Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

170: Freshman Mobilization Rally! This Is The Boss

With the arrival of Li Ran, the other five red card students in the dormitory were trembling.

The five of them couldn't imagine the military medal on Li Ran's chest. How could such an honor be obtained?

Especially those two first-class merits. There are still two alive first-class merits. There are probably less than a few in the entire military region.

"Don't call me company commander, I am a freshman in this class, and we will all be the same in the future." Li Ran smiled, very humble, peaceful and approachable.

Li Ran was just about to put his luggage in the locker the next second.

"Squad leader, let me help you."

A red card student came over immediately and took the luggage from Li Ran very enthusiastically.

Since Li Ran is not allowed to be called company commander, he should be called squad leader. Anyway, when new students enter school, each class must elect a squad leader representative.


Li Ran didn't refuse either. His roommate was so warm and polite that he didn't even react before he took the luggage.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Li Ran. I come from the reconnaissance company of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment of the Tibetan Military Region. We are all in the same dormitory. Please take care of me in the future." Li Ran smiled and took the initiative to introduce himself.

"My name is Wang Gang, from the Machinery Infantry Company of the 602nd Regiment, T Division, Group A, Beijing Military Region."

"Ding Zhiyuan, Tank Company of the 301st Regiment, D Division, H Group Army, Eastern Military Region."

After the introduction of the five people, Li Ran understood everyone's situation. Among the five people, one was promoted through meritorious service, two were admitted to the army and two were local candidates.

Li Ran gave everyone a Chinese flower, which flattered the five of them. Seeing that Li Ran had no airs at all, the group gradually relaxed a little.

"Squad leader, they say first-class merit is awarded to family members. You must have experienced this on the line of life and death." Luo Guang said.

He was admitted locally and had not been in the grassroots army, but he had admired soldiers since he was a child. After being admitted to the military academy, he was very happy. He knew something about the army from others, but he had never experienced it personally.

"Our army group had two first-class merits last year, but it's a pity that they were all martyrs." Ding Zhiyuan said, he was promoted to the army for meritorious service and received two third-class merits.

"Although I am a member of the army who passed the examination, I admire the most for those who have made outstanding contributions. They are really awesome."

There is a chain of contempt among students from the Lu Academy. Those who have meritorious service and promotions look down on those who are admitted to the military academy. However, in their hearts, the status of local candidates is the lowest.

In any case, the former have experienced it in the grassroots army. They have been admitted directly to this place and have not experienced the training of the grassroots army. Even if they graduate and join the company, there will be veterans who are unconvinced and are collectively called student officers.

"It's not as exaggerated as you think." Li Ran smoked a cigarette and said: "These two first-class merits, one was obtained after writing a paper, and the other was given after the exercise. In terms of actual combat tasks, it is second-class merit. It was obtained by performing actual combat missions, not to mention third-class merit, there is nothing much to say."

Although Li Ran said it lightly, the three people present were very surprised.

I have only been admitted to these two places and have never been to the grassroots army. I don't know how much weight Li Ran's words carry.

"Can I get first-class merit for writing a thesis? Then I must study it carefully." Luo Guang said excitedly, as if he saw his goal.

You can get first-class merit by writing a paper. There is such a good thing. First-class merit. If you get one, it will be a matter of honor for your ancestors.

"It is definitely more difficult to get a first-class thesis than to perform actual combat tasks. The squad leader is just being humble. You really believe it." Ding Zhiyuan directly poured cold water on Luo Guang.

"It's just that the recruits have never been to the grassroots level, so they are prone to naive illusions."

"I can't even think about it." Luo Guang said, feeling very aggrieved.

Before Li Ran came, he and another person who passed the exam from the local area were educated.

In the eyes of the other three people, the two of them were new recruits.

"It's okay. It's a good thing to be motivated. Come on." Li Ran smiled and comforted her.

After the things were packed and the bed was made, Li Ran began to simply prepare a speech for the afternoon speech as a representative of this freshmen class.

Isn't it just to go on stage and make a speech as a representative of the new students, say a few words of encouragement? This is not difficult for Li Ran and he can do it quickly.

In the cafeteria.

As the first lunch after coming to Luyuan, under the leadership of Li Ran, the six people in the dormitory ate together in the cafeteria for the first time.

Although there is a certain chain of contempt between meritorious service in the dormitory, military examinations, and local examinations, there is no doubt that Li Ran is the man at the top.

Li Ran took the lead in calling for anything, and the other five people absolutely obeyed and participated unconditionally.

At some point, as long as you have strength, prestige will come naturally.

Science shows that in any school, on the first day of school, 99% of freshmen in the same dormitory will choose to eat and do activities together to increase their feelings for each other.

