Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

1212: Change Your Thinking! Overtaking On A Curve

At this time, with the development of social science and technology, chips have become indispensable for many high-tech industries.

Because this thing acts as a brain in various high-tech equipment. Without this thing, no matter how good the program is, there will be no point that can be supported.

Without a carrier to support it, how can the program still run?

As for the design of the chip, on this point, everyone present was not worried at all. The mere design was not a problem. If they were not able to solve the design problem, then there was no need for them to waste their efforts on developing chip manufacturing.

A chip with excellent design is a good brain.

What Li Ran is talking about now is exactly the problem that Long Guo is encountering now.

"Speaking of which, let me ask you if you have thought about a question." At this time, Li Ran asked everyone: "Do you know why the photolithography machine shoots to such a size? Does anyone know?"

After Li Ran asked this question, everyone present was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, many people began to think.

Yes, the lithography machine feels like a container, which is relatively large, but such a large thing contains many indispensable process equipment processes, so the volume is really not that big.

It is already considered very small.

As for why the design was so small, they really didn't think about this issue for a while.

"Mr. Li, is it because of some technical needs?" At this time, someone said.

"Technical needs? The smaller the size, the more complicated and cumbersome the technology will be?" Li Ran asked with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present heard that indeed, it seemed that it was really the case.

The small size poses a greater challenge to technology and the process becomes more cumbersome and complex.

"Could it be that their original design was like that?" someone else said.

Hearing this, Li Ran smiled and shook his head.

Seeing that both of these answers were incorrect, all the technicians present were trapped.

Yes, they have really never thought about this question, why is it so small? Why? Why is this?

I am afraid that only Asma, the manufacturer of photolithography machines, knows this problem best.

"Mr. Li, do you know why?" Someone looked at Li Ran and asked expectantly.

Since Li Ran asked them this question in public, it is very likely that Li Ran knows the answer to this question.

"Of course I know, and the reason is very simple." Li Ran said with a smile.


As soon as this was said, everyone present immediately became interested, because Li Ran said that he knew the reason, and they were very curious as to why the lithography machine was designed to be such a size.

"Mr. Li, what's the reason?"

"Mr. Li, please tell me quickly, we are so curious."

"That's right, what could be the reason?"

Everyone asked, feeling very curious about this.

Li Ran stopped being pretentious and said with a smile in front of everyone: "Actually, the reason is very simple, that is, he is selling it. The small size makes it easy to transport. If the size is large, it cannot even be moved. How to sell it to others?”


As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

Everyone present was immediately stunned, their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces.

They couldn't believe that the reason why Asma designed the photolithography machine to that size was to facilitate sales.

Is it such a simple reason?

Thinking of this, everyone's minds suddenly changed and they suddenly figured it out.

Yes, although Asma is a specialized manufacturer of photolithography machines, they produce them for sale.

Since it is a commodity for sale, transportation issues need to be considered. Otherwise, if the item cannot be delivered to the buyer, who will pay for it?

Therefore, in order to transport ships and trucks, the volume must be controlled.

If we think about this problem in a different way, everyone will suddenly feel enlightened and have completely figured it out.

It turned out that this was what happened, and everyone was stunned for a while.

"I went. I thought about many reasons, but I never thought of this."

"Yeah, this reason is really hard to remember for a while."

"The key to such a high-tech thing is this. No one dares to think about it."

"Listening to what Mr. Li said, it is indeed the same thing."

"It's no wonder that such a thing has the attributes of a commodity. It must also consider the impact of sales when developing it."

Everyone said that after hearing the reason Li Ran said, they all suddenly realized it and were very shocked.

Even Zhang Yunqing was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but shake his head, somewhat dumbfounded.

When they are highly technical, sometimes when they think about and analyze a problem, they always bring the technical aspect into it.

This leads to a problem, that is, once technical things are brought in, simple things will often be made complicated.

For example, now, who would have thought that the reason why the photolithography machine is designed to be that size is for sale.

The technical staff had never thought of this reason, but he had no doubt that after the 437 reasons were revealed, many people would think of this aspect.

This is a different way of thinking about the problem.

"The size of the machine means that when manufacturing a photolithography machine, some technologies need to be more cumbersome. However, we manufacture the photolithography machine for use, not for sale. As long as it is not stuck, we do not need to sell it, so we can directly Another way of thinking is to expand the lithography machine. They produce lithography machines. We will directly build a lithography factory and use spectral cutting technology to cut multiple precision chips at one time. If we need a few nanometers, we will get a few nanometers. There is no need to consider the volume issue at all. In this case, we can directly bypass some technical problems." Li Ran said to the crowd again.


Bang bang bang~

As Li Ran said this, everyone present applauded, and the applause was very warm.

Everyone looked at Li Ran with worshipful eyes. At this time, their inner admiration for Li Ran reached an extreme.

Wow, this idea is so awesome. They never thought of solving a technical problem like this and it can be bypassed.

Although it takes a little more work, the goal can still be achieved.

Let’s build a photolithography factory first, which is enough for our own use. We will slowly overcome the remaining technical problems later, so that we can have more time.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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