Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

138: Potential To Become A Senior Military Officer

The style of painting suddenly changed, and the sudden change caught everyone off guard.

No one expected that Li Ran would suddenly make such a move, not even the third company commander.

For a time, the third company commander who was originally very angry was dissipated by Li Ran's tragic words.

"You have indeed shed sweat for the troops and you have indeed shed blood for the people. The military medal on your body is the best proof." In response to Li Ran's question, the third company commander gave an affirmative answer.

Although Li Ran's behavior made him feel angry, Li Ran's contribution was undeniable.

Sweating for the troops is better for the people. This is the duty and responsibility of a soldier.

It's just that the third company commander doesn't understand. Does what Li Ran said have anything to do with him bringing the third platoon to his third company today?

"Third company commander, as expected, they all said that you are the company commander who is most considerate of the grassroots soldiers. They are right." Li Ran's only-you-understand-me tone made the third company commander feel flattered for a moment.

He didn't expect that Li Ran would say these things to him.

Although he was angry because of Li Ran's behavior before, he knew that if Li Ran really used military merit to suppress him, plus the orders given by the regiment, he would have no choice but to cooperate in the end.

But Li Ran did not come to Sanlian in such a grand manner, and in front of so many people, he met his Sanlian with all his heart. This was already very, very important to him.

His status as the third company commander was instantly elevated.

On the side, the face of Li Hu, the commander of the reconnaissance company, turned ugly.

Damn it, are you saying this to the third company commander or to him? Does it mean that he, the commander of the reconnaissance company, is not considerate of his subordinates? Do you have any conscience in saying this?

What Li Ran said next made Li Hu even more crazy.

"Third company commander, it's all your fault that I was ignorant when I was in the reconnaissance company. You said in modern warfare, no matter how good your personal military quality is, what does it matter? In front of tanks, you are not like an ant.

How handsome is the tank company? Pretending to be a man is romantic. "

Although Li Ran's words are flattering, Li Ran, who has read many military books and has never commanded personally, can indeed feel the charm of armored command.

In the face of a grand armored battle, all special forces would stand aside, and it would not be enough to fill the gap between the teeth.

"You have really grown up." The third company commander said with emotion: "I wanted you to join the third company at the beginning, but you insisted on going to the reconnaissance company because there were more opportunities to make meritorious deeds. You must regret it now."

"Yes, Third Company Commander, now I know that there is a huge difference between a reconnaissance company and a tank company." Li Ran agreed.

The two sang and harmonized, and the third company commander was filled with joy. Everyone in the Third Company was very proud.

The people in the third row were stunned. They once suspected that the platoon leader had given the wrong medicine, but there was something wrong with their heads.

How dare you say such a thing in front of the company commander?

You say three companies are good, just three companies, but you still compare them with the reconnaissance company. Does this mean that the reconnaissance company is not as good as the tank company?

The company commander is listening on the sidelines. How will the company commander feel after hearing this?

Li Hu now has a heart after eating Li Ran. He is too much of a dog and ignores him at all. In front of him, he said that the third company is better than the reconnaissance company. The third company is better. You might as well go to the third company. Forget it, why are you still in the reconnaissance company?

Of course, he said so, but Li Hu was really reluctant and impossible to give Li Ran to Sanlian.

I really want to send Li Ran to Sanlian, which is equivalent to giving Sanlian a big deal in vain.

"Third company commander, my brothers in the third platoon have long been talking about how good the tank company is. They want to experience what it feels like to drive a tank even in their sleep and dreams. For this reason, they even taught themselves to read military books related to tanks. They are all fascinated by them. He said that if he could drive a tank once in his life as a soldier, he would be satisfied even if he retired from the army, so I shamelessly brought them here."

"Platoon commander, you are flattering the third company commander. Don't take us with you. We are innocent."

After everyone in the third row heard Li Ran say this, cold sweat broke out on their backs, because they had already felt the murderous look in their company commander's eyes.

Li Hu glanced at the three rows of people with cold eyes, roaring in his heart at a group of heartless people.

No wonder Li Ran asked them to recite the relevant data and parameters of tanks every day. These people in the third platoon enjoyed themselves endlessly. One or two of them were very motivated. It turned out that they had long disliked their own reconnaissance company and had ideas about the tank company.

"I have to settle accounts with the instructor Lao He when I go back. There is a problem with the thinking of the soldiers in the reconnaissance company. That is because he, the instructor, did not do his ideological work well." Li Hu thought to himself.

Ah sneeze~

Ah sneeze~

Ah sneeze~

He Tao, who was temporarily training with the first and second rows, sneezed three times in a row and felt depressed, wondering who was talking about him.

