Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

109: Li Ran’S First First Class Merit Award!

The military competition ended, and the top three were taken by the Fifth Border Defense Regiment.

In the presence of the contestants from each unit, the chief officers of each unit, and the staff of the training department, Li Ran and the three of them walked onto the podium.

Colonel Wang Yongchang, director of the Training Department, personally awarded the medals to the three.

"The Zi Military Region Headquarters ordered that in recognition of Comrade Yu Song's third place in the military region competition, a third-class merit award will be granted to him!"

"The Zi Military Region Headquarters ordered that in recognition of Comrade Wu Yong's second place in the military region competition, a second-class merit award will be awarded to him!"

"The Zi Military Region Headquarters ordered that in recognition of Comrade Li Ran's winning the first place in the military region competition, a third-class merit award will be granted to him!"

After Wang Yongchang announced the order of conferring honors in public.

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

Appeared, first-class merit, first-class merit standing.

It has been many years since the military region has seen a standing first-class meritorious service. They did not expect that today, they would see a standing first-class meritorious service. They did not expect that this time the military region competition would award first-class meritorious service.

What they didn't know was that this first-class merit award was not just because Ji Ran ranked first in the military competition.

At the same time, it was also the result of Li Ran completing the orders issued by the military region and training new snipers.

In this military region competition, the contestants of the fifth border defense regiment, the new sniper training team members, including Li Ran, totaled 31 people. Nine of the top ten were taken, and the top three were directly taken.

The Fifth Border Defense Regiment, which has always been at a mid-level level in the military region, this time overwhelmed other participating units, defeated the independent regiment, and took the top three.

All the credit for this goes to Li Ran!

Without Li Ran's training, the Fifth Border Defense Regiment would not have been able to take the top three places in the military region competition. It also proved that the new sniper training materials compiled by Li Ran were very effective and could be fully promoted in other units of the military region. 180

To some extent, this is a very significant improvement for the entire Tibetan Military Region.

That’s why Li Ran will be awarded first-class merit this time!

The chief officers of each unit knew very well that there was definitely something fishy and abnormal in awarding first-class merit to a superior soldier in this military competition.

Normally, the most you can get is a second-class merit. Giving a first-class merit shows that there are other merits involved.

Thinking about the abnormal performance of the contestants from the 5th Border Defense Regiment, and the fact that the members of the 5th Border Defense Regiment called Li Ran instructor in public after the game, the answer is obvious.

The terrifying strength of the snipers of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment is absolutely inseparable from this superior soldier.

Not only are their personal military qualities outstanding, but they can also drive other soldiers to improve together. Such talents are definitely qualified talents.

For talents, the chief officers of each unit have only one way, and that is to recruit them!

Other people's talents are very good. As long as they can be poached, they become our own.

So, after the investiture ceremony, Ji Ran was immediately surrounded.

"Comrade Li Ran, why don't you come to our Third Regiment? Our Third Regiment admires the Third Regiment very much. It will be no problem for you to be promoted after you come here. When the time comes, you will be assigned a platoon leader directly after graduating from the military academy."

"It's better not to go to the Third Regiment. The place where they are stationed is more miserable than your Fifth Regiment. Come to our Sixth Regiment and we will ensure that we will provide you with the biggest stage for you to perform."

"What are you talking about, what are you talking about? If you want to say that the stage for soldiers to perform is big enough, who can compare with our second regiment? Come to our second regiment. You will be promoted quickly and have many positions. I guarantee that after you graduate from the military academy, you will receive a series of promotions. You arrange it."

In order to recruit Li Ran, the leaders of each unit extended olive branches one after another, and even promised Li Ran some conditions on the spot.

Seeing these people starting to poach people under his nose, Han Chun became angry.

Does this mean you really don't take him seriously and treat him as if he doesn't exist?

Did he poach the members of the 5th Border Defense Regiment in public? Did he ask for the opinion of the staff of this regiment?

If Li Ran was dug out by these people, then the Fifth Border Defense Regiment probably wouldn't have to go back, and the commander would have to chop him alive.

Han Chun pulled Li Ran behind him like a hen protecting her calf, and started to talk to the scholars without any politeness.

In front of Li Ran, they exposed the background of each regiment one after another. They were joking, we are all in the border defense regiment. Why do you dare to dig up the members of the regiment? Where are their faces?

For Li Ran, he really has no idea of ​​going to other regiments. After all, he is familiar with the fifth regiment. The reconnaissance company, sniper training team, and the fourth company are all old acquaintances.

With his strength, he will develop very well wherever he goes, and there is no need to go to other groups.

At this time, the black-faced major of the Independent Regiment also approached Li Ran.

"Come to our independent regiment. Our independent regiment is the strongest regiment in the entire military region, and it is also the regiment with the best support for various materials and equipment. All the strong men in the military region are here.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the black-faced major once again demonstrated his superiority and confidence as a major of the independent regiment.

"Sorry, Comrade Major, I have no intention of leaving the Fifth Regiment." Li Ran refused directly and unceremoniously.

