Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

010: The First Lesson For Recruits: Folding Quilts

Back at the recruits' dormitory, most of the people were already asleep. Li Ran had just gone to bed when Wang Erniu, who was on the upper bunk, poked his head out and asked in a low voice: "Brother, is everything okay?"

"It's okay, you haven't slept yet." Li Ran smiled.

"I've been waiting for you to come back, big brother." Wang Erniu said in admiration: "Brother, you are so awesome. This is okay."

"Don't imitate me." Li Ran reminded him kindly.

"I know how much I weigh. I don't smoke. I can't imitate you even if I want to. I'll go to sleep first." After Wang Erniu finished speaking, he began to fall asleep.

Lying on the bed, Li Ran had a thought, and the system mall was projected in front of him. The virtual light board was invisible to others except Li Ran.

So far, Li Ran has completed two system tasks and accumulated 200 achievement points. However, the lottery achievement points are not enough. Li Ran wants to see if he can exchange for something in the system mall.

With two actions, Li Ran has undoubtedly become the focus among the recruits.

If you can always perform well in the future, it will be fine. In the army, strength speaks for itself, and the same is true for recruits.

If you pull your hips from behind, you will definitely be severely punished.

There are really a lot of good things in the system mall, from items to skills to technology, but there are not enough achievement points to redeem them.

After searching for a while, Li Ran asked the system to filter the items that could be exchanged for 200 achievement points.

"Encyclopedia of Basic Skills for New Recruits": including folding quilts, standing in military posture, kicking forward, and special passwords...

Redeem: 200 points

Li Ran did not hesitate and exchanged it directly.

"Ding! Successfully redeemed the "Encyclopedia of New Recruit Skills". Do you want to study?"


In the next second, Li Ran had mastered all these entry-level skills, and even memorized all the housekeeping regulations that every recruit needed to master.

Although these things will be taught by veterans during the period of the recruit company, there are only advantages and no disadvantages if they are learned in advance.


In the platoon leader's dormitory.

"Chen Pai, I really tried my best. This kid is running really fast. He really can't outrun him." Wang Qiang complained to Chen Hai. Although it was embarrassing that a plateau veteran couldn't outrun a new recruit, the fact was before his eyes.

Even Chen Hai was surprised now.

This is the first time in so many years that a new recruit can make a veteran surrender here.

"Running fast doesn't mean anything. This kid is a thorn in the side, but he is indeed a good prospect. You have to train this kid well in the next time and bring this kid out as soon as possible." Chen Hai said.

"I understand." Wang Qiang nodded.

"Is there anything else?" Chen Hai asked again when he saw that Wang Qiang hadn't left yet, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

"Chen Pai, this guy forced me to give me a pack of cigarettes after running. I didn't want it. He just threw it on the ground and ran away. Look at this..." Wang Qiang said with some embarrassment and took out a pack of cigarettes that Li Ran gave him. Bao Huazi.

"You can't tell that this guy is very rich. He even smokes Huazi." Chen Hai joked.

"What about this cigarette?"

"Just keep him and pump him for you, but don't let your guard down during practice. You can't make principled mistakes." Chen Hai warned again.

"That's for sure, Chen Pai, light one?"

Wang Qiang happily took out a flower and handed it to Chen Hai.

"I guess you still have some conscience."

Chen Hai took the cigarette, lit it, and cursed with a smile: "Get out of here, I can't bear to smoke such a good cigarette for a pack of Huazi, you're just out of luck."


Wang Qiangle walked away in a hurry.

Chen Hai is very clear about the hardships of being a soldier in this area. Not only is it tough, but the pressure is also great. New recruits can't feel it here. If they really join the company, they will know what it means to be a plateau soldier! Border guards!

Therefore, as long as it is not a mistake in principle, Chen Hai usually doesn't take it to heart at all.


The three days of rest and adaptation time given to recruits passed quickly~

During the three-day rest period, the recruits had no other training except eating and sleeping.

Those with better physical fitness will gradually adapt to it after a day of rest. Those with slightly worse physical fitness will be able to adapt in two or three days. As for those whose physical fitness is really not good, they will have to be withdrawn from the army.

This kind of withdrawal will not have any bad impact on them because their personal physical fitness is not up to standard.

There were originally ninety recruits, but nine of them were withdrawn and sent away because they really couldn't adapt.

The remaining eighty-one people officially began their training as recruits.

"As a soldier, good housekeeping is basic. I don't care what method you use to memorize every provision of the housekeeping regulations. You must memorize them thoroughly and rot them in your mind. I will check them from time to time. If you can't recite them, don't blame me. You're welcome."

"Except for going out for training, the first thing you do when you get up every day is to fold your quilt. Whatever the standard is, it is my standard."

Wang Qiang pointed to his bed. The military quilt covering it had been folded into neat tofu pieces, with edges and corners.

"I'm only going to demonstrate it once. Please pay attention carefully. If you can't fold it after I've taught you, don't blame me for being unkind."

After saying that, Wang Qiang spread out his quilt and began to fold it step by step in front of everyone. In less than three minutes, he turned a scattered quilt into an angular tofu block.

"I'll give you ten minutes. I'll check it out in ten minutes."

After Wang Qiang left, everyone in Class Three began to take action.

Folding a quilt is easy, but folding the quilt into tofu blocks is really difficult for first-time soldiers.

"I'm convinced, this is too difficult."

"I followed the squad leader's steps safely, why can't I do it?"

"The quilt is so soft that it can't stand up at all."

There were constant complaints and complaints in the dormitory.

Wang Erniu scratched his head and scratched his head. No matter how hard he tried, the quilt didn't follow his ideas at all. It was folded up and wrinkled, without any edges at all.

"Brother, it's so difficult to be so particular about folding quilts in the army."

Wang Erniu looked at Li Ran after trying hard to no avail. He was about to complain, but the scene in front of him shocked him.

On Li Ran's bed, the previously scattered quilt had been folded neatly by Li Ran, just like a tofu block, no different from the squad leader's quilt.

If you look carefully, even the details in some corners are better than those of the monitor.

"Brother, you are so awesome, you can do it just by looking at it." Wang Erniu exclaimed, admiring him.

(Please support with various data, thank you brothers!!)

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