Make France Great Again

Chapter 205 War and Peace

The polite refusal of the Austrian Minister Baron Huboy did not satisfy the Russian Minister. Instead, the Russian Minister relentlessly encouraged Baron Huboy to express his opinion.

"Mr. Baron, as far as you are concerned! You will support the Russian Empire, right?" The Minister of the Russian Empire glanced at Jerome Bonaparte at the front of the auditorium and said in a disdainful tone: "A clown like this, even if Even though he is wearing noble clothes, he is destined to be unable to rank with us! Just watch! He will mess up the whole of Europe just like his uncle!"

Although the Minister of the Russian Empire spoke in a low voice, his rough voice and broken French from the winter region still reached the ears of the French Foreign Minister De Ruys, who was not far away.

De Luys frowned and stared at the Minister of the Russian Empire and the Minister of the Austrian Empire beside him. He slowly pushed aside the crowd, trying to move to the side of the Russian Minister with the speed of an ant.

De Ruys's actions were seen by Baron Huboy. In order to prevent De Ruys from misunderstanding and causing an unnecessary diplomatic dispute, Baron Huboy said in a standard diplomatic tone: "The Austrian Empire Love peace! We also believe that President Jerome Bonaparte and the French Republic also love peace! Peace is the main theme of development. We cannot deny that President Jerome Bonaparte loves peace because of the original emperor. heart of."

"Come on!" the Russian minister responded in a frivolous tone. He obviously did not believe that Jerome Bonaparte was a peace-loving man.

Just when the Minister of the Russian Empire wanted to continue to induce the Minister of the Austrian Empire, Baron Huboy, to say something beyond the scope of the diplomatic ambassador, De Ruys's voice came from behind the Minister of the Russian Empire: "Mr. Minister, the teachers in your country have no I’ve taught you that talking about others behind their backs is rude!”

"Well..." The Russian Imperial Minister showed an embarrassed expression.

The most embarrassing thing in the world is when you are complaining about someone else, and the person you are complaining about hears you and catches you.

The surrounding ministers also looked like they were watching a good show and remained silent.

Seeing that the Minister of the Russian Empire did not respond, De Luys continued on his own: "Does it mean that Mr. Minister did not receive a strict tutor when he was young? Or maybe your father did not have the funds to hire a child for you? Excellent teacher, tell you about etiquette... Oh! That's too bad..."

Then, De Luys turned to look at the British envoy with a smile: "I really can't imagine why Tsar Nicholas would appoint a person who does not understand etiquette as the minister of a country. Doesn't he know that a rude minister May damage a country's diplomatic relations.

Or is it that in an authoritarian empire, just learning to flatter others is enough to hold the position of minister? "

Due to the "quasi-free alliance" agreement negotiated between Britain and France some time ago, the British minister, whose diplomacy favored the French Republic, smiled and nodded in support.

The ambassador of the Russian Empire, who was bombarded by De Ruys like a barrage of bullets, showed anger on his face. He glanced at the surrounding ambassadors who were watching the show, and responded in a low voice: "Mr. De Ruys, as a nobleman Isn't it rude for you to treat a nobleman with such an attitude?"

De Ruys responded unhurriedly: "If it was just a personal matter, I could apologize to you for my rude behavior, but just now you insulted my motherland. My father once You told me that an excellent noble should first be an excellent patriot. Your words hurt my country and our feelings!"

"Sir, I just said a witty remark. Does this count as harm? If this is harm, then the original Napoleon Bonaparte..." The Russian Imperial Minister tried to confuse the audience and hoped that the German region would be harmed. The envoys were all dragged down.

Because Emperor Napoleon's original wisecrack "You should all marry a German woman" also caused great humiliation to the German people.

Especially the Kingdom of Prussia.

The Prussian Minister, who was behind the Russian Minister, showed the same embarrassed expression after hearing the Russian Minister's large-scale AOE damage.

For the Kingdom of Prussia, that period of history was really a very humiliating thing.

If the Kingdom of Prussia wants to completely wash away its humiliation, it must enter Paris in a dignified manner like the Russian Empire. It is best to have a coronation at the Palace of Versailles on the outskirts of Paris.

The historical Kingdom of Prussia did indeed wash away its shame and turned France into a complete joke.

A hundred years later, people will humiliate France just like the European people did to Prussia.

It is a pity that the world will not give them a chance to wash away their shame. The shame will always accompany the Kingdom of Prussia.

"Mr. Minister, His Majesty the Emperor has already paid the price for his actions. Is the Russian Empire also able to bear the price of angering the whole of France! The French Republic's eagerness to communicate with European countries to jointly maintain peace may be affected by Mr. Ambassador's unintentional mistake. And cool down." De Luys still maintained an aggressive posture.

