Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

1023: Disappointed Everyone! Mr. Li’S Wife Is Here

At this time, after hearing what Wu Hesan said, all the technical experts present looked disappointed.

They had been waiting for so long, and finally Wu Hesan called the General Staff to ask Chief Engineer Li what was going on and when he would be back.

Now, finally what he had been waiting for, Wu Hesan finally called.

But what they didn't expect was the answer they were waiting for. The chief of the General Staff asked them to wait. It doesn't matter if they wait any longer. The key is how long they wait.

Waiting for a day is waiting, waiting for a week is waiting, and waiting for a month is waiting.

The key is when to wait.

At this time, the mood of the technical experts suddenly fell to the bottom, which is called disappointment and sadness.

Because they didn't wait for the news they wanted at all.

It's true that their factory manager is so useless that he can't even ask questions clearly. He finally called and asked, and got this answer.

"Don't look at me like that. I want to ask Mr. Li when the body will come back, but only if the chief of the General Staff gives me time to speak. It's not like you don't know that the chief of the General Staff has many things to do every day and is free. It’s pretty good to take my call.”

Seeing the way everyone looked at him, Yi Hesan immediately said dissatisfied.

From Wu Hesan's point of view, the General Staff boss did not blame him and even told him this, which was a huge honor. It was probably because of his relationship with Li Ran.

If he were to do other things, he probably wouldn't pay attention to him at all.

"Forget it, forget it, go back."

"Oh, I know I shouldn't hold out any hope."

"Director Wu can only do this, and we can't expect too much from him.

"Yes, the greater the hope, the greater the hope."

Everyone complained and left disappointed.

After hearing what everyone said, Wu Hesan was ready to curse on the spot. What does it mean? How many does it mean?

He called me, but now I still blame him for not asking the question clearly, right?

If you are able, come and make this call. If it weren't for him, would you be able to contact the General Staff?

I have the nerve to complain about him now.

Sure enough, these people who are dedicated to technology really have no emotional intelligence at all and have no idea of ​​caring about others.

Of course, Wu Hesan was complaining in his heart, but he did not dare to say these words to these technical experts in person.

All of these technical experts are very straight-tempered, which means they will fall out when they fall out. Originally, everyone felt very disappointed because Li Ran has not come back for a long time.

If he continues to stimulate people like this, all these people will give up their choices, and the unlucky person will be the person in charge of this project.

Now Wu Hesan is just looking forward to Li Ran coming back as soon as possible.

Just when Wu Hesan was looking forward to Li Ran's early return.

At this time.

A phone call came.

"Hey, I'm Wu Hesan, what's going on?" Wu Hesan asked, feeling depressed and a little out of breath.

"Who? Chief Engineer Li's wife? Where is she? It's at the door. I know. Send her in quickly. I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the phone, Wu Hesan couldn't calm down immediately, so he quickly tidied up his clothes and went out.

He received a call and the sentry at the door reported that someone was coming. The person who came claimed to be Li Ran, the wife of the chief engineer.

The sentry at the door didn't know whether it was true or false, but he didn't dare to neglect it.

Ai Xue and the others didn't know him, but Li Ran and the others still knew him. He was the technical consultant in the factory.

Anyone can’t help but know Li Ran.

Even their factory director is very polite to Li Ran, the technical consultant.

Even the technical experts in the field who didn't take the factory director seriously looked like elementary school students in front of Li Ran, very honest.

From this point, we can see Li Ran's status and reputation.

So, the sentry immediately reported the situation.


Ai Xue also arrived here with her luggage at this time. In order to ensure that Ai Xue would go smoothly and nothing would happen, Wu Yong, the commander of Division Z, personally sent someone to send Ai Xue over.

At the same time, he can also help Ai Xue with his luggage.

This is the wife of Commander Z, who dares to neglect her?

He was also a chief officer of the synthetic brigade and a female colonel. Both husband and wife were not simple people.

Comrade, please come this way. "

Because Ai Xue did not wear military uniform this time, she currently has no position in the field army, so she did not wear regular clothes when going out.

The sentry at the door did not know that Ai Xue was actually a colonel.

So when it comes to addressing people, call them comrades directly.

"Commander Wang, thank you for taking me all the way. Now that I'm here, you can go back." Li Ran said with a smile to a major behind him.

Directly sending a major to send Ai Xue over, Wu Yong still took this matter very seriously.

This was something Li Ran personally called and told him. How dare he neglect it.

"`]Don't worry, I'll wait until you've settled down here before I leave." The major said quickly, not in a hurry to go back.

When he came this time, the chief of staff personally told him to make sure that Ai Xue had settled everything here and that nothing happened before leaving.

Otherwise, if something happens, ask him.

Hearing this, Ai Xue smiled and said what else

The major escorted Ai Xue in, and not long after, the factory director Wu Hesan came over in person.

"Hello, I am Wu Hesan, the director of the military factory." Wu Hesan came to Ai Xue and quickly introduced himself.

"Hello, Director Wu, I heard Li Ran mention you. It's so presumptuous to come here this time." Ai Xue said politely.

Hearing this, Wu Hesan said quickly: "That's nonsense, even Chief Engineer Li didn't say hello to me in advance, and I didn't even have time to prepare for this.

Wu Hesan didn't know the authenticity of whether the Ai Xue in front of him was Li Ran's wife.

But he believed that it couldn't be false. After all, there was a major who personally escorted him here.

Obviously, this card is enough.

It's just that Wu Hesan was a little surprised. Li Ran didn't even say hello to him about Ai Xue coming here, which caught him off guard for a while.

"Li Ran didn't say anything?" Hearing this, Ai Xue was a little surprised and said, "He called me and asked me to pack my things and come over. He's not here now?"

"No, Chief Engineer Li went to the capital and hasn't come back yet. I don't know exactly when he will come back." Wu Hesan said with a wry smile.

Unless he made it clear, he really didn't know how to settle Ai Xueyuan for a while.

After hearing what Wu Hesan said, Ai Xue was not too surprised and said with a smile: "It's okay, he will be back tomorrow at the latest.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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