Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

133: Brand New Three Rows! Take The Critical First Step

After successfully completing Li Hu's ideological work and getting Li Hu's approval, Li Ran left with satisfaction.

Look, it's actually not difficult to defeat the company commander.

Any company commander can never bear the thought that the future of the soldiers is buried by them. As a company commander, he wants to see the soldiers in his company go further.

Li Ran started directly from this weakness and successfully persuaded Li Hu.

In fact, Li Ran was telling the truth. He wanted to place all the top 30 people in the company in the third row. These top people were previously scattered among the three platoons. In the end, some people may become non-commissioned officers and some may be discharged.

But the chance of dryness is really very, very small.

It's different when Li Ran comes to the third platoon and conducts training of synthetic unit troops.

Once they are effective, I don’t know if they can be promoted, but they can definitely be converted into sergeants. These people may even become the seeds in the master sergeant system and may become the first batch of master sergeants.

Because, Li Ran wants to train them according to the sergeant chief's standards.

Seeing Li Ran leave with satisfaction, Li Hu suddenly felt regretful. Did he agree too hastily? He should at least discuss it with the instructor He Tao.

So Ji Hu found the instructor He Tao because of the night.

As soon as this incident was mentioned, the instructor He Tao was shocked on the spot.

"Old Li, are you crazy? All the companies in the regiment are not doing this. The best of a company are all placed in the same platoon? This is completely out of balance."

"I know this, but Li Ran is very confident. If these top people miss these opportunities because of me, then I won't be a sinner?"

Li Hu smoked heavily, feeling helpless.

Hearing this, A Tao fell silent.

"Old He, if you are asked to make a decision, would you agree with the performance of this kid Li Ran?" Li Hu asked He Tao.

"This..." He Tao hesitated. If it were him, he would probably agree.

"Tomorrow I will come and announce the arrangements for the personnel transfer order in public. The ideological work in the company will have to be done by you, the instructor, to appease them." Li Hu said.

If the company suddenly makes such personnel transfers, it will definitely arouse some doubts.

At this time, the instructor needs to come forward and do ideological work for the soldiers.

"Don't worry, I'm in charge of this. I just hope that Li Ran can perform another miracle and make this so-called synthetic army look like something." He Tao said.

He is not an indecisive person. Since Li Hu agreed, let's do it. Since he wants to do it, he must make results.

Only the results are worthy of such a large personnel transfer.

"That guy and I are sure of each other. He has been an instructor twice and has experience in training others."

The next day!

The entire reconnaissance company assembled. Li Hu took out the list of personnel he had prepared last night and began to call names.

"Next, those whose names I read will be moved to the third row from now on"~. "

"Guan Jian, Jiang Gan, Xugang, Yuan Shang......"

A total of twenty names.

"Those whose names I read below will be moved from the third row to the first and second rows respectively.

"Kong Shou, Lu Ni, Yan Ling, Wang Jianzhong..."

Twenty new people fell into the third row, and naturally, twenty people left in the third row.

When Li Hu made all the arrangements, everyone looked at Li Hu confused, not understanding what this meant?

There were only two platoon leaders in the first and second platoons. Although their faces were ugly, they knew what was going on.

Because the instructor found the two of them last night, said hello to them, and did some ideological work to ask them not to have any other ideas or explanations of the lesson.

Tell the two of them that all this is for the good of the reconnaissance company and the best of the reconnaissance company.

I have to say that the ideological work done by He Tao was effective. If the company commander suddenly announced such a personnel transfer without greeting them at all, the two of them would probably not be able to help but go to Li Ran for a fight afterwards.

Even if you can't beat Li Ran, you still have to fight.

Because it was too much, it was simply too much. They actually transferred all the best soldiers in their two platoons, and really didn't leave any of them in the two platoons.

Now, the thirty best soldiers in the whole company are all on the third level.

For a time, the first and second platoons became the last ones, and the third platoon became the truly strongest platoon. Who can tolerate this kind of poaching behavior?

But the instructor explained the situation to them in advance, so they had no choice but to obey the order.

After Li Hu read out the personnel orders and arrangements, he immediately dismissed them on the spot.

As soon as they were disbanded, everyone in the reconnaissance company exploded into confusion. They had no idea what was going on.

"What's going on? What does this mean?"

"Why did you suddenly drop us to the third row?"

"Platoon leader, what's going on? Why are we being transferred?"

"Have you noticed that all the top performers in the first and second rows have been transferred to the third row?"

