Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

164: Ultimate Goal: Command The First Heavy Armored Division Of The Entire Army

In the army, whether it is the squad leader, platoon leader, company commander, or even the instructor's favorite saying to the soldiers is.

"They all carry one head on two shoulders, why are you not as good as others?"

You are all serving as soldiers in the army. If you are not as good as others, it means that you do not train hard and no one can endure hardship. This is a generally accepted view.

But at this moment, Li Ran made the third company commander understand something.

That's the thing about talent, it really can't be made up for by hard work.

When Li Ran said that he wanted to learn armor command from him, he had already planned it. He would start with theoretical knowledge, find some books for Li Ran, and look at the notes he had recorded when he was studying in the Lu Academy.

To learn armor command, you must first understand the relevant theoretical knowledge. Otherwise, you will not understand armor command at all.

The third company commander asked himself, he could only teach Li Ran some basic things now and let Li Ran get familiar with it first. Regardless of his level, he could only command a tank company at present.

Secondly, his teachings are incomparable to the systematic education of the Armored Command Department of the Army Academy.

But now, he was wrong.

Li Ran knew all the theoretical knowledge of armor command that he prepared for Li Ran, and was able to master it on his own.

In addition to hard work, what's more important is talent!

No one knows how to memorize by rote. What is difficult is to master it.

"Although it's a bit embarrassing to say it, I can tell you clearly that with my military quality and your current knowledge, I have nothing to teach you about the theoretical knowledge of armored command." The third company commander said directly.

Although it is embarrassing to say these words.

He is a dignified undergraduate in the Armor Command Department of the Lu Academy.

But now, there is no knowledge reserve to teach a lieutenant who has not yet gone to the Lu Academy for further training, but the facts are before us.

Faced with a pervert who could study the theoretical knowledge related to armored command by himself and integrate it independently, the third company commander was really helpless.

"Third company commander, theory is theory, mainly practice." Li Ran smiled.

He didn't expect the third company commander to teach him much about theoretical knowledge. After all, the third company commander learned most of the things from books. At most, he could impart some experience to him.

What he values ​​​​is practice!

Apply what you learn in books to real armor command.

Hearing this, the third company commander laughed and scolded: "I think you are just here for practical purposes."

After being exposed by the third company commander's words, Li Ran did not hide it and said directly: "Who can resist the charm of commanding an armored group?"

"What you said is right. I told Lao Qi at the beginning that with your strength, there is a high chance that you will be poached by the special forces. At that time, I felt it was a pity. Now I find that it was me. Overthinking it, what's the point of being a special forces soldier? Although armor command is difficult, it is the true romance of a man." After the third company commander finished speaking, he waved his hand and said to Li Ran: "Let's go to the training ground with me. .”

Since Li Ran wants to put it into practice, the third company commander does not intend to be stingy, so he will satisfy Ji Ran's wish.

He finally figured it out. With Li Ran's talent, if he went to the Armored Command Department of the Lu Academy for systematic further study, his future would be limitless after he came out.

Apart from anything else, if Li Ran really becomes a famous armored commander in the military region one day, then he will be good at it.

In the future, when bragging to others, I can also say it proudly.

Li Ran, I taught him back then!

The third company commander took Li Ran to the comprehensive training venue. At this time, everyone in the third company was undergoing daily training.

"Do you know what is the most important thing for the armored group when a war comes?" the third company commander asked. (aiab)

"Rallying speed." Li Ran said, he read this from a book.

"Yes, it's the speed of assembly." The third company commander explained: "It is said that fighter planes change rapidly. As a mechanized force, the maneuvering process is an inevitable process. You never know where the battlefield will be, but one thing is certain, no matter what There are only two ways for the armored group to get past, railway mobility and road mobility."

"Let's not talk about the two maneuvering methods. The Army Academy will have special and systematic teaching courses. I can't teach you now. I can teach you the precise maneuvering of a company-sized armored unit.

. "Prepare

"The maneuver preparation time of the armored company directly affects the time to enter the battlefield. Once the war starts, it is crucial to complete the assembly and maneuver preparations as quickly as possible.

"I'll show it to you first."

After saying that, the third company commander shouted: "Stop the training and gather the entire company."

After the order was issued, the members of the Third Company who were undergoing daily basic training immediately stopped training and gathered immediately under the command of each squad leader. Soon the entire Third Company was assembled.

"Subject: Maneuver preparation training, follow my instructions."

"Order: Tank crews, 50 meters apart, move southwest along the training ground.

