Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

184: The Picket Follows! Li Ran Did Very Poorly In Luyuan

In the reception room, Li Jun's sudden words made the atmosphere immediately weird.

Jiang Xingguo, who had just stood up and left, planning to leave space for Li Ran's family, was stunned by these words, and then looked at Li Jun in disbelief.

What did Li Ran's father say? He couldn't keep up with his studies? He was not good at reading and studying.

Did he hear it right? If Li Ran wasn't a material for reading and studying, who was?

He successfully passed the undergraduate examinations in infantry tactics and armor command within three days of entering the school. His tactical theory scores and practical examination scores were all perfect. If he had poor academic ability, how could he achieve such results? Can he break the history of Lu College?

Instead of studying, Li Ran spends all day in the library?

Most of the red-card female students in Lu Academy now feel as if they have gone crazy seeing the lover of their dreams when they see Li Ran. Even he, the head of the school affairs department, has heard of this phenomenon.

Since Li Ran came to Lu Yuan, the pickets in Lu Yuan have been much busier than before.

Li Ran's father now actually says that Li Ran is not good at studying. Sure enough, the father of a big boss is also a big boss, and he is not an ordinary person. He is not satisfied with Li Ran's performance. The requirements are really high!

Li Ran knew that his father must have misunderstood something, and he had no time or bother to explain now.

"Chief Jiang, can I take a day off?" Ji Ran asked.

"Okay, but you have to come back on time to cancel your leave before four o'clock in the afternoon." Jiang Xingguo said.

Lu Academy students can have family members visit them, but it is generally the same as when soldiers leave the company. Family visits are neither encouraged nor opposed, just let nature take its course.

You can take leave to go out, but you must come back before 4 p.m., and the leave cancellation system is strictly implemented.

Li Ran has no plans to take his parents around the college. It's not that family members from outside can't go anywhere in the college when they come to visit, but once Li Ran appears in the college, it will definitely cause a commotion.

Normally, it’s okay, the students from the 99th class still have to attend new training, and the other classes are all in class, but today is the weekend and a rest day!

"Son, won't you take us around the academy?" Li Jun couldn't help but said when he saw that Li Ran was about to take the two of him out.

When he was a soldier, he had no chance to come here to study. Now that he has benefited from his son's honor and can come to visit as a family member, he still wants to visit.

"It's just a school, there's nothing to visit, maybe next time." Li Ran said perfunctorily.

Seeing Li Ran like this, Li Jun raised the corner of his mouth and was secretly happy. As expected, it was right as he guessed. Li Ran would definitely have poor grades when he came to Luyuan to study, and he would not be able to keep up with his studies. He might even drag the class back and become everyone's problem. laughing stock.

When Li Ran was in the company, he went to visit him. Li Ran was very enthusiastic and took him around.

The reason for this contrast is easy to understand. Li Ran performed very well when he was in the company and was admired by others. Naturally, he was willing to take his parents around because he was very proud.

When I came to Luyuan, my grades were not good, I couldn't keep up with my studies, and I lost face. Naturally, I wanted to keep a low profile.

Li Jun was secretly happy. The purpose of his visit this time was basically confirmed.

"Son, if you don't take me and your dad to visit the school, at least take me and your dad to visit your dormitory and meet your roommates." Xia Qin said.

She could tell that her son was trying to avoid something. He didn't seem to want to meet other colleges in the college. Could something have happened? Was he being bullied?

(aibb) You must know that in collective living, the dormitory atmosphere and the relationship between roommates are very important.

"I don't have a roommate." Li Ran said directly.

"No roommate?" These words shocked Li Jun and Xia Qin.

The student dormitories are all at least four-person or six-person rooms. How could there be no roommates?

Is it possible that his son is doing so poorly in Luyuan? No one wants to live in the same dormitory with him? This is not possible. If this continues, it will cause psychological problems.

"Take me and your mother to your dormitory to have a look." Li Jun said in a deep voice.

In any case, Li Jun didn't want his son to come to Luyuan for further studies and cause psychological problems during his studies, which would be a big trouble.

