Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

102: Champion The Three Armies Bravely! Someone From The Disciplinary Inspection Department Of The M

The training team discussed the two questions raised by Li Ran.

First: How to save the third platoon leader who was used by enemy snipers to surround the corpse in this situation?

Second: After rescuing the third platoon leader, how to break through the enemy sniper's sniper defense line?

No matter which question, there is no easy answer.

The first-term sergeant was lost in thought. Either of the two questions was very difficult.

Others discussed in low voices.

"How about driving an infantry fighting vehicle or tank to block the front? Should the infantry and tanks advance together?"

"Don't even think about it, tanks can't drive through the terrain there, and the Fourth Company doesn't have tanks."

"What about using smoke bombs? Yes, smoke bombs will block the enemy sniper's field of vision."

"It doesn't seem impossible. If the enemy sniper is very powerful, he will still be hit."

"What should we do? It seems to be a dead end."

"It would be great if we could directly call for fire coverage. This is how we should deal with snipers.

Snipers are an existence that causes headaches and hatred for soldiers from all over the world. After all, they can accurately kill targets thousands of miles away. This is Lao Liu's artifact.

Basically, on the battlefield, once the presence of an enemy sniper is discovered, if there is fire coverage and support, it will absolutely be directly covered by fire.

This is also the most direct and safest solution, but this condition is not available now.

After a while, Japan finally gave up.

"Report! I don't think 08 will be available."

Although the first-term sergeant was angry and dissatisfied, he really couldn't think of a good solution.

Others also stopped talking, and no one thought of a suitable and feasible solution.

"I tell you, there are two ways to solve the dilemma of surrounding corpses and rescuing them. Either save people or give up. Obviously, in most cases, rescuing people is our first choice. This problem may seem difficult, but if you simplify it, You will find that it is very easy. The target is within the range of the enemy sniper. While ensuring your own safety, put a bunker in front of the target to buy you time. Use this time to rescue the person and solve the problem. ." Li Ran said.

"Instructor, the surrounding area is very empty. There is no effective bunker here." Yu Song said.

He was a platoon leader of the Fourth Company and was familiar with the surrounding terrain. He thought of this method, but it was not feasible.

"Stupid, if you can't find it, can't you create it yourself?"


"Use your brains and use any borrowable materials around you to create a bunker. It only needs to be able to buy you a few seconds and support you in pulling the target over. You can even use sacrifices when necessary. The corpses of comrades were used as cover.”

The bodies of fallen comrades were used as bunkers?

Upon hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

"Instructor, I can't use the corpses of comrades as bunkers," someone said.

"I said, it was a last resort. I know you wanted to preserve the bodies of your comrades, but have you ever thought that if you only had this method available at that time, because of your womanly kindness, it is very likely that you would save the bodies of your comrades. You have already confessed where you are. Even if you are dead, can you still bring back the bodies of your fallen comrades?" Li Ran only talked about methods at this time, not about emotions: "As early as during World War II, there was a Such a battle example.”

"Instructor, what method did you use at that time?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was waiting for Ji Ran's answer.

They were very curious about what their instructors did under such circumstances.

"This situation is very simple for me. When I went to support the battle, there happened to be a freshly slaughtered yak in the company. I asked someone to send the yak carcass over, and I threw the yak carcass in the third row. In front, the yak has rough skin and thick flesh, and it is large, making it a perfect cover." Li Ran said easily: "But don't imitate me, unless you have the strength to throw a corpse weighing over a thousand kilograms."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Yak carcass. Throwing out a yak carcass weighing thousands of kilograms with both hands?

Is this something that humans can do?

"Instructor, can you throw a yak weighing over a thousand pounds?" someone asked in disbelief.

"Is it difficult? When I was in the recruit company, I could easily lift a 400-pound yak calf." Li Ran said lightly: "But this situation depends on personal qualities. You don't need to learn how to do it." If you don't believe me, you can ask the people in the Fourth Company, they have all seen it.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of air.

How much strength does it take to throw a yak weighing thousands of kilograms out?

Instructor, is this a natural divine power?

Seeing everyone's shocked look, Li Ran added: "For you, the end of any training is actually physical fitness. As long as your physical fitness is excellent enough, your control of your body is perfect enough, coupled with your military qualities , you can do things that others think are impossible. Miracles are always created by the strong, right?"

