Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

175: Perfect Score For Tactical Theory! Command Mechanized Troops To Fight Street Battles

For the mixed test paper, Li Ran only needed less than half an hour out of three hours to answer the questions.

To be honest, this speed is faster than copying the answers directly.

"Report, finished answering questions."

Li Ran reported.

The director of the Academic Affairs Office, Colonel Sun Fu, glanced at Li Ran with a complicated expression, then walked over and took away the papers.

The exam was officially over and Ji Ran walked out of the classroom.

It was still early, so Colonel Zhao Kanghui and Major General Fang Xingwu immediately went to the classroom to correct the test papers. Sun Fu did not leave, but just watched from the side.

He wanted to see how Li Ran did on the test paper with such exaggerated speed.

At noon, before lunch time, Li Ran’s theory test results came out, full marks!

The mixed theory test paper on infantry arms tactics and armored command was written by the two deans and marked by the two deans. Li Ran's score was a perfect score.

After this result appeared, Japanese movies were in an uproar!

After many years, the Lu Academy once again had a perfect score in tactical theory. The last time he got a perfect score in theory was a close disciple of Major General Fang Xingwu, the dean of the Armored Command Department, who is now the commander of the first heavy armor division.

But this time, Li Ran took a mixed test paper from two majors. The two deans personally set the questions, which was more difficult.

This result shocked everyone for a while.

"The great master is so awesome. His theoretical score is perfect, awesome."

"I know that everything is possible with the Great God. This is the strength of the Great God."

"The master is so powerful. No wonder I have the confidence to apply for the undergraduate examination."

"I declare that greatness will be my eternal goal."

The new students all cheered and celebrated for Li Ran's achievement, venting their shock and admiration.

This scene made the mid-level officers collectively feel sour.

"This kid really made a fool of himself and was able to get a perfect score in tactical theory."

"Isn't there something internal about this? The two deans saw that he was a winner of first-class merit twice and deliberately waterproofed it.

"It's hard to say. The weight of first-class merit is definitely there."

"Don't panic, so what if you get a perfect score in tactical theory? There is also a practical assessment, so talking on paper is of no use.

"What he said is absolutely true. I want to see what level he can perform in the practical examination."

In Luyuan, the mid-level officers who have always believed that they have the privilege of taking charge first and reporting later are still very proud. From the beginning to now, their whole bodies are soft, only their mouths are still hard.

Li Ran's perfect score in tactical theory made the senior officers nod secretly. They expected it to be true. This new student really had something.

They still implement the purpose of watching the fun!

In the afternoon, practical assessment.

Exam content: Street combat command of mechanized troops.

Exam location: Comprehensive training ground.

Exam type: Mixed practical examination of infantry command and armor command.

Exam time: 4 hours.

Equipment: standard weapons of mechanized infantry company and tank company...

A mixed practical assessment of infantry command and armored command. This practical assessment was arranged under the special instructions of Fang Xingwu, dean of the Armored Command Department.

Moreover, it is still mechanized troops fighting street battles, and Li Ran is on the offensive side. To a certain extent, it is more difficult.

"Old Fang, this is too difficult. Zhao Kanghui, the dean of the Department of Infantry Arms Tactics, couldn't help but said: "Street fighting was originally a combat topic being studied. You also added mechanized troops to fight street fighting. It is more difficult than before. bigger. "

Originally, according to Colonel Zhao Kanghui's wishes, the practical assessment would be based on the rules.

The practical assessment of the Infantry Arms Tactics Department involves simply commanding battles between infantrymen, while the armor command follows regular undergraduate inspection and assessment projects.

As a result, Major General Fang Xingwu was unwilling and decided to conduct a mixed practical test, and also arranged for mechanized troops to engage in street fighting, a difficult subject.

This is extremely difficult for Li Ran, who is the attacker!

"Old Zhao, the results of this guy's answers on the test paper were beyond my expectations. It can be seen that he already has a certain personal experience in armor command. I just want to see the actual command

He can have some firepower. "Fang Xingwu said.

That's right, he deliberately created this difficult practical assessment problem.

It is extremely difficult for the attacker to engage in street fighting with mechanized troops.

Although the numbers and armor of the defenders and attackers are not equal, Li Ran, as the attacker, is commanding a complete tank company plus a complete mechanized infantry company.

The defenders were only half a mechanized infantry company and half a tank company.

Judging from the number of people and armor, Li Ran, as the attacker, has the advantage.

But in fact, the attacker is at a disadvantage.

Because this is a street fighting, Lu Yuan has a comprehensive street fighting training ground covering an area of ​​several hundred acres, which is specially used for research and training on subjects related to street fighting.