After hearing Li Ran's words, the third company commander laughed loudly, glanced at Li Hu provocatively, and deliberately said: "It's normal to have this kind of thinking, man, who doesn't like this big guy? If you don't want to experience driving a tank once as a soldier, How does it feel? It's like being a soldier for nothing. Don't you just want to drive a tank? It's a small thing. I will definitely satisfy this small request.

The third company commander waved his hand and agreed directly on the spot, agreeing to lend his life to the soldiers in the third platoon to learn driving experience.

For some reason, the third company commander is in a good mood now, very good, and even wants to laugh.

Seeing Li Hu sulking on the side, he became even happier.

It’s rare to see Lao Qi so defeated. Aren’t you Lao Qi a cow? Aren’t your reconnaissance companies a cow?

Every year, you recruit the best recruits into your own company. Now you are slapped in the face. The best person in your company and your third platoon leader say that the tank company is the most handsome. The soldiers in your third platoon only dream of shooting. tank.

That says it all.

The tank company is the most handsome and awesome, the reconnaissance company still has to stand aside and go forward.

"Platoon commander." The third company commander shouted.


"Go, let them drive out the tanks, let the brothers in the reconnaissance company practice their skills, and find a few excellent drivers to come over and teach the brothers in the third platoon of the reconnaissance company how to drive step by step." The third company commander said very proudly, It can be said that everything is arranged in place.


The platoon leader immediately carried out the order without any resistance in his heart.

It's rare that the Third Company has the opportunity to stand up in front of the Reconnaissance Company and show off properly, so naturally it will show the best and everything will be in place.

"Third company commander, thank you for your cooperation with my third platoon commander's work. Let's take the first step."

After Li Hu said something polite, he was about to leave.

"Old Seven, why are you leaving so quickly? I'm just following the instructions from my superiors. I'll have a cup of tea before I leave. I just got some good tea." The third company commander said deliberately.

The more he looked at Li Hu's deflated appearance, the happier he became.

It's rare to see the commander of a reconnaissance company like this. If possible, he would really like to take a photo as a souvenir.

"No, I can't afford Sanlian's good tea, so I'm leaving."

After Li Hu finished speaking, he left without looking back. Before leaving, he glared at Li Ran and the people in the third row.

Such a look made everyone in the third row tremble.

On the contrary, the third company commander is very happy, yes, that's it. The more you do this, the more opportunities I will have to poach your people, which makes me happy just thinking about it.

However, when Li Hu left the Third Company Station and returned to the Reconnaissance Company, his originally frowning brows straightened out, and a proud smile appeared on his face.

"`]Lao San, Lao San, you're still a bit shy. A few flattery words will make you so happy that you can't find the answer. I haven't even used the methods I prepared later. Li Hu murmured to himself He said, very proud.

Yes, everything just happened was planned by him and Li Ran.

Li Ran discussed this plan with him as early as when he told him that there was a way.

Time goes back to an hour ago.

"What plan do you have, tell me directly, otherwise I won't let you go down and lead the third platoon there." Li Hu said directly.

"Company Commander, I may need you to cooperate with me in this plan."

"You speak first."

"Before I go in the afternoon, I'll first..."

After learning about Li Ran's plan, Li Hu instantly became dissatisfied and said: "Are you using my face to exchange for the opportunity to study and train in the third platoon in the third company? I don't want to lose face?"

"Company Commander, stop pretending. I'm not a new recruit who didn't know anything when I first joined the company. I've been to the special forces of the military region, I've participated in military competitions, and I've also been in contact with the disciplinary inspectors of the military region. You Do you know what I learned the most from these unit officers?"


"That is, for the chief officer, face is the least important thing. You have to face it at ordinary times, but at critical times, the fastest and most effective way to achieve your goal is to give up face. 1. The best way, you tell me. Right?"

Li Ran's words stunned Li Hu. What he said was so reasonable that he was speechless.

Indeed, everyone wants face, but sometimes, face is the least important thing.

He had seen it many times when some unit chief officers and dignified senior military officers fought for talents and equipment, and they were so quarrelsome and shameless.

As long as you can get substantial benefits by being shameless, then why do you want to be shameless?

"What you said is right, very good. You already have the potential to become a senior officer." Li Hu said seriously.

The two people discussed all this without informing the soldiers of the third platoon, just to achieve the most realistic effect in the third company. Now the effect has come, and the goal has been successfully achieved.

"When there is nothing wrong, I still have to ask Lao He to strengthen the ideological work of the company's soldiers. Acting is acting. If the boat capsizes in the gutter, it will be bad." Li Hu thought secretly.

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