Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

152: Predict The Beheading Action! The Exercise Is Over! Red Wins

The five border defense regiments command!

After Lei Feng told the public about the glorious achievements of Li Ran and his men on the battlefield, Tuanzhi fell into silence and everyone was in shock.

As early as five minutes ago, everyone, including the colonel, thought the defeat was certain.

The reconnaissance company has not completed its scheduled mission. Up to now, Highland 034 has not been captured. The third tank company and the sixth tank company have suffered heavy losses on the frontal battlefield and are no match for the independent regiment's armored confrontation.

All other companies' attacks were blocked. In this exercise, the all-round front of the fifth border defense regiment was in a state of failure.

Unexpectedly, the situation of the battle changed instantly and was reversed.

The blue armor force was destroyed, and the third company requested to continue the attack, hoping to destroy all the defense lines of the independent regiment in one fell swoop.

Such a change in the battle situation, like the butterfly effect, can have a series of chain reactions.

"Tell the Third Company to go ahead boldly and in one go, destroy the remaining defense lines of the Independent Regiment and attack Huanglong directly." Lei Lei Feng gave the order.

It wasn't until the colonel gave the order that others around him gradually came to their senses.

"How on earth is it done?" The lieutenant colonel and chief of staff on the side couldn't help asking, somewhat dumbfounded.

It was so dramatic to lead someone to rob the blue team's tank and drive the blue team's tank to beat the blue team.

"It is said that this boy led Squad 7 to drive an armored vehicle directly behind a blue tank from the beginning of the battle." Lei Lei Feng said.

"Squad 7? Squad 7 of the reconnaissance company?" the chief of staff asked.

"Who else could it be from Class 7? This kid always surprises people. The scout drives a tank and beats people up. It's really interesting." Speaking of this, Lei Lei Feng couldn't help but feel happy.

To be honest, he really didn't expect this.

Even in this exercise, although he had certain expectations for Li Ran, from a realistic perspective, Li Ran had only been a platoon leader for a short time, so he was definitely not familiar with command.

When it comes to the battlefield, it's normal to make some mistakes. And the most distinctive third platoon of the reconnaissance company, no one knows what will happen or how the third platoon will perform.

But now, the performance of the third row has exceeded everyone's expectations.

With this move alone, the third platoon and the seventh squad, led by Li Ran, seized the tank and turned the tide of the battle, which is equivalent to meritorious service.

"The scout drives a tank, who would believe it if he told me." You Xiao smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Who stipulates that scouts cannot drive tanks? I think Li Ran is right. The functions of our field army non-commissioned officers are too simplistic. Do you see that an excellent non-commissioned officer has learned a lot and knows a lot, and his performance is even better? Excellent." Lei Lei Feng said, affirming Li Ran's diversified training for the third platoon.

"Captain, in this exercise, our fifth regiment still has a chance. The chance is great."

"It's not too early to say anything, but don't forget that the blue side also has a special force. They have been fighting with us now, but they haven't taken any serious action yet.

Ji Tingfeng said.

"The latest order! Abandon Highland 034 and go to carry out the beheading mission of the border defense regiment headquarters.

Yuan Peng conveyed the latest combat orders to each member of the team with a serious face.

"Captain, what's going on?"

"The independent regiment's frontal battlefield was defeated, its armor was destroyed, and its defense line was in danger. We must behead the blue side's headquarters before the red side completely destroyed the independent regiment's defense line. Otherwise, we will lose this exercise." Yuan Peng said.

To be honest, he didn't expect it.

Didn't the independent regiment always have an absolute advantage on the frontal battlefield?

How come the situation was suddenly reversed after everything was going well?

What depresses Yuan Peng the most is that they have been in a stalemate here for an hour. The remaining members of the reconnaissance company have not taken the initiative to launch an attack on Highland 034. They have conducted several lures, but this group just won't. Take the bait.

Yuan Peng and others did not dare to go deep into the battle rashly. They had been fighting for such a long time, and the remaining people in the reconnaissance company were extraordinary, not to mention putting unbearable pressure on their special forces.

But once you relax your vigilance, it is easy to capsize in the gutter.

In addition, Li Ran, Yuan Peng and others who are most afraid of have not yet determined their location, so they dare not act rashly.

Well now, their original combat mission has changed, from holding on to Highland 034 to beheading the commander of the fifth border defense regiment.

"Three groups of cover, one group, two groups, take action immediately."


Yuan Peng gave the order, and the two groups immediately took action to formulate a beheading mission.

The location of the headquarters of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment has been determined.

The war situation has changed, and the most precious thing for them now is time.

At this time, in the area 178,156 located around the regiment finger of the fifth border defense regiment, members of the eighth squadron have built a cross-fire defense line here, without any shooting dead spots.

At the same time, there are two snipers lurking around. It can be said that it is impossible for a fly to pass through here.