What about the strongest group? When the strongest group recruits people, it can sound like an old man and a master?

Li Ran's answer made Han Chun very pleased.

The soldiers of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment are just trying to live up to their expectations. What happened to the independent regiment? What happened to the strongest regiment? If they don’t fight back in the military competition, they will still be defeated by the Fifth Regiment.

The chief officers of other units still refused to give up and wanted to use this opportunity to win over Li Ran. Han Chun fought against everyone, and his mouth went dry.

Taking advantage of this time, Li Ran led the sniper training team to stop the independent group.

The competition is over, but the debt with the Independent Regiment is not yet settled. This non-commissioned officer from the Independent Regiment came to provoke them for no reason and said something that offended them. He must apologize.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing that the people of the fifth regiment had stopped him, Wang Bing did not panic at all, but asked.

The people from the Independent Regiment were all around him, so he didn't believe what the people from the Fifth Regiment could do?

"Nothing else, but you have to apologize for being rude to us before." Li Ran (aidc) said calmly.

"What if I don't apologize?" Wang Bing was already in a bad mood. He didn't expect to lose in this competition so humiliatingly. Now that Li Ran said this in public and asked him to apologize, he would not even apologize.

"If you don't apologize, then don't blame us for being rude." Li Ran said directly.

If you don't apologize, then beat the other person until he apologizes.

Fighting is very common in the army. They are all young and energetic young men. Li Ran has never had a fight since he joined the army. Firstly, it is because he treats others in an amiable manner, and secondly, because of Li Ran’s strength. , and no one dared to fight Li Ran.

But obviously the people in the Independent Regiment did not take the people in the Fifth Regiment seriously.

"Boy, don't think that winning the first place in the competition means you are lawless. If you have the ability, try it." Seeing that something was wrong, the people from the independent group immediately gathered around.

"Hey, your independent group is really like a nest of snakes and rats. It's so unreasonable. This guy was just looking for trouble before, so he offended us. Shouldn't we ask him to apologize?"

"Do you, the Fifth Group, have this much courage?"

"Bah, how about I beat you up and you just pretend that nothing happened and let me see the courage of your independent group?"

"Say it again if you have the ability."

"Bah, how about I beat you up and you just pretend that nothing happened and let me see the courage of your independent group? I said, what?"

"I'll wipe it."

In an instant, the two sides directly escalated from a verbal dispute to a violent dispute, and for a while, they both took action.

At this time, if one person takes action, everyone will join.

So, the Fifth Regiment and the Independent Regiment, totaling 61 people from both sides, started a melee.

The sudden scene made no one in other units react.

"The Fifth Regiment and the Independent Regiment are fighting."

"I'll go, it's the first time I've seen a group fight of more than 60 people."

"Would you like to inform me that the train is out of service today?"

"It's okay. Let them fight for a while. The people in the independent group have long been unhappy. One or two of them are arrogant."

Fighting here is just fighting, no killing blows, and since they are all veterans, their strikes are measured, just to let off steam and compete.

But more and more people were watching, and it soon attracted the attention of some chief officials.

Here, Han Chun is still fighting with the Confucian scholars, and the result is.

"Staff Han, the members of your fifth regiment are fighting against the independent regiment."

Major Blackface also received news that the men of the Independent Regiment were fighting with the Fifth Regiment.

After hearing this, the two people rushed to the battlefield.

After the results arrived, the scene in front of me was dumbfounding. Although the clothes of the fifth group were a little wrinkled, they were all standing there.

On the other hand, all the people in the Independent Group fell to the ground, with their noses and faces swollen.

Coincidentally, at this time, the troop carriers arriving to pick up various units also arrived.

"The people from the Fifth Regiment are coming back with me. Han Chun spoke directly and took the people from the Fifth Regiment out of here.

As for why they fight, that is something that needs to be concerned about later.

The first thing to focus on is the issue of winning or losing. Obviously, the fifth group won and took advantage. If we don’t leave now, when will we leave?

After a while, the senior leaders were alarmed. Do you have to wait to be criticized?

The soldiers of the fifth regiment got on the troop carrier one by one with bared teeth and grins.

Before getting in the car, Li Ran deliberately said loudly: "Your independent group is not good at marksmanship, and it is not good at fighting. With this little strength, you should keep a low profile when going out in the future."


These words caused a burst of laughter from the other members of the Fifth Regiment.

"Go quickly, go quickly."

Under Han Chun's urging, the personnel carrier quickly left here.

The black-faced major looked at the members of the Independent Regiment falling to the ground one by one, with a very ugly look on his face.

It's shameful, it's really shameful. I haven't beaten anyone in a martial arts competition, and I haven't even won a fight.

"See how I deal with you when I get back." The black-faced major said angrily.

On the side, people from other units watching were all holding back their laughter.

The Fifth Regiment really gave them a lot of insight today, and they managed to keep the Independent Regiment in check. Hurry!

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