As we all know, at present, judging from the development of society, the probability of large-scale armored plain confrontations will be very small, and urban street fighting will become the mainstream.

So, for mechanized troops, "How to fight the China War?" That is a topic worthy of study.

Street fighting is actually not easy. In a complex environment full of various concrete buildings, armor has no advantage at all and cannot move.

The defender occupies a favorable terrain and can use the cover of cement buildings to attack the armor with anti-tank rockets. The armor is simply inconvenient to move.

Even if both sides put aside the armor strength, without the addition of armor, it is just an infantry confrontation.

Likewise, the attacking side is still at a disadvantage.

In any street fight, the attacker will always send more force than the defender, because only in this way can there be a chance to win the street fight.

Using the same size of force to fight street battles is undoubtedly a massacre of one's own troops.

Now the difficulty has increased. Mechanized troops are engaged in street fighting. Li Ran is the attacker. He must not only consider how to deploy infantry, but also how to deploy armor.

Because once the deployment goes wrong, the defender can take advantage of the terrain to quickly eliminate the attacker.

This practical subject is very difficult!

Similarly, such a difficult practical assessment can very effectively reflect the commander's command ability.

Whether the perfect tactical theory answer given by Li Ran is just a matter of paper, or whether he really has talent in this area, the results of this practical assessment can explain a lot.

"stand at attention!"

"Take a break!"

Li Ran gave the order, and in front of him, a total of 150 red card students immediately lined up.

There are 150 red card trainees, 32 of whom are tank crews. A group of four will control a Type 59 tank, and the other 118 will serve as mechanized infantry at Li Ran's disposal.

0......Please give me flowers......

Li Ran's armored force consists of a total of 8 Type 59 main battle tanks, and the defender has 4. The number and armor are half of Li Ran's.

At this moment, although it was just a practical assessment, Li Ran was actually equivalent to commanding two companies in combat, one tank company and one machine-rifle company. Of course, although it was not as standard as two normal combat formations, it was enough.

How is Li Ran feeling?

Of course, I am excited and surging, and I can immediately turn the utilization into practice.

Such an assessment cannot be conducted in the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, and only the Lu Academy has such a specialized assessment venue.

Although how mechanized troops fight in street battles has always been an unsolvable issue, this is not a problem for Li Ran.

"Tell me briefly." Li Ran said solemnly.

"I, Li Ran, am a lieutenant from the Tibetan Military Region and a freshman of the 1999 class. In terms of qualifications, some of you are one year or even two years older than me. But in the next assessment, I can be very responsible. Let me tell you, I will lead you to create the history of Luyuan University.


Li Ran's unabashed words were full of incomparable confidence and arrogance.

At this moment, everyone was shocked!

It was completely unexpected that Li Ran would actually say that he would lead them to create the history of Lu Academy. How confident is this?

"I know you are all curious about how I obtained the military medals on my body, especially the two first-class merit medals. I will tell you in a moment that honor is always the best proof of strength." Li Ran roared angrily. : "I will use the glory of an officer to lead you to create your own glory. Do you have the confidence to do it?"


The 150 students were infected by Li Ran's emotions and couldn't help being infected, roaring and roaring loudly.

Roars resounded throughout the training ground!

Jiang Xingguo, who was in charge of the record-keeping assessment team, was on fire and his blood was boiling.

Damn it, I have been in a unit like the School Affairs Department of Luyuan University for a long time, many years, and my passionate blood has not boiled. I didn't expect that recording a new student's practical assessment here today would be ignited.

Jiang Xingguo couldn't help but sigh in his heart, life and death are complete!

I was excited and rated Li Ran on the assessment board. The first item of the practical assessment was the concentration of morale. There is no doubt that Li Ran received full marks.

At any time, commanders must have the ability to improve the morale of soldiers. Only when morale is high can they exert long-term combat effectiveness on the battlefield. This is a fine tradition passed down by our army.

As a commander, Li Ran suddenly understood at this moment why when the third company was studying, the third company commander would say a morale-boosting message every time he asked the whole company to assemble.

This is an essential quality for being a qualified commander!

At this time, the morale of the attacking students commanded by Li Ran reached its peak, inspired by Li Ran's words, and a fire was burning in everyone's heart.

The young student in front of them was the winner of two first-class merit awards and multiple military medals!

Moreover, what he said is absolutely correct. Honor is the best proof of strength.

The young student in front of them has the ability to lead them to create the history of Lu Academy and create their own glory!

(Asking for all kinds of data support, asking for everything, asking for all kinds, asking for automatic subscription! A few).

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