied breathlessly.

Before he could finish, Saito and the three walked directly to the CNC room on the other side.

As the highest tennis training base in the country, the U17 training camp is the most special method of calculating the player’s five unique data.

Generally speaking, through speed, strength, spirit, physical strength, and skill, one can see how strong a person is.

Byōdōin Hōō's data has been calculated earlier, half a professional level, close to the ordinary level of professional level.

However, Oni Jujiro's strength cannot be estimated for the time being.

Therefore, when Onijujiro just started the battle, they started the computer for analysis.

Now the training camp consultant suddenly broke in and was so anxious that the three people of Saito couldn't help but feel a trace of worry in their hearts.

What unpredictable factors exist in Onijujiro's strength?.

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