Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

129: Try To Form A Synthetic Army

Inside the dormitory building.

Li Ran stood in front of the military mirror and adjusted his clothes. Li Ran was very satisfied with his current appearance.

Needless to say, this Mao Yi military rank looks different. It looks much more comfortable than the two crutches.

Moreover, the higher the rank of an officer, the more pleasing it is to look at.

From 11 cents to 13 cents, and then from 13 cents to 21 cents, the last shining star is the goal of countless people.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, but now I have a very profound understanding of the meaning of this sentence.

"Three platoons are ready."

"Hello, Platoon Commander."

"Lee lined up."

Soldiers from the passing reconnaissance company greeted Li Ran. Some called him Third Platoon Leader, some called him Platoon Leader, and some called him Li Ran directly.

To Li Ran, these soldiers are all veterans of the reconnaissance company, but now when these veterans call Li Ran platoon leader, no one is unconvinced.

This is the benefit of Li Ran's high prestige in the reconnaissance company.

When your strength reaches a certain level that others are convinced and look up to.

At this time, your level improvement is natural in the eyes of others, and there is no dissatisfaction.

Now it's time for a newly graduated military academy student to become the platoon leader. Do you think these veterans of the reconnaissance company will be so convinced?

Just kidding, military academy graduates are all student officers in the eyes of veterans. If they don't show some strength, the veterans will not be convinced.

Today is a rest day, the company does not need to train, and Li Ran, the platoon leader, naturally has nothing to do.

And Li Ran also told him to go to the library to find him if anything happened.

Resuming the previous rhythm, Li Ran came to the library and started reading. When the security personnel guarding the library saw Li Ran's military rank, they looked incredulous and thought they were deceived.

He is very familiar with Li Ran, because no one comes to the library as often and for as long as Li Ran.

But before he remembered that it was two crutches, how could it turn into nothing in the blink of an eye?

This made him really puzzled. At the same time, he sighed in his heart. Sure enough, he still needs to read and study. It is very important to have knowledge. Look at others. Come and read if you have nothing to do. You will become an officer just by looking at it.

Li Ran picked up a book and had just sat down when a mechanical prompt sounded in his ears.

"Ding! Mission released: Form a synthetic force that meets the system's evaluation standards. This mission is not limited to time or scale. Mission completed: The system will automatically judge and award rewards. Mission failure: No punishment for now."

Li Ran breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the task issued by the system.

Sure enough, he still came!

Synthetic troops!

He has seen this term frequently in military books that record information about foreign armies, and the synthetic force is synonymous with the modern combat forces of foreign armies.

When it comes to the development of modernized troops, no one has a greater say than Bald Eagle's troop development system!

There is no way, who can let people develop their industry quickly and have advanced equipment.

Back then, when the field army was still light infantry, they had already switched from motorization to semi-mechanization.

Nowadays, not long after the field army changed from motorization to semi-mechanization, it has already been fully mechanized and has entered the information-based integrated army.

This gap, if there are no unexpected circumstances, cannot be made up in two or three years.

But according to the analysis of Li Ran, who has read countless military books and materials, in fact, as long as the direction is right, it is actually faster for the field army to move from semi-mechanized to information-based combined forces.

In Li Ran's view, the transformation from semi-mechanization to mechanization of the field army is just a process of comprehensive replacement. Take main battle tanks as an example.

The original old main battle tank required four people to operate it, but the new main battle tank only required three people. This meant that one person was needed to be reduced.

After one person is reduced, the requirements for the remaining people become higher, but at the same time it brings a substantial benefit, which is the precise improvement of efficiency.

This is not what Li Ran said to Li Ran, but what Li Ran saw, because the Bald Eagle also went through such a stage when it was fully mechanized.

The field troops who crossed the river by feeling for the stones and plucking the feathers of the bald eagle must have followed this path.

But it is impossible to blindly imitate and imitate the tiger, because it will be out of shape. Not only will it not increase the combat effectiveness, but it will reduce the combat effectiveness.

The only way is to learn from each other's strengths and explore and develop a system suitable for the field army.

It is not difficult to go from semi-mechanization to mechanization, it is just a matter of time, but it is difficult to go from full mechanization to information-based combined force!

Although you can figure it out slowly, it will take a long time, and Li Ran with the system can shorten this time, because only in this way can you have hope of overtaking.

After reading, Li Ran's mind moved and he opened the system mall.

"Redemption of the "Noncommissioned Officer Functional Diversification System Planning" report."

"Redeem the "Synthetic Unit Force" report."

