Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

105: Military Competition! Play The Card Of Five Groups

Faced with the question asked by the group leader, Li Ran did not answer directly, but asked: "Captain, I now have a third-class meritorious service and a second-class meritorious service. I should be able to do it now, right?"

"Ti Gan? Yes, of course." Lei Lei Feng said.

Even for a first-class soldier, as long as he has two third-class meritorious service, he can raise his qian. Li Ran has one third-class meritorious service and one second-class meritorious service, so there will be no problem at all for raising his qian.

"That's fine. I told my dad that if I don't take up the duty to serve as a compulsory soldier for two years, I will be discharged. Anyway, I won't become a non-commissioned officer." Li Ran said.

After hearing Li Ran's words, Lei Leifeng finally let go of his worries.

This made him feel relieved. Will he be transferred to a non-commissioned officer? For Li Ran, there is no need to transfer to a non-commissioned officer now. His job is stable.

Lei Leifeng left. Before leaving, Li Hu, the commander of the reconnaissance company, also found Li Ran and had a conversation.

"Li Ran, you did a great job. You have made meritorious service again, and you are still a second-class meritorious service." Li Hu praised.

"Thank you, company commander, for your affirmation. I will continue to work hard." Li Ran said.

"I will lead the team to participate in the military competition soon. Come back with a good ranking."

"Don't worry, company commander, I will do it, and I will definitely bring glory to the reconnaissance company."

Hearing this, Li Hu was very pleased. Looking at the superior soldier in front of him, the scene when he first met Li Ran came to mind.

At that time, Li Ran was just a new recruit, and he had not yet been awarded the title, yet he dared to compete with him, the commander of the reconnaissance company, in front of everyone.

In the blink of an eye, Danzi, the original recruit, served as an instructor, participated in actual combat, and achieved third-class and second-class merit. Sure enough, he was right about the person.

"Finally, the company commander wants to make a digression with you."

"Our regiment is not the only one participating in the military competition this time. Other combat units will send people to participate. If someone wants you to go to them, don't agree. No matter what they promise you, you must be firm. You Although you have excellent strength, you are still very young. The water here is very deep. Company Commander, I am afraid that you will not be able to control it. The reconnaissance company is your root, do you understand?"

Li Hu is not worried about Li Ran's strength.

The only worry is that Li Ran is still too young.

There are many "bad guys" in the army, especially the chief officers of other units. When they see the talents in other units, they want to poach them, and they even do not hesitate to promise some conditions to "lure" the young soldiers into being fooled.

The better Li Ran performs, the happier Li Hu will naturally be, but he hopes even more that after the military competition, Li Ran can return to their reconnaissance company.

If he goes out and everyone is poached, what's the point of his reconnaissance company?

It took a lot of effort to create such a talented person, so you can't do business that makes you lose money.

On the way here, Lei Leifeng reminded Li Hu and He Tao that as the commander of the company, he must always pay attention to the ideological trends of the company's soldiers and understand their needs. The talents cultivated through hard work cannot be given to them. Other units made wedding dresses.

Although Lei Leifeng said it very implicitly, Li Hu and He Tao knew very well that the colonel was trying to point them both out, and they must take good care of Li Ran.

Now, the risks Li Ran faces not only come from poaching from other companies in the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, but also from other units in the military region.

The Snow Leopard Special Forces and even the Military Region Discipline Inspection Department will lead the team to participate in the military region competition. Once Li Ran shows his strength, the leaders of other combat units will definitely start poaching people again.

If there is poaching among other companies in the regiment, Lei Leifeng is not worried. No matter how he poaches, they will still be from his fifth border defense regiment.

But when other units outside the group are involved, Thunder Wind cannot remain indifferent.

After hearing what Li Hu said, Li Ran immediately said: "Understood, company commander, I must remember that the reconnaissance company is my root.

As soon as Lei Leifeng and others left, the training team gathered around Li Ran.

"Instructor, show me the second-class merit."

"Let me touch it, let me touch it. This is the first time I have seen the second-class military medal."

"This is second-class merit. It's so handsome. Instructor, you're doing it so steadily."

"I'm envious, I'm so envious. I really want to make a contribution."

Everyone was talking about it, and they were extremely envious of Li Ran's second-class merit.

"Don't be envious, seize the time to practice shooting. In this military competition, each of you must achieve good results, so that you can be worthy of your training during this period.

Did you hear that clearly?"

"Listen clearly."

Everyone looked excited and very excited.

After training hard for so long, they certainly couldn't miss the opportunity to show their faces and make meritorious deeds like this in the military competition.

On the shooting range.

Gunfire soon rang out.

The last three days of training are also the last three days of buffering and recovery time for everyone, and the training effects are becoming more and more apparent day by day.

The members of the training team were pleasantly surprised to find that when they were shooting, their hearts and hands were very stable, and their target shooting performance was getting better day by day, showing significant progress.

