Make France Great Again

Chapter 896 Special Envoy of the Kingdom of Kaijia

Faced with the explanation given by Chief of General Staff Niel, Minister Wayan, who held a conservative military style, was unwilling to believe anything he said.

"Chief of General Staff Niel, can you guarantee that your tactics are more suitable for the army than our current tactical system?" Minister Vayan asked Chief of General Staff Niel unceremoniously.

After Niel was silent for a moment, he shook his head and responded to Minister Wayang: "Every change in the military system will be accompanied by certain risks!

Therefore, I cannot guarantee that the tactics system will be better than the tactics we are implementing! "

"Since you can't guarantee this, why should we take risks to carry out reforms!" Minister Wayan then asked Chief of General Staff Niel: "The tactical system we are currently implementing is based on Algeria and Crimea. After a war, the tactical system was drawn!

I believe that even if all our armies use "enema guns" (Minister Wayan's rhetoric mocking breech-loading guns), this system can still be used!

The so-called tactical system of muzzle-loading guns is different from the tactical system of breech-loading guns. It’s just your rhetoric! "

Minister Wayan's sharp retort made Niai silent for a long time.

Minister Wayan is right. It is indeed difficult for people to accept a new tactical system to replace a tactical system that has been tested in two large-scale wars.

In particular, this tactical system is still a system that has not been through actual combat at all.

Seeing that Chief of General Staff Niel did not speak, Minister Wayang took advantage of the victory and said: "And, Chief of General Staff Niel! If my guess is correct, the inspiration for your new tactical system should come from the period of the First Republic!


"There is indeed something to learn from!" Niel turned around and admitted, and then explained: "However, there are big differences between the First Republic period and now!

The Mauser rifle is not comparable to the Charleville 1776 or even the Migne rifle in terms of shooting speed, shooting accuracy and distance.

Therefore, the Mauser rifle can eliminate some shortcomings of the skirmisher line, and the separation distance between each soldier can effectively reduce the casualties of our frontal attack! "

As soon as Niel's Chief of General Staff finished speaking, Minister Vaillant repeated the question Niel had asked Jérôme Bonaparte before.

Chief of General Staff Niel also told Minister Wayan the answer that Jérôme Bonaparte had given to General Wayan.

"So that's it!" Minister Vayan realized something instantly, "No wonder, in the military reform report you submitted, artillery is required to train the ability to move quickly and fire at any time!"

“During the First Empire, our artillery units were able to do this!

I firmly believe that in the Second Reich our artillery was also capable of doing the same.

When I took people to visit the artillery drill in the Paris Military District today, I found that our artillery was like a living target fixed in place, with no mobility at all!

This situation must be improved! "Chief of General Staff Niel said in a stern tone.

Minister Wayan did not refute Chief of General Staff Niel's words, because in his heart, the empire's artillery was indeed in some shape.

When he joined the army, the mobility and accuracy of the artillery of the First Empire could be said to be the best in Europe.

However, after the restoration of Bourbon and Orleans, the mobility of artillery dropped significantly, and its accuracy was much worse than during the First Empire.

The French Empire should indeed reorganize its artillery force a little. Otherwise, the Napoleonic Empire, which was founded on artillery, may face the risk of falling behind in artillery.

"Rectifying the artillery force is indeed an urgent matter!" Minister Vayan first affirmed Chief Niel's actions in the artillery year, and then said to Niel: "But I agree with you to rectify the artillery force, and it is not necessary to rectify the artillery force." It means that I agree with you to change our existing tactical system!"

"If I say, this tactical system is the conclusion reached by His Majesty the Emperor and me after joint discussions!

Do you still want to veto it? Minister Wayan! "Chief of General Staff Niel had no choice but to use his trump card."

Minister Vaillant's expression changed when he heard that Jérôme Bonaparte was involved, and he immediately realized the difficulty of the problem.

If His Majesty the Emperor is really involved, then this tactical system may really be implemented.

"Even if you have obtained His Majesty the Emperor's consent, I will still object!" Minister Wayang insisted through gritted teeth.

"In this case, we can only punish His Majesty the Emperor!" Chief of General Staff Niel couldn't help but have a hint of admiration for Minister Wayang.

Even if General Wayan denies part of his military reforms, just because he can say what he just said, General Wayan is also a general worthy of admiration.

After all, not everyone can withstand the pressure of the emperor.

"Okay! Just do it!" Minister Wayan replied to Chief of General Staff Niel.

Then, Niel's Chief of General Staff and Minister Vaillant agreed to go to the Tuileries Palace together the next morning to seek a verdict from Emperor Jérôme Bonaparte.