"I discovered that only the top players in the third row are left, and everyone else has been transferred out. What does this mean?"

"Putting the best of the whole company in the third row? This is too much care for Brother Ran."

Even though Li Ran's strength impressed everyone in the reconnaissance company, the current arrangement still made some people criticize Li Ran.

Li Ran's performance was excellent and outstanding. It was normal for the company commander to take more care of him, and they had no objection.

But now, this kind of care is too much, and the best people in the whole company are directly placed in the third row. What?

Is this to give Li Ran, the newly appointed third platoon leader, a long-lasting performance?

Let Li Ran get the title of outstanding platoon leader before going to the military academy for further studies?

This kind of excessive caring behavior is too much and too disrespectful.

"The people whose names were called by the company commander just now should immediately go back to pack their things and go to the third platoon to listen to the arrangements of the third platoon commander.

"The first platoon leader heard what he said, and the second platoon also acted the same way."

The first platoon leader and the second platoon leader said loudly, even if they felt very unhappy, there was nothing they could do.

Order from superiors, due to innovation!

But even if they obeyed the order and the instructor did some ideological work, it would be impossible for the two of them not to have any resentment at all.

The two of them are not saints, so the soldiers they worked so hard to bring out are just given away like this? Who can bear this?

Even Chen Hai, who also served as a platoon leader in the recruit company, felt very uncomfortable at this time.

But just because the first and second platoon leaders said this, it doesn't mean that the transferred people in the first and second platoons are very cooperative.

"I protested, why was I transferred away without any explanation?"

"I'm protesting too, why?"

"I need an explanation, otherwise I won't go to the third row."

Someone took the lead in protesting, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

The people in the third platoon who had been transferred all looked very ugly at this time. They didn't expect that the newly appointed commander of the third platoon disliked them so much.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

At this time, a roar directly suppressed everyone present.

"You want to hear an explanation, don't you?" Li Ran shouted: "Everyone who wants to hear an explanation, please stand up and I'll tell you why."

Everyone stood up and remained silent, focusing on Li Ran, wanting to hear Li Ran's explanation.

"I can tell you clearly that the company commander and I applied to transfer you here and transfer people from the third platoon. Li Ran said directly: "As you can see, the results of the people transferred to the third platoon in the reconnaissance company are all at the forefront. Yes, this personnel transfer is based on performance."

Hearing this, many people sneered in their hearts.

Sure enough, as they guessed, the third platoon leader wanted to transfer all the top performers to the third platoon. In this case, the average score of the third platoon would always be the first in the company.

"But moving you to the third row now does not mean that you can stay in the third row forever." Li Ran added: "You can come to the third row just because you have a good foundation. Whether you can stay will depend on your performance. Remember one sentence, I lead soldiers not to let them live in idleness, but to lead them to meritorious service. I can guarantee that those who stay in the third row, I will lead them to witness history. As for those who have been transferred and want to come back ,Simple, results speak for themselves.”

Lead people to make meritorious deeds! Witness history!

In front of everyone, what Li Ran said could even be said to be arrogant.

But the confidence in his tone made it impossible for anyone present to refute, and no one could refute it.

Li Ran's speech immediately silenced the dissatisfied crowd, and the situation was brought under control, which had something to do with the aura exuded by Li Ran.

He has served as an instructor twice, whether he is an old non-commissioned officer or an officer, Li Ran always follows the instructions correctly (wins the title).

Li Ran handles these people in the reconnaissance company as easily as he catches chickens.

"Does anyone else have any comments?"

No one in the audience spoke and remained silent.

"No objection, I will go back to the dormitory immediately to pack my things and complete the transfer arrangements.

This time, everyone was honest and went back to the dormitory to pack their things.

Seeing this scene, the first platoon leader and the second platoon leader felt very depressed. They couldn't help but admire them. They were both platoon leaders. Even though Li Ran had only been the platoon leader for two days, his prestige was really nothing to say.

With just two or three sentences, the whole company was frightened into submission. This kind of prestige and momentum can match that of the company commander.

Originally, the top guys in their respective platoons were usually big or small in front of them, but in front of Li Ran, they didn't dare to let out a single fart, and they really needed to be taken care of.

Looking at everyone who was already busy, Li Ran was very satisfied.

During this personnel transfer, two of the three squad leaders of the third platoon and three squads were replaced, leaving only one. The thirty people in the platoon can be said to be the best soldiers in the entire company. Next, he will be able to follow the new rules he formulated. The training syllabus has begun.

Synthetic planning is a crucial step!

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