Although this is not the only way to go to Tuan Zhi, it is the only way to behead Tuan Zhi because this is the most suitable area.

After everyone in Class 8 arrived here, they immediately established a Congli blockade position here.

"Squad leader, do you think the special forces will come?"

"Shut up, don't talk, the platoon leader will come when he says he will.

"But we have been waiting for almost an hour."

"Why are you so anxious? Isn't the exercise still not over yet?"

"Squad leader, the target has appeared."

At this time, the snipers lurking around found a target in their scopes, which was the Snow Leopard Special Forces. Just as their platoon leader guessed, the Snow Leopard Special Forces came to carry out the beheading mission.

"Wait until all targets are in before shooting."


Soon, a member of the Snow Leopard Special Forces appeared, followed by the second and third

The members of the squadron led by Yuan Peng were a little excited. They had long been tired of holding on to their positions. As special forces, they were good at beheading missions rather than so-called positional warfare.

I don’t know what the captain was thinking. They should have been allowed to carry out the beheading mission from the beginning. Wouldn’t there be so many problems if the beheading was successful?

After Yuan Peng observed the surrounding environment, he didn't notice anything unusual.


With an order, all team members immediately took action to behead the regiment commander not far ahead.

at this time.


There was a gunshot, and white smoke came out of a commando of the Snow Leopard Special Forces.

"There is an ambush." ​​Yuan Peng shouted.

But it's too late now, click, click, click!

The single shots of the 85 sniper rifle and the bursts of the 81 bar continued to sound, and bullets poured like raindrops towards Yuan Peng and others.

There was firepower all around, forming a dense firepower blockade network, and they had no place to hide.

"Smoke bombs, withdraw."

The moment the gunfire rang out, Yuan Peng knew that the situation was not going to happen and they were ambushed.

You must evacuate immediately!

The people in Class 8 had been holding it in until now, and finally the big fish came. How could they just let it go?

One or two, bullets are fired for free.

On the battlefield, white smoke was rising, there were smoke bombs, and the smoke warning device on the Snow Leopard special forces member was triggered by a bullet.

Twenty minutes later, Yuan Peng and others were all shot and killed, and no one managed to escape.

The eighth squad leader led everyone from the eighth squad out to clean the battlefield.

Seeing this, Yuan Peng silently tore off his armbands. They were already dead, but what Yuan Peng didn't expect was that there would be an ambush here, as if he had expected that they would come to behead them.

Such intensive firepower was obviously a fire blockade constructed in advance, and there were also snipers among them.

A Snow Leopard Special Forces member was just about to stand up when suddenly, he was hit with a thud.

"What are you doing?" The team member immediately asked dissatisfiedly. He was already dead, so why did you shoot him? How about whipping a corpse?

"I'm sorry, our platoon leader told us that when cleaning the battlefield, we must replenish our guns to make sure there are no survivors to prevent the ship from capsizing in the ditch." The eighth squad leader explained with a smile. 490 After hearing this, the members of the Snow Leopard Special Forces were all stunned.

He's so professional, even more professional than them, and he's so cautious.

"Who is your platoon leader?" Yuan Peng asked.

"Reporting to the leader, our platoon leader is Li Ran." The eighth squad leader said.

"Li Ran? Are you from the reconnaissance company?" Yuan Peng was shocked when he heard this.

How is it possible, how could the people from the reconnaissance company appear here?

Near Highland 034, they wiped out most of the people in the reconnaissance company. Aren't the remaining people still there?

"Yes, chief, we are three platoons and eight squads." After the eighth squad leader finished speaking, he realized that the exercise was not over yet, and said quickly: "Sorry, chief, due to the rules of the exercise, I can't continue talking to you now.

Having said so much, the eighth squad leader did not relax, but Li Ran made an explanation before they came.

When it is discovered that special forces are coming to carry out a beheading mission, if their ambush is successful, it also means that the exercise is about to end.

Sure enough, an hour later, the director announced that the exercise was officially over, and the red side was the final winner!

Finally, Yuan Peng, who had been waiting for the end of the exercise, couldn't bear it anymore and went directly to the eighth squad leader just now and asked: "Where is your platoon leader? Isn't he with you?"

"Reporting to the leader, our platoon leader took Squad 7 to support the Third Company, and he probably hasn't come back yet." Squad Leader Eight said truthfully.

The exercise is over, and there is nothing left to say.

"Supporting the third company? Are the remaining people from the 034 ambush from your reconnaissance company?" Yuan Peng was confused and asked again.

"Yes, chief, our team is there to deal with you."

"Class 9? They have been fighting for so long and were so afraid of love. There is only one class left in the reconnaissance company?"

Yuan Peng felt incredible at this time and didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

At this moment, he suddenly felt like they were a group of fools, being toyed with by Li Ran while applauding!

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