Since entering Jerome Bonaparte's core strategic circle, De Ruys has understood that there will inevitably be a war between the French Republic (or the French Empire) and the Russian Empire. He is not afraid that provoking the Russian Empire will lead to the Russian Empire. Diplomatic risks of severing diplomatic relations.

Diplomacy is an activity that combines strength and softness. Appropriate toughness can earn the respect of other countries.

The Russian Imperial Minister was obviously frightened by De Luys's aggressive attitude.

Although he had been encouraging the Austrian Empire to express its stance just now, when it was the Russian Empire's turn to express its stance, he did not have the right to completely replace Tsar Nicholas I and declare war on the French Republic.

Not to mention him, even the Foreign Minister of the Russian Empire, Neserodie, cannot represent the Russian Empire.

The only person who could declare war on behalf of the Russian Empire was Tsar Nicholas I, the "little father" of the entire Russian nation, who lived in Tsarskoye Selo, a suburb of St. Petersburg.

The Minister of the Russian Empire forced a smile and said: "The heart of eager communication will not be cooled by a few gossips! The Russian Empire welcomes every friend who treats them sincerely!"

"Friends?" De Luys continued to sneer: "If being a friend of the Russian Empire means suffering unwarranted ridicule and abuse, then we would rather refuse!"

Afterwards, De Ruys glanced at the surrounding diplomats and said with affectionate words: "Every friend who sincerely treats France will be treated with sincerity by France! We welcome the king and queen of your country to France, Witness with your own eyes France under the governance of His Excellency the President. I believe they will eliminate their prejudices against France and fall in love with it!"

"I also believe that the French Republic will become a peace-loving country!" The British minister, who had been silent for a long time, appeared at De Luys' side and "broke" the news: "Queen Victoria and Prince Albert are considering Will visit the French Republic soon!”

The ministers from various countries present were all shocked by the news revealed by the British Minister. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert represent the face of Britain. If they visit the French Republic, does it mean that the United Kingdom will completely form an alliance with the French Republic? .

The ministers of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia showed solemn expressions.

Once the Kingdom of Britain and the French Republic form an alliance, what will happen to the German region?

The cooperation between the Kingdom of Britain and the French Republic is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

"Anyway? The Russian Empire welcomes the French Republic to integrate into the European family and contribute to European peace!"

The Russian minister had no choice but to change the topic and pondered whether to tell St. Petersburg the news.

"The French Republic will welcome the Queen and her husband with great enthusiasm!" De Luys knew that the so-called visit of the British Minister was just to boost France's momentum.

In the absence of definite information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, all so-called "near-term" "considerations" can be regarded as distant matters.

"Gentlemen, President Jérôme is about to speak!" De Ruys decided to end the unpleasant moment and pointed at Jérôme Bonaparte in front of the auditorium.

At this time, Jerome Bonaparte waved his hand, and fanatical cheers erupted on the parade ground. Every soldier, led by the commander, cheered like a fanatic.

"Long live Bonaparte, long live the Republic!"

The sound was like thunder, making the earth tremble.

The sound lasted for a few seconds and then stopped when Jérôme Bonaparte waved his hand again.

It was now time for Jérôme Bonaparte to deliver his speech.

Under the military parade and on the viewing platform, tens of thousands of pairs of eyes were staring at Jerome Bonaparte. Jerome Bonaparte was not nervous at all. The scene at the moment seemed to him like eating and drinking. generally.

"The most loyal and elite soldiers of France, I am very happy to meet you in the Sartory area on this sunny morning. I, Jérôme Bonaparte, the emperor's nephew, am honored to review your excellent army. Army, you are the defenders of the nation and the nemesis of the invaders, and I am just an ordinary French citizen.

Because the French people trust me, they entrusted their country to me and made me the head of state. I will live up to their expectations and work hard to fight to protect the country... You will be the ones I rely on to defend the country...

There is an old saying in the far East, find it at Shuyuan It is said that although a country is strong, loving war will inevitably lead to a kingdom, and being unprepared for war will inevitably lead to sorrow! I hope you never forget that you are the hope of protecting this country.

France does not love war, but it is also not afraid of war. We respect the territorial and sovereignty issues of other countries, and I do not advocate waging war. If another country attempts to invade us, every French soldier must take up arms to defend the country!

We must always hone our consciousness and polish our rifles. A peace-loving country should first maintain a deterrent to its enemies. France started with a glorious military, and we will definitely continue this tradition.

At the end of this, I just want to say to you, I entrust the safety of France to you! "

After speaking, Jerome Bonaparte bowed to the soldiers present.

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