Immediately, Chief of the General Staff Niel returned to the General Staff, and Minister Wayan also left the Ministry of War in a carriage.

The next morning, Chief of General Staff Niel and Minister Wayan arrived at Tuyinleli Palace at the agreed time.

Upon seeing this, Basilio hurriedly ran to Niel and Wayan, and asked enthusiastically why Niel and Wayan were here!

"Chief of General Staff Niel and I have something we want to talk to His Majesty the Emperor about. Please go and report it immediately!

"Minister Wayang said to Basilio with a hint of perfunctory.

After hearing this, Basilio immediately responded to Minister Wayang with a smile: "Your Excellency, what a coincidence! Your Majesty is still talking to the guests in the study.

If you and Chief of Staff Niel don't mind, could you wait a little longer? "

"I have no objection!" Niel immediately responded to Basilio.

"I can do that too!" Minister Wayang also spoke and replied to Basilio.

"Thank you for your understanding!" Basilio said politely, bowing to Minister Wayang and Chief of General Staff Niel.

Under the leadership of Basilio, Minister Vaillant and Chief of Staff Niel came to a guest room in the Palace of Duyinleli to wait.

Basilio closed the door for them thoughtfully, and then went straight to the drawing room where Jerome Bonaparte was.

At this time, Jérôme Bonaparte was also sitting on the sofa in a living room of the Tuileries Palace, crossing his legs and talking to the guests on the other side of the sofa.

And this guest is none other than the Persian envoy Faroh Han Amin Molk who came all the way from Constantinople on business.

After arriving in Paris from Constantinople, he only rested for one night before being summoned by Jerome Bonaparte.

The content of the discussion between Jérôme Bonaparte and the Persian envoy today was also very simple, that is, what price the Persian envoy was willing to pay to end the war.

The Persian envoy told Jerome Bonaparte that they were willing to give up the territorial sovereignty of the Principality of Herat and the Herat region in exchange for an armistice with the British Kingdom.

"Impossible!" Jérôme Bonaparte shook his head decisively and told the Post envoy: "It is impossible for Britain to agree to your armistice conditions. Your conditions are not a condition for them at all!

Whether you recognize the territorial sovereignty of the Principality of Herat and the City of Herat has little impact on them!

Are you really prepared to be locked in the port for the rest of your life? "

After listening to Jerome Bonaparte's words, the Post envoy's expression changed, and he quickly asked Jerome Bonaparte how Britain could agree to conclude peace with them!

Just as Jérôme Bonaparte was about to speak, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

"Please come in!" Jerome Bonaparte turned to the people outside the room and said.

"Your Majesty!" Basilio entered the room and responded to Jérôme Bonaparte.

"Tell me! What's the matter?" Jérôme Bonaparte patted the armrest with his hand and asked Basio.

Basilio came to Jérôme Bonaparte and whispered to Jérôme Bonaparte about the arrival of Minister Vaillant and Chief of General Staff Niel.

Hearing this news that was both unexpected and reasonable, Jérôme Bonaparte nodded and said to Basilio: "Let them wait for 15 minutes, I'm almost finished!"

How could the Persian envoy sitting next to Jerome Bonaparte not understand what Jerome Bonaparte meant? He hurriedly said to Jerome Bonaparte: "Your Majesty, I'm sorry that I disturbed you. Got it!"

"Nothing!" Jerome Bonaparte shook his head and responded to the Post envoy: "Shall we continue talking?"

Immediately afterwards, Jérôme Bonaparte began to make a quick decision. He told the Persian envoy that according to his understanding of Britain, Britain's bottom line should be to completely give up territorial sovereignty over Herat and even Afghanistan. At the same time, the British Kingdom had a high probability of I want to obtain some privileges in the Kingdom of Qajar.

As long as Persia can agree to these two points of the British Kingdom at the same time, then Britain will most likely agree to this matter.

"If you can persist for a while, I think Britain's conditions will be more relaxed!" Jerome Bonaparte riddled the Persian envoy again.

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"Why?" Ambassador Post looked at Jérôme Bonaparte in confusion.

"The leader of this war is Prime Minister Palmerston, and now he is about to be impeached for this war!" Jérôme Bonaparte casually made up a reason to deal with the Persian envoy.

He did not dare to tell the Persian envoy that the reason why he allowed them to persist for a period of time was because in another month, the Indian uprising was coming.

Once the Indian uprising begins, Britain will have to deploy all its forces to suppress India.

By then, even if they wanted to stay in Persian territory, they would have to leave due to the Indian uprising.

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