Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 87 The loser is only worthy of the dingy fuck


In the U17 training camp monitoring room, Kurobe, Saito, and Takuchi all breathed a sigh of relief.

This thrilling game is finally over.

If it doesn't end, they will all be scared to death.

Whether Oni Jujiro wins or Byōdōin Hōō wins, that's all within the training camp.

But if two were injured because of this incident, it would be more than worthwhile.

"Saito, you are finally reliable."

Kurobe looked at Saito and sighed.

With Oni Jujiro in town, plus Byōdōin Hōō, Tohno Atsukyo, Kaji Kazena, Tanegashima Shuji, Tsukimitsu Ochi and others.

This year's U17 World Cup, Japan can finally qualify.

"Jingle Bell!"

at this time.

The phone in the monitoring room rang suddenly.


Tuo Zhi answered the phone, his expression became extremely serious: "Well, yes."

"What's wrong?"

Kurobe and Saito looked at Takuchi with doubts.

Facing the eyes of the two, Takuchi said directly: "The head coach's call, let us drive Byōdōin Hōō out of the training camp and head to the back mountain.

Hearing this, the entire monitoring room fell into silence.

Not for a while.

Saito spoke meaningfully: "Although the training at Houshan is cruel, it is necessary to improve the players' strength."

"If Byōdōin Hōō continues to stay in the training camp, it is not very suitable after all.

It is impossible for a domineering person to allow his own failure.

The strength of Chacha Ghost Jujiro is far better than that of Byōdōin Hōō.

If things go on like this, Byodo-in Temple will definitely be abolished.

As the spiritual coach of U17, Saito knows the significance of this battle for Byodoin.

The first failure in the history of life, or failure in the best field.

"Well, then send him over!"

Kurobe Yukio nodded and responded.

Immediately, Saito ordered people to inform Byōdōin Hōō.

After all, this guy was brought in by Kurobe, and if Kurobe was unwilling, no one would dare to send him away hastily.

You know, in the eyes of everyone, Byodoin’s anti-Phoenix is ​​not sent to other places for training, but directly sent away.



All U17 players who heard the news were stunned.

Especially for newcomers like Tsukimitsu Ochi and Omagari who joined the training camp at the same time, they knew for the first time that they would be sent away if they lost.

The rules of the highest-level tennis training camp in the country are so cruel.

For a while, everyone's heart was tense.

The weak eat the strong and the fittest survive. If you don't want to be eliminated, you can only constantly improve your own strength.

"The following is an announcement that the shuffle game will be held next week.

"Those who lose, leave here.

Immediately afterwards.

A blast of sound came from the radio.

The whole training camp is boiling.

I just saw Byōdōin Hōō leaving, is it finally my turn now?

Suddenly, Tsukimitsu Ochi, Omagari, Kimijima, Tanegashima Shuji, Tohno Atsukyo, Kaji Kazena, Date Man, Banriya, and Kasuda Izo erupted in the eyes of unprecedented fighting spirit.

There are ten courts in the entire U17 training camp, and each court can only accommodate 30 people. Players who cannot become court players will be eliminated.

There are thousands of people in the training camp, that is to say, the least two-thirds of the players were eliminated in this shuffle game.

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In order not to be eliminated, everyone can only fight desperately, sprinting to the front court as much as possible.

"Kurobe, Tuozhi."

Saito, who had just notified all the players, suddenly looked at Kurobe and asked a question: "Do you want to recruit a group of junior high school students for training."


Hearing this, Tsuge Ryūji stood up and was surprised: "Saito, why do you have this idea?"

Even the strongest middle school student is only 14 years old, and both physical and psychological qualities are far inferior to the high school students who are about to become adults. This is why the U17 training camp only enrolls high school students.

Ordinary professional players are the tickets to the U17 World Championship. In fact, even professional elite players are cannon fodder in real competitions.

So, what is the role of recruiting some middle school students who cannot survive the national level to enter the training camp?

Does it take years to train them to reach professional level?

What a joke!

How can Japan have so many resources wasted on middle school students?

"Saito, do you mean Senyu Shinji?"

Looking at Saito, Kurobe asked meaningfully.

Except in the last national youth tennis tournament, the junior high school student who continuously let Byōdōin Hōō and Tsukimitsu Ochi abstained, he really couldn't think of the reason why Saito wanted to recruit junior high school students.


Saito nodded and continued: "Senyu Shinji indeed made me determined to say this idea.

"I have learned that many countries in the world have recruited middle school students into training camps."

"Especially Switzerland, Germany, France."

"These three top-ranked world tennis powers have been doing this ten years ago."

"It is precisely because the selection threshold is placed in the middle of the country, so they will have an endless stream of talented players born.

"Indeed, our country's resources are not as good as many countries."

"Because of this, I think I should focus more on those seed players."

"Perhaps those junior high school students have much more potential than high school students?'

to some extent.

The Japanese high school tennis player has disappointed Saito and even the entire U17 training camp.

For decades, including the time of Samurai Nanjiro, Ni has never won a better place in the U17 World Cup. Sadly, he has not even entered the top ten in the world.

In recent years, he has lost his qualifications to qualify.

In the final analysis, the quality of tennis players is poor.

Also, this session of Byodoin and Oni Jujiro gave them hope.

Since there are so many outstanding players in this year, there is no reason why they won't be in the next year!

If those excellent seeds can be discovered in advance, the rise of the U17 national team will become more and more rapid.

(Good good) "Kurobe, Saito, who are you talking about Senyu Shinji?"

Tsuge Ryūji on the side was confused.

"The last time we went to the National Youth Tennis Competition to look for Byodoin and others, we found a National One student.

"The National No. 1 student possessed half-step professional-level strength and was tied to the Byodoin Temple and Tsukimitsu Ochi.

"His name is Senyu Shinji."

"Currently, he is the most watched candidate in the Japanese tennis industry."

"Furthermore, we have also found many outstanding middle school students in the competition, many of whom are national-level players.

Saito explained carefully.

A head coach may not be enough for the selection of middle school students to enter the field.

But there are three head coaches suggesting that at least the head coach will not refuse so quickly, and it is very likely to agree.

Because the recruitment of students is basically managed by the head coach.

Head coach III Mifūne Nyudō III's energy is still more focused on training the losers.

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