The originally powerful recoil of the 85 sniper now had very little impact on them.

Under anaerobic shooting, everyone controlled it very well.

Sure enough, after a month of hard training, there was indeed a lot of progress.

On the fourth day, two troop carriers arrived to take everyone to participate in the military competition. Moreover, the Fifth Border Defense Regiment sent a major to lead the team this time.

"Hello, Instructor Li, I am Han Chun, the staff officer of the regiment. This time I will be responsible for leading the team to take you to the military region to participate in the competition." The major general said very politely after seeing Li Ran.

"Thank you for your hard work, Staff Officer Han." Li Ran said politely.

"It's not hard, I just lead the way and go through the process. I mainly care about your performance." Han Chun said, and cheered for the members of the training team: "Young men, come on, try to get a good result. "


Everyone said loudly.

Han Peng was sent by the regiment headquarters to lead the team. On the one hand, it was because the procedures related to the military competition required a person in charge. Although Li Ran was strong, he had only been in the army for a short time, and he was still a superior soldier who did not understand this aspect.

The second is that the major is optimistic about Li Ran, so the competition is about fighting. After the competition, the major and others must be brought back to the regiment, and they cannot be poached by some shameless unit chiefs.

The second one is the key!

The car set off to transport everyone to the competition venue.

There are seven combat units participating in the military region competition this time, one of which is an independent regiment of the Tibetan Military Region, and the other six are border defense regiments like the fifth border defense regiment.

Each regiment sent thirty people to participate in this military competition.

Although the Tibetan Military Region also has two artillery regiments, an engineering regiment and other combat units.

The key subject of this military region competition is shooting. It is meaningless to send people from the artillery regiment and engineering regiment to participate in the game.

0......Please give me flowers......

After more than two hours' drive, the troop carrier pulled everyone to the competition venue.

As soon as I got off the car, I saw a lot of people, including security personnel and contestants from various regiments.

Most of the leaders of several regiments knew each other. They were all from the same military region. Although they had few opportunities to meet each other, they still knew each other.

"Old Chang, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Hey, Lao Wang, the soldiers your regiment brought to participate in the competition this year are all in good spirits.

"It's so-so. This time the military region asked us to send thirty people to compete. I don't know why they sent so many people here. Are you going to make dumplings?"

"The content of this competition is different from before. It is specifically about sniping. Our group only has eight snipers in total. We had no choice but to find precision shooters to make up the number."

"The same goes for our regiment. How can we have so many snipers?"

The two leading majors were talking to each other, somewhat confused about the content of the competition arranged by the military region.

In the past, martial arts competitions were all-round competitions, including physical fitness, throwing, shooting, obstacle running, etc.


This time there was a special sniper competition, specifically for sniper competition, and each unit was asked to send thirty people to participate. Where to find thirty snipers, so I had no choice but to find some precision shooters to make up the number.

"Look, the people from the Independence Group are coming."

At this time, the arrival of two personnel carriers attracted everyone's attention.

The Tibetan Military Region is the only combat regiment-level unit with an independent regiment number. Unlike the border defense regiment, the Independent Regiment is the big brother of the Tibetan Military Region's regiment-level units. It is a group of ten old troops with light and black numbers.

The person leading the team was a very strong black-faced major. Even if he was wearing regular clothes, he could not hide his explosive muscle lines.

Among the regiment-level units in the entire Tibetan Military Region, the Independent Regiment is the most envied by all border defense regiments.

Because the Independent Regiment has the strongest strength and is the Big Brother Regiment, the military region has a certain bias in material and equipment support. The Independent Regiment's life is much better than that of the border defense regiments.

"Old Han, why are there 31 people from your fifth regiment? There is one more than us. What's going on? Are you planning to use the human sea tactic?"

When the major of the Third Border Defense Regiment saw the soldiers from the Fifth Regiment brought by Han Chunhe, he smiled and joked.

"Our fifth regiment has a weak foundation. One more person means more opportunities. There must always be a stage for the soldiers to show their strength." While speaking, Han Chun took out a cigarette and lit it for himself.

"Old Han, what kind of family is this? Hua Zi is already in trouble."

"Both brothers are here. Let's spend some money. Have you made a fortune?"

The two majors of the Third Regiment and the Sixth Regiment were stunned when they saw Han Chun whipping Huazi.

Seeing that the two of them looked like they had never seen the world, Han Chun was so proud that one of them threw a stick over and said: "I said, brother, can you have a little typhoon? Don't let others smoke a stick and say that they are rich." "

Normally, a major like him would definitely not be willing to smoke huazi. Li Ran gave him this bag of huazi on the way here.

It is said that this time when participating in the competition, the card of the fifth border defense regiment must be displayed, and naturally the cigarettes smoked by the leader should also be displayed on the card.

What he said was so reasonable, Han Chun certainly had no reason to refute it.

Look, if this doesn't work, it will come out...

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