Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

1021: Another Business Idea! Every Time It's A Storm

After lunch, Li Ran and Li Jun went to the company, although Li Ran didn't know why his father asked him to go to the company.

Although the ideas for the company's current development were all provided by himself, his father was accurately at the forefront every time.

As the saying goes, if you stand on the wind, pigs can take off.

What's more, my father is a very capable man. Otherwise, he would not have been able to start a successful business from scratch.

Now the company's industrial scale is getting larger and larger, it is involved in various industries, and it has many branches.

But I have been serving as a soldier in the army, and I don't know anything about the things in the company. Now it is impossible for me to go to the company to help.

"Dad, why did you ask me to go to the company?" Li Ran asked helplessly on the way.

Li Ran was sitting in his father's Rolls-Royce "713" with the driver driving.

In fact, Li Jun has no pursuit of cars, but now that his status is different, the specifications will naturally have to be improved. In addition, he goes to various places every day, so a good car will be more comfortable to ride.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You'll find out when you get there." Li Jun said angrily.

The driver's name was Qian Gang, a veteran, veteran driver, and his father's bodyguard.

He is very strong in martial arts. When he was in the army, he once served in a special forces unit.

Because Li Ran opened a security company at his suggestion, many veterans can come to work if they don't have suitable jobs.

The remuneration is also the best among security companies.

Similarly, security companies are also divided into general security and advanced security.

Those high-level security guards are hired by people with money and status. The prices are high, but they are absolutely safe.

After arriving at the company.

Li Ran understood what his father asked him to do.

In the company, because Li Jun said before that he would ask Li Ran to come to the company in the afternoon, many people in the company, especially single female employees, have been waiting for a long time.

Even some single female employees didn't eat lunch and took the time to go to a nearby beauty shop to do some simple maintenance.

"Young Master is welcome to inspect the company."

I don’t know who came up with the idea, but even the banners were put up.

This made Li Ran feel very embarrassed when she saw it, and her toes were so embarrassed that she almost pulled out of the three bedrooms and one living room.

"Hello, Master."

"Long time no see, Master."

"Master, you are becoming more and more heroic.

Many employees in the company greeted Li Ran enthusiastically after seeing him.

Some new employees of the company are meeting Li Ran for the first time, but some old employees who have had contact with Li Ran know very well that although Li Ran is the son of the company chairman, he treats others very kindly and has no arrogance at all.

He has never been domineering, and Li Ran has none of the bad habits of a rich young man.

For a time, many people felt in their hearts that the officers in this army were just different and their quality was really too high.

"Hello, family."

On the way, Li Ran responded to the greetings while feeling almost embarrassed to death.

Looking at his father again, he looked at him as if he was watching a show, which was obviously intentional.

Finally, under the warm reception of the people, Li Li entered the military room.

Then he sat down on the boss's chair and said dissatisfiedly: "Dad, you did it on purpose. This is what you dared to do for me."

Li Ran was a little dissatisfied, very dissatisfied. What kind of thing is this?

"Finally, it's time for you to show off." Seeing Li Ran's deflated look, Li Jun said proudly.

He had dealt with him so many times, and he, the father-in-law, had never taken advantage of him. Seeing Li Ran like this now made Li Jun very proud.

After so many years, he finally gained an upper hand over Li Ran.

"Dad, I have some ideas, do you want to listen to them?" Seeing his father's proud look, Li Ran thought for a moment and said directly.

"If you don't listen, you must not be holding back anything good." Hearing this [Li Jun refused directly.

He knows Li Ran's temper. He was tricked by him just now, and now he must be thinking of ways to trick him back.

"Dad, this is a good thing. Once done, it can solve many people's employment problems." Li Ran said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Li Jun immediately knew what Li Ran wanted to say.

It must be some business idea again, and they are using it as an excuse to help more people find employment and stimulate the economy.

This was another plan to find something for him to do, but the third runner-up just fell into this trap.

"You say it first," Li Jun said.

"Expand the smartphone business and discover communication networks. Nowadays, the times are developing so fast, and mobile phones are also developing rapidly. Smartphones are the future trend. We need to develop a mobile phone system that belongs to our own people..." Li Ran began to talk about his own ideas.

Of course, it is actually the business in the field of smartphone development.

But in Li Ran's view, this is a good opportunity, and there will definitely be no chips stuck in the Dragon Kingdom in the future.

Therefore, we only need to develop a system that belongs entirely to the Chinese people. In this case, we can have the final say on the layout and communication of the mobile phone industry.

"Oh, I'm really convinced. Your ideas are always so up to date with the times. To tell you the truth, some people have approached me before and wanted me to invest in this field. I'm still thinking about it. Now I hear what you say. Said, I voted for this project." Li Jun said helplessly.

For Li Ran, it can be said that all that is left in the company is money.

There are tens of billions of liquidity sitting there motionless on the books alone.

For enterprises, funds naturally need to be mobilized, and investment is the best way to maintain value.

But if it weren't for Li Ran, Li Jun wouldn't have such big vocal ambitions at all.

"Dad, since the company has so many industries, we don't care about this anymore. As long as the money is in place and there are professionals to help you do things, you just need to control the general direction." Li Ran smiled.

If the chip is not stuck, domestic smartphones will surely flourish in the future. At that time, the advantages will be their own mobile phone systems and a series of ecological environments.

Li Ran is only accelerating this development process in the field of mobile phones and communications.

"Okay, even if I fall into your hands again, I already have so many things to do, I don't care about this anymore, just do it." Li Jun said.

After chatting with his father for a while, Li Ran walked around the company and came here. It was okay to take a look at his own property.

And the other side.

Wu Hesan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!).

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