Although the military rank on Li Ran's shoulder has been replaced by a red card, the military medal on his chest has not been taken off, mainly because there was a mobilization meeting for freshmen not long after dinner, so he still had to wear it after taking it off.


Li Ran was used to being stared at by so many people and ate his meal calmly.

The other five people are all a little proud and proud. They have no choice but to compare themselves to roommates. It is also an honor to become roommates with a big boss.

"Squad leader, I counted, there are at least thirty people who pause when they pass by us."

"At least two-thirds of the people in the cafeteria are looking at us."

"Is this what it feels like to be in the spotlight? It feels so cool."

"Stop having sex, it's not about you, it's all about the monitor."

After eating, Li Ran and the six were about to leave from the cafeteria, when suddenly a cute new female student blocked their way.

"Monitor, can you sign your name for me?"

The cute new female student looked at Li Ran with big watery eyes and an expression of admiration, and took the initiative to hand over her notebook and pen.

Lu Academy has a communications major, and most of the new female students are from the communications department.

"Why do you want my autograph?" Li Ran asked with a smile to the red card female student who suddenly came forward to ask for her autograph.

"Before I went to the military academy, I swore that if I ever met someone with first-class merit while alive, I would have to sign it." said the red-card female trainee, with a different kind of determination in her eyes.

Li Ran smiled, picked up the pen and left a signature on the notebook.

"Thank you, monitor." The female student with the red card was so happy that she jumped away after getting the signature.

One o'clock in the afternoon.

The 99th Freshmen Mobilization Meeting was officially held at the Luyuan Auditorium.

In the auditorium, there was a solemn atmosphere. All the new students from the class of 1999 were present and seated. In addition, there were also some students from the class of 1998 and 1997. They were all outstanding students.

0......Please give me flowers......

After everyone arrived, the mobilization meeting officially began.

The Lu Academy attaches great importance to every freshman mobilization meeting, because every student has the potential to become one of the future backbones of the field army.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, a lieutenant general, three major generals, and three senior colonels came in. The dean of the Lu Academy and the deans of several colleges all attended the meeting.

Senior Colonel Sun Fu, Director of the Academic Affairs Office, first took the stage to speak. After a routine opening speech, the freshman congress officially began.

Under the watchful eyes of many freshmen from the Class of 1999, outstanding students from the Class of 1998 and 1997 came on stage. The Lieutenant General and the Dean personally gave each outstanding student a certificate of excellence.

Bang bang bang~

Suddenly, there was warm applause from the audience.

Looking at the envious and adoring eyes of a group of newbies in the audience, the outstanding students of the 1998 and 1997 classes looked proud and proud.

In terms of qualifications, they are seniors and seniors. In terms of ability, they are outstanding students and the hope for the future.

Cheers! Cheers to the cute newbies, cheer them on to your heart’s content!


After receiving the certificates, everyone stepped off the stage one after another and returned to their seats to sit down.

They enjoyed the admiring looks from the cute new students from time to time.

But the next second, the scene in front of them made the outstanding students of the 1998 and 1997 classes stunned, with expressions of disbelief and doubt on life.

As the representative of the 99th class of freshmen, Li Ran took the stage. He was dressed in formal attire. The military medal on his chest was very conspicuous under the spotlight. He had a tall and tall figure and a handsome face. He exuded a special temperament.

At this time, Li Ran was the most handsome one in the room.

So handsome! So handsome!

Bang bang bang bang~

When Li Ran walked onto the stage, before he even started to speak, the audience burst into even warmer applause than before.

All the male students looked at him with admiration, especially the new female students of this batch, who wanted to clap their hands to pieces.

"So handsome, really handsome.

"He is handsome with military medals and handsome as a person. So handsome."

"Boss, this is a real boss."

"It turns out he is the big shot I heard people talking about today. He has so many military medals. It's hard to imagine what he went through.

The outstanding students from the 1998 and 1997 classes were all dumbfounded and shocked.

Damn, what's going on?

What is going on among the freshmen of the class of 1999? First-class merit, second-class merit, third-class merit, one medal, two..., are these the freshmen of the 99th batch?

A fierce man who has achieved so many meritorious deeds is so young? Still just a freshman?

Even among senior military officers, they are all admired, right? What's going on?

Could it be that this young man is a relative of the dean? Or maybe he is the son of a certain big boss? Otherwise, what's wrong with this military medal? It doesn't match his age at all.

Could it be that these days, everyone likes to pretend to be cute and come to the college to fry fish? Pretend to be compared?

The moment Li Ran came on stage, the dean of the Lu Academy and the deans of various departments all fell on Li Ran.

There is an unusual person coming to the new class of Lu Yuan. They have known about it for a long time, but when they saw him today, it was really different.

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