Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

120: A Fish That Slipped Through The Net Of Quality Education In Lu Yuan

There were a total of 210 snipers from seven regiments of the military region participating in the training, which was equivalent to the size of two companies. Many of them were officers, but with so many people, Li Ran, a superior soldier, was scolded and scolded.

The people in the fifth regiment were scolded and had nothing to say. They were obedient and had been trained by Li Ran. They had psychological shadows. They only followed one principle, that is, they would just accept the instructor's scolding. Refuting was useless and meaningless.

But it was different for people in other regiments. Li Ran's words caused dissatisfaction among the vast majority of officers.

If you want to say that their marksmanship is bad, they admit it. After all, in front of the first place in the military competition, they admit that their marksmanship is not good.

But this superior soldier was saying that there was a problem with their battlefield awareness and strategic command, which aroused dissatisfaction among their officers.

Although you, a top-class soldier, have excellent marksmanship, how many times have you been on the battlefield? It sounds like you have a battlefield awareness?

Are you saying that they have problems with their strategic command? Are you kidding me? You, a senior soldier, know what battlefield command is? How can a senior soldier understand battlefield command better than an officer?

"Instructor, you said that our marksmanship is poor. We admit it, but why do you say that our battlefield awareness and strategic command are not good? I would like to ask, instructor, how many times have you been on the battlefield? Instructor, have you ever learned command?" A lieutenant was immediately dissatisfied. said.

This lieutenant comes from the Third Border Defense Regiment and serves as the deputy company in the company.

Although there is only one word difference between deputy company and chief company, the gap is huge. Positions and military ranks are different. There can be many military ranks, but positions are just a carrot and a pit.

Take the current lieutenant as an example. The company commander and instructor remain unchanged, and the lieutenant is always the deputy company.

But the lieutenant is also a graduate of the military academy. He has gone through systematic military academy study and training. How can a superior soldier question his command ability? This is simply an insult to his professionalism as an officer.

"Lieutenant, you are so young, you should be a graduate of a military academy?" Li Ran looked the lieutenant up and down and asked lightly.

"Graduate of the 1994 class of Shizhuang Luyuan Academy, Department of Infantry Tactics." The lieutenant said very proudly.

It is actually very simple to judge whether an officer is promoted through meritorious service or a military academy graduate. Most young officers are basically graduates of military academies because it is too difficult to be promoted through meritorious service.

For someone like Li Ran, who performs meritorious service at a young age is as good as drinking water. There is no second colonel in the entire field army.

Another reason is that the temperaments of meritorious officials and military academy students are different.

This is why many military academy veterans like to call them student officers after they give birth to a company. They are too student-minded and have no enthusiasm at all.

"I don't care which class or department you are a graduate from. Didn't your teacher teach you when you were in the military academy to report when you were speaking in line?" Li Ran scolded.

"From a disciplinary point of view, as an officer, you have no sense of superiority and inferiority at all. Officers without the sense of superiority and inferiority are like grasshoppers in the autumn, and they will not be able to survive for long."

"In terms of professional strength, you are an officer and an officer in the infantry tactics department, but I didn't see any command ability on your part just now. You didn't organize your comrades to form an effective counterattack. I only saw your helplessness. .”

"You still have the nerve to say that you are a military academy student at the Army Academy. Is this the level of teaching at the Army Academy? I think you have clearly slipped through the cracks of the quality education at the Army Academy."

After Li Ran's unceremonious reprimand, the lieutenant's face turned red.

He was actually scolded like a dog by a superior soldier, who also said that he was a grasshopper after the fall, and that he was a fish that slipped through the quality education of Lu Yuan.

Everyone except the fifth regiment was dumbfounded by these words. This superior soldier instructor really dared to say anything. A high-ranking lieutenant and a deputy company had no weight at all in his eyes?

As for the members of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, one or two people listened with enthusiasm.

Here it comes, here it comes, the familiar scene comes again.

This was how they were reprimanded by the instructors, especially Yu Song, but he understood it deeply. Now he sees other regiment officers being reprimanded like this, and he is still a lieutenant. He feels so good inside.

The hot-blooded lieutenant is nothing in front of the instructor.

"As for some people doubting my battlefield awareness, I would like to ask everyone here, how many of you have participated in actual combat and killed people? How many of you have seen the enemy's head explode in the scope?"

After Li Ran finished speaking, a murderous aura enveloped everyone.

Everyone was shocked in an instant. They actually felt blood and killing intent from the superior soldier in front of them, as if the superior soldier in front of them had just experienced a tragic killing.

Soldiers who have participated in actual combat and killed people have different eyes and temperaments.