These two reports cost Li Ran a total of 40,000 achievement points. Li Ran had wanted to redeem them for a long time, but he didn't have enough achievement points before.

After the successful exchange, Li Ran started to read. He had to understand it thoroughly before he could report it.

With the military reserves Li Ran currently has at his disposal, it is easy to understand everything, but it would be too much of a waste of time to write it word by word.

Li Ran originally planned to study this aspect when he went to military school, and he could use it as his graduation thesis.

But now that the system has released this task, let’s move ahead.

The first report is the "Noncommissioned Officer Function Diversification System Planning" report. This report is very important. The current field army noncommissioned officer system is too single. A noncommissioned officer may only learn things and professional skills in one unit from the time he serves to the time he retires. Knowledge is limited.

But for a mature synthetic force, noncommissioned officers are the backbone. Noncommissioned officers in the team can effectively organize and execute relevant (aidd) combat orders.

At the same time, a master sergeant can very well assist a commander in effectively completing combat command, which also involves the master sergeant training system in the sergeant system.

The combined unit force has very high quality and technical requirements for its personnel, so this leads to the importance and necessity of diversifying the functions of non-commissioned officers.

Because it is impossible to train a large number of officers to serve as the backbone combat force in the combined unit, but it is possible to train a large number of soldiers.

The second "Synthetic Unit Force" report states that in the future, battalion-level synthetic unit units will become the mainstream organization of war, which is different from the current conventional battalion-level combat units.

The combat functions of the future combined battalion will be very comprehensive, including infantry and artillery coordination, infantry and tank coordination, infantry assault, electronic countermeasures, armed reconnaissance...

It can be said that it is equivalent to condensing a main combat regiment-level unit or even a main combat division-level unit into a battalion-level combat unit.

Among them, needless to say, the command efficiency and strike efficiency of the combined battalion will be very terrifying.

However, establishing such a combined battalion requires sufficient professional and technical personnel, and the requirements for the military quality of soldiers are very high.

After completely digesting the two reports, Li Ran did not leave the library immediately to submit the two reports, but was thinking.

The system asked him to form a synthetic force now, which was a bit harsh. You should know that he was now a second lieutenant and platoon leader, with only about thirty people under his command.

Should he be allowed to try to form a synthetic platoon first?

But then again, it doesn't seem impossible.

To form a combined platoon, at most, the number of people will be much smaller, the functions will be streamlined again, and the requirements for the soldiers in the platoon will be higher.

At least in Li Ran's opinion, if you want to form a synthetic platoon, it is completely impossible to train according to the current daily training outline.

He still has to decide the training outline for the synthetic platoon!

Just do it. It is much better to do this kind of thing earlier than later. Try it earlier to accumulate experience. Even if you fail, don't be afraid. There won't be much loss.

By the time Li Ran came out of the library, it was already dark.

On the way back, Li Ran was about to go to the company commander and ask him to submit these two reports, but he saw two lonely figures sitting there not far away.

"Sooner or later, you have to take this step. You don't have to do this."

Seeing Wu Sanpao looking worried and smoking one cigarette after another, Shi Dahai comforted him with a smile.

"Is there really no chance to stay?"

Even though Wu Sanpao knew that it was very difficult for Shi Dahai to go from the second-term sergeant to the third-term sergeant, and it was almost impossible to continue, he still asked without giving up.

Because he was brought out by Shi Dahai.

"I am really old and have no hope, but I have tried my best." Shi Dahai said with emotion:

"It's so late at night, why are you two so melancholy here?" At this time, Li Ran's voice came.

"Three platoons long."

Wu Sanpao and Shi Dahai immediately said hello.

Originally, Li Ran was an ordinary soldier in the third squad, not even a squad deputy. In a blink of an eye, he became the third platoon leader of the third platoon. Dahai was still a little uncomfortable for a while.

But I have to say something in my heart, it is good to be young, with strong learning ability and strong creativity!

"We don't talk about this in private." Seeing so many cigarette butts on the table, Li Ran asked curiously: "What troubles have you encountered? Tell me, maybe I can help you solve your problem?"

Hearing this, Shi Dahai smiled.

He knew that Li Ran was strong, and he also knew that with Li Ran's help, Wu Sanpao had established a third-level functional promotion.

But he can't do it. Although he also has a third-class meritorious service, even if he achieves another third-class meritorious service now, he still can't be promoted because he is too old to be promoted. "If you want to achieve meritorious service, you have no chance."

Unless you are lucky enough to achieve first-class merit, but how is that possible?

But Li Ran's words ignited a little hope in Wu Sanpao's heart.

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