When everyone heard this, they thought about it and realized that it was true.

When you come to be a soldier, you only need physical training that is repeated every day and never stops.

"I've told you the answer to the first question. Let's talk about the second one, how to break through the sniper defense line of a senior sniper."

Everyone's attention was highly concentrated, and some people even took out small notebooks and started recording it.

This is absolutely useful information, absolute knowledge points, and you will definitely benefit from it after mastering this method.

"A senior sniper can take at least 2.5 seconds from aiming at the target to pulling the trigger at a distance of 800 meters."

After Li Ran finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

Is 2.5 seconds enough to hit a moving target at 800 meters?

"To break through a senior sniper's sniper defense line, we have to keep fighting for 2.5 seconds after another from the enemy sniper until you get close to him..."

ten minutes later.

The training ground once again sounded the roar of everyone training.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were full of determination, which was a desire for strength.

Only high-intensity training can make them stronger and continue to get stronger.

They learned from the instructors how to break through the enemy sniper's corpse attack and how to break through a sniper's defense line.

But if they want to apply what they learned on the battlefield and successfully apply what they learned from Li Ran, they must have a strong physical ability as support.

Strength and speed. Only if the strength is strong enough and the speed is fast enough can they put what they have learned into practice.

For Li Ran, today is also a very unforgettable day for him.

Because, today, he truly experienced a baptism of war, went to the frontline battlefield for the first time, and shot not a target but a living person for the first time.

I don’t know if it’s because he’s confident enough in his strength or what.

Li Ran, who committed a murder for the first time, did not feel any discomfort and did not suffer from post-war PTSD!

Post-war TTSD is commonly known as post-traumatic stress disorder. Many soldiers who go to the battlefield for the first time will have some mental and psychological problems after witnessing or killing someone themselves.

But Li Ran didn’t!

It's the third day since the battle ended.

Within these three days, Lei Leifeng, the commander of the fifth border defense regiment, submitted a detailed summary of the battle to the military region, recording any details during the battle and the relevant battle deployments he made.

At the same time, the body of the young soldier who died in the Fifth Border Regiment was transported back to the inland.

And the Fifth Border Defense Regiment expressed its condolences to this fallen soldier with a unique memorial ceremony!

The old squad leader of this 19-year-old young soldier burst into tears. At the same time, this old non-commissioned officer will also be transferred to a guard regiment inland. Coincidentally, the 190th Guard Regiment is located only a few hundred kilometers away from the hometown of this fallen soldier. .

It is undoubtedly much closer than here.

The third-term veteran sergeant squad leader wanted to personally go to the hometown of the young soldier in his squad and tell Xiaoshuai's mother personally about Xiaoshuai's bravery!

A 19-year-old boy, fearless of life and death, bravely champions the three armies!


As usual, Li Ran leads the sniper training team.

At this time, the fourth company commander Liu Yu found Li Ran.

"Fourth company commander, do you have anything to do with me?" Li Ran asked.

Because Li Ran had joined the battle before, saved many brothers of the Fourth Company, and wiped out all the enemies, Liu Yu had already treated Li Ran as a brother, ignoring the gap in military rank between the two.

Now in the fourth company, even a platoon leader will call Li Ran in private when he sees Li Ran.

This call is not because of Li Ran’s age, but because of respect and admiration for Li Ran’s strength.

After all, in the minds of everyone in the Fourth Company, Li Ran's sniper marksmanship is definitely a powerful sniper shot to suppress the military area.

You will never find another one in the entire military region!

"People from the military region's discipline inspection department are here," Liu Yu said.

"Disciplinary supervision department? I don't seem to have made any disciplinary mistakes," Li Ran said.

Although he didn't know the specific work content of this department, he could tell from the name that it must be related to discipline.

"I don't know exactly why they came to see you, but they are already waiting for you in the company, so you'd better come with me first.

Inside the fourth company station.

An investigation team from the Disciplinary Supervision Department of the Tibetan Military Region has arrived. The investigation team consists of a colonel and two captains.

Li Ran came outside the tent.


"Come in."

A rich middle-aged man's voice came from the tent.

(Please support me with various data and ask for everything. The following is just to fill in the holes. No matter how the protagonist cheats in the future, it will be fine.).

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