Although Li Ran has only participated in two actual battles so far, he has a system. This is a good thing he drew from the system. Simply put, it allows him to refine his momentum and have the kind of blood that rolls on the battlefield. Excessive murderous spirit.

The momentum alone can have a deterrent effect.

It has to be said that Li Ran's move immediately shocked everyone present and made them speechless.

"Does anyone have any opinions now?" Li Ran asked again coldly.

No one present dared to speak.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's start our first lesson now, the sniper's lurking and the selection and construction of the sniper position."

Li Ran began to explain to 210 people the lurking essentials of a qualified sniper, as well as the selection and construction of sniper positions.

The second stage of sniper training is different from the first stage. There is physical training, but it is far less terrifying than the first stage. The second stage is more about the integration between physical fitness and tactics.

Cultivate a sniper's individual sniper tactics and corresponding shooting abilities.

In this way, after Li Ran finished speaking, everyone trained until dark.

"That's it for today's training, dismissal."

After Li Ran finished speaking, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They could finally relax. They taught so much on the first day, and the teaching pace was really fast.

What made everyone even more depressed was that dinner only consisted of pitiful compressed biscuits and a bottle of water. "Other than that, there was nothing else."

"There are only compressed biscuits. The food this time is far from good."

Compared with our first training, the difference is not huge. "

"Stop complaining, what kind of intensity of physical training did we do at that time? The physical training here is not enough for us."

For the people of the fifth regiment, the food standards of this second phase of training are too different from the first training.

In the second phase of training, there was no cooking class supply at all, let alone fruits and glucose. There was only one compressed ration for the field army, which was too big to swallow.

But compared with the first stage of training, this second stage of physical training is really not enough for the people of the fifth group.

"What are you doing in the tent? Who told you to sleep in the tent?" At this time, Li Ran scolded several team members who went to the tent to rest.

0......Please give me flowers......

"Instructor, where can I sleep if I don't sleep in the tent?" Several people were confused, and so were others.

Aren't these two big tents for them to sleep in?

"The tent is used to store weapons, equipment and equipment, not for you to sleep. You have to figure out where to sleep at night." Li Ran said ruthlessly.

Now everyone was dumbfounded.

Can't sleep in a tent at night?

The temperature difference between day and night is so big here that it would freeze someone to death.

"Instructor, the temperature difference between day and night here is so big that people will freeze to death." Someone said dissatisfiedly.

"If you want to avoid freezing to death, then find a way on your own. Is it possible that you can sleep in a tent every time you perform a mission?" Li Ran retorted ruthlessly.

These words left everyone speechless.

They finally saw that everything the instructor said had a reason, everything the instructor said was correct, and resistance had no effect at all.

"Brothers, stop complaining and try to avoid the cold."

Wu Yong said that he and the people from the 5th Border Defense Regiment started to take action, digging holes and making fires. "Find as many branches and hay as possible from the bushes to keep warm at night."

As for Li Ran, they took Wu Sanpao and left in a car.

Seeing the instructor and Wu Sanpao leaving, someone had a second thought.

"Why don't we just sleep in the tent tonight, the instructor doesn't know anyway." Someone suggested, no, no, as soon as this suggestion came out, people were really attracted to it.

"I advise you not to do such stupid things. When Wu Yong, who was busy talking, heard this, he lightly reminded: "Since the instructor dares to leave, there is a way to determine whether anyone has slept in the tent. If you don't believe it, then forget it. "

Sure enough, as soon as Wu Yong's words came out, it was like an alarm bell sounded in front of everyone.

"MD, instead of sleeping in a tent in fear, it's better to sleep outside."

The night is getting deeper and the temperature is getting lower and lower. People in each group are crowded together, which has the effect of keeping each other warm. Many people are still shivering from the cold.

But if you thought you could get over it so easily on the first night? You were absolutely wrong.

Tonight is a very critical time for Li Ran's second phase of training.

Go back to the car.

"You are training like this, and you have not followed the training outline at all." Wu Sanpao couldn't help but said: "If the superior leaders knew that we changed the training method without authorization, they would definitely blame us for not applying in advance."

"Squad deputy, training methods are dead, people are alive." Li Ran said: "Do you know what the core of the second phase of tactical training is?"


Let each of their psychological qualities go through three stages: collapse, despair, and reshaping. Only in this way can their will become tenacious and their psychological qualities more stable.

"Where did you learn these moves?" Wu Sanpao was depressed.

He has never heard of how a person who has been in the company for such a short period of time can train in such fancy ways, one set after another, that he has never heard before.

"What I read in books and what I pondered on my own."

Wu Sanpao was speechless for a moment, good guy, these people are all guinea pigs for experiments.

(Please provide various data support and automatic subscription! The training process is almost completed in two or three chapters, and then there will be another actual combat, and then lead the troops first. Spoon).

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