"Really going?" Li Ran asked.

"Yes, go and have a look." Li Jun nodded with a very positive attitude.

By observing the situation in Li Ran's dormitory, you can analyze the general psychological situation of Li Ran. Sometimes you can analyze a lot by looking at a person's state [if you only look at where he lives].

Seeing that his parents were resolute, Li Ran had no choice but to change his route and take his parents to his dormitory.

Walking on the road, Li Ran glanced around from time to time, as if he was guarding against something, and looked worried.

This scene was seen by Li Jun and Xia Qin. The couple looked at each other and understood each other's meaning at a glance.

Sure enough, something happened to my son here. He was no longer as generous and enthusiastic as he was when he was in the company. He was very guarded here, and he must have been hurt in some way.

Thinking of this, Li Jun, as parents, felt very distressed.

Before they came, his son must have experienced a major setback, otherwise he would not be like this.

As he walked, Li Ran gradually felt relieved, knowing that what he was worried about would not happen.

"Son, why are there pickets following you?" Li Jun was a little frightened and asked in a low voice: "Did you make any mistakes?"

Li Jun was helpless. As a veteran, he was still frightened even now when he saw the picket.

He didn't understand that he, his wife, and Li Ran were walking well, but there were two pickets following behind.

What? What does walking well violate?

No wonder the pickets always leave a week early when they retire every year. With this kind of behavior, if you leave at the same time as others, you will definitely be beaten.

"We didn't make any mistakes. We'll go our own way and it'll be fine." Li Ran said.

Others were afraid of pickets, but when Li Ran saw the pickets, it was like seeing a savior. The reason was simple. As soon as the pickets came, no one else dared to rush up and surround him.

Pickets are the enemy for other students, but for Li Ran they are bodyguards.

Fortunately, the two pickets followed Li Ran, not deliberately targeting him, but learning from experience. In the past few days, they had done more work as pickets than in the previous month.

The problem lies with the young student in front of him, the master of Lu Academy, the student who broke the history of Lu Academy.

As soon as Na appeared in the college, he immediately caused a sensation. Normally, it would be fine, as other colleges had classes and new training, but today is the weekend. If he hadn't followed, it would probably have caused congestion again.

Especially those female students with red cards were like crazy. When they saw Li Ran, they even ignored the pickets.

This makes the pickets very embarrassed. Unexpectedly, each student in this class is more and more arrogant, and they don't even pay attention to their pickets. If they don't take good care of it, what's the point?

So we start from the root. As long as Li Ran appears, if they see it, they will follow him. This can reduce the occurrence of a lot of troubles.

The two pickets followed Li Ran to the door of the dormitory building before stopping. After watching Li Ran walk in, they did not leave and just wandered around.

After Li Jun and Xia Qin arrived at Li Ran's dormitory, the situation in Li Ran's dormitory surprised them.

Originally, I thought that if Li Ran lived alone without a roommate, the dormitory environment might be very poor and the atmosphere very cold, but the reality was completely different.

The most important thing that is shocking is that this is a single dormitory with a separate bathroom. The environment is not good.

"Son, how well does the Lu Academy treat its students? Do they all live in single dormitories with private bathrooms?" Li Jun was shocked and couldn't help but ask.

"No, basically there are six-person rooms, and I am the only one in a single room." Li Ran said.

Students live in single rooms? What good thing do you think? Basically, they are all six-person rooms, and Li Ran's current dormitory is not a student dormitory at all. It was specially applied for by Changjiang Xingguo, the school affairs department, for Li Ran.

Considering that if Li Ran lives with other students, there will be a risk of leakage when writing important thesis reports in the future, applying for a single room for Li Ran can effectively reduce this risk.

Jiang Xingguo's move was definitely appreciated by the director of the Academic Affairs Office.

"Then why do you live in a single room?" Li Jun asked curiously.

"The school leaders take care of me."

"Son, you don't have a roommate because you live in a single room, right?" Xia Qin asked.

"When I first came here, I lived in a six-bed room with five roommates. Now I live in a single room