"Order: Armored vehicle crews and infantry fighting vehicle crews shall be merged into tank crews alternately.

"Order: The troop transport convoy moves last."

As the commander of the third company issued the maneuvering orders one after another, everyone in the third company immediately started to move.

A non-commissioned officer, holding a flag in his hand and shouting a whistle, began to dispatch the troops using semaphores and whistles.

Tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored vehicles, and personnel carriers were driven out of the third company yard in an orderly manner by their drivers.

Boom boom boom~

In the originally peaceful training ground, the ground trembled for a moment, and the roar of the armored beast sounded.

There was a very strong smell of diesel in the air.

Just watching the maneuver preparation process of an armored company made Li Ran's heart surge.

Watching this thing on TV and watching it in reality are completely different things, two different feelings.

In the third company, there are only seven tanks plus command tanks. Adding infantry fighting vehicles, armored vehicles, and personnel carriers together, there are only thirteen vehicles in total.

If you watch it on TV, it might not be that shocking.

But looking at it in reality, a tank company is still shocking. Just imagine, if the scale is expanded and hundreds of tanks and armor are assembled, what will it be like?

That scene would be very shocking to watch on TV, but what about in reality?

Think about it again, what if you were the commander of hundreds of armored tanks?

How awesome would it be to command an armored group of this size?

The maneuver preparation of a tank company does not end when the driver drives the tanks and vehicles out of the yard. This is just the beginning.

The third company commander directly entered the command tank, and each crew member began inspection and testing before maneuvering.

"Start communication test."

"Tank No. 1 is normal."

"Tank No. 2 is normal.

"Tank No. 3 is normal."

"The No. 1 armored vehicle is normal.

"Power test."

"The engine of Tank No. 1 is running normally."


Soon, all thirteen equipped vehicles completed test preparations before maneuvering.

"Let's go." The third company commander in the command tank gave the order.

The armored cluster started to move, but this was just a mobile preparation training and did not need to drive very far.

At the end of the training, the third company commander got down from the command tank and came to Li Ran.

"Do you know how long it took me from when I gave the order to when the first tank drove out?" the third company commander asked.

Li Ran shook his head. He was just looking at it and was really not counting the time.

"Nineteen minutes," the third company commander said.

"Is this time fast or slow?" Li Ran asked.

"In terms of the emergency assembly speed of tank companies, our third company is only at a medium level." The third company commander said truthfully: "With an excellent tank company commander and an excellent tank company, the emergency assembly speed is only nine times. minutes, or even less.

"There's such a big difference." Li Ran was a little surprised. He didn't expect the gap to be so big.

With a gap of ten minutes, the mechanized troops can do a lot.

A delay of one second may affect the fighter plane, let alone ten minutes.

"The gap is huge. There are many factors that affect emergency assembly and deployment. First, the commander's reaction, and secondly, the quality of the company's soldiers." The third company commander said: "After all, we are not a heavy armor regiment in a large military region. This achievement is still not achieved in our military region. That makes sense."

Comparing the emergency assembly time of the third tank company of the fifth regiment with other regiments in the Tibetan Military Region is pretty good.

It's not that I'm degenerate and I don't seek to make progress, it's mainly due to the influence of many reasons.

"Then what was the emergency assembly time for the tank company of our opponent's independent regiment during the last exercise?" Li Ran asked.

"Twelve minutes." The third company commander said: "The Independent Regiment has always been the delegation of our military region. The requirements in this regard are more stringent and the strength is stronger. However, it is not as good as the real military region. Compared with the heavy equipment group, it is far behind. It is completely in the sky and on the ground.

Speaking of this, the third company commander seemed to have thought of something, and said with a longing look on his face: "Do you know what kind of unit any armor commander wants to command?"


"The heavy armored assault division belonging to the Z Group Army of the Northern Military Region is the strongest heavy armored division in the field army." As if mentioning his idol, the third company commander's eyes seemed to be twinkling with stars as he said: "The current commander of the heavy armored assault division , is my idol, I was lucky enough to meet him once when I was studying in Lu Yuan."

"Third company commander, can't you? A group of officers who trained with you are now division commanders?" Li Ran said with some shock.

"My idol is two terms older than me." The third company commander said: "Back then in the Lu Yuan, he was a man of the hour. He broke the Lu Yuan's record and commanded the first heavy armored division of the field army. You know what that concept is."

"Niubi?" Li Ran said tentatively.

"It's not just a great comparison, it's a very good comparison. Since your goal is the armored commander, it's absolutely right to take command of the army's first heavy armored division as your goal." The third company commander said very seriously.

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