Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

1013: Do Two Things At Once! Take The Initiative To Strengthen Yourself

At this time, the director of the Dragon Academy of Sciences, who rushed to the General Staff after getting the report, found that Li Ran himself was there, and he was very excited.

For him, it was a complete surprise among surprises.

Since the author of this report, Li Ran, is here, wouldn’t it be clear at a glance what the problems are?

After listening to the words of the chief of the General Staff, Long Sanshui sat down patiently, without even bothering to drink water, and said directly: "I have read the report, chief of the General Staff, what do you think?"

"I, this is your Dragon Science Academy's business, it doesn't matter what I think." The chief of the General Staff said with a smile.

"Of course I fully support it, but this thing is not something that can be made easily. It will face many technical difficulties." Long Sanshui said and Shen Guang slowly floated to Ji Ran.

Li Ran pretended not to see this.

It's just that Li Ran's unseen appearance made Long Sanshui a little anxious. He looked over and responded.

If Li Ran is willing to express his support, then he will be more assured and confident.

"Mr. Li, you wrote this report. I would like to ask if you can give me some technical support." Seeing that Li Ran did not express his position, Long Sanshui finally couldn't help but ask proactively.

"Master Li has a new mission recently. He also took some time to submit the report this time." Before Li Ran could speak, the head of the General Staff took the initiative to speak for Li Ran.

"Is there a project? How long will it take?" Hearing this, Long Sanshui was a little disappointed and asked unwillingly.

In his opinion, as long as the time is not too long, there is no problem.

After all, building a photolithography factory cannot be completed in a short time. If nothing else, it will take a long time to build the infrastructure of a photolithography factory as large as a place.

"About a month." Li Ran said.

"One month, that's no problem at all. I read the report and I can select the site first and complete the infrastructure first. There will be no delay." || "When he heard that it would only take a month, Pang Sanshui was immediately excited.

A mere month is not a time at all to him.

Even choosing a place and starting infrastructure construction takes more than a month, so in his opinion, time is not a problem at all.

"Dean Long, one month is nothing to you, but after one month, he won't be able to stay in the country for much longer." At this time, the general staff boss said with a smile.

After Li Ran completed the one-month project at the military factory, he really couldn't stay in China for long before he went to teach at Mao Xiong.

"Ah?" Long Sanshui was shocked when he heard this.

Originally, he wanted to ask why, but after thinking about it, as Li Ran was out of the country, the matter was definitely not simple. Asking would be in vain, so it was better not to ask.

He just needs to know that Li Ran will not stay in the country for long.


Hearing this, Long Sanshui sighed, his face full of disappointment.

In his opinion, as long as Li Ran can participate in this project, the technical aspects are not a problem at all and will be easily solved.

One month originally made him excited, but now it seems that one month is not enough at all.

There is little time for them.

Seeing the disappointed look of Long Sanshui, the dean of the Academy of Dragon Science, Li Ran said calmly: "Dean Long, if you can organize technical staff and teams as soon as possible, I can help you." ."

"How to help?"

Hearing this, Yinshui immediately became interested.

Listening to what Li Ran said, it seemed that there was still some hope, but even if it was just a little hope, he couldn't give up.

"It's simple. I'm busy with projects at the military factory in the morning, and I'm busy with projects at the chip factory in the afternoon. If you have some time in the evening, come and ask me if you have any questions. I'll only give you technical advice, and I won't care about the rest." Li Ran Said lightly.

In fact, Li Ran had already thought about it when he took the initiative to submit this report.

It would be best to implement the chip factory project before going to teach at Mao Xiong.

Li Ran estimated that although he was busy with projects in the military factory, he spent a lot of time in a state of having nothing to do, which was a huge waste of time.

The time wasted can be used to provide technical guidance to the chip factory on this project.


After hearing Li Ran's thoughts, Long Sanshui couldn't help but take a breath of air and was completely stunned.

A good guy, a really good guy, how can he be like this? Do two things at once?

Can one person provide technical guidance for two projects at the same time?

The key point is, are you busy enough? Do you have enough brains?

For a moment, Long Sanshui was completely shocked and didn't know what to say.

Not only Long Sanshui, but also the general staff boss was very shocked after hearing Li Ran's words.

He couldn't help but gasped on the spot, "Good guy, really good guy."

He originally thought Li Ran would have some good ideas, but he didn't expect it to be this idea at all.

Dual-tasking, one person working on two projects at the same time, how do you stay busy?

"`"Aren't you kidding me? You are working on two projects at the same time. How can you be so busy with two projects?" The chief of the General Staff couldn't help but ask immediately.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that he had a certain understanding of Li Ran's personal strength, he would have wanted to curse people now.

There is no such thing as bragging. The key point is that this is a very irresponsible behavior.

What do you think of such a big project? Doing two things at once? How did you come up with it?

"Don't worry, chief, there's nothing wrong with it. In fact, I can't use up my time at all in a day now. Two-thirds of my time is just making soy sauce. You understand what I mean by making soy sauce. It's just that there's nothing wrong. It's better than when I'm in the division. I still have some leisure time." Li (Qian Hao) Ran said with a smile.

In other words, Li Ran can speak like this in front of the General Staff boss. How about someone else speaking like this in front of the General Staff boss?

Definitely have to peel off a layer of skin!

Long Sanshui was just shocked, but kept silent. Now after hearing the conversation between Li Ran and the general staff boss, he set his sights on the general staff boss.

He knew that if he really wanted to do this, Ji Ran would have to obtain the consent of the General Staff boss.

"If he's not tired, let him do it. Can you handle the technical team in a short time?" said the general staff boss.

Tired and tired, only Li Ran can make the general staff boss so lose his temper.

"It can be done, five days, no, three days, I promise to organize the technical team." Long Sanshui said immediately.

As the dean of the Dragon Academy, he still has a lot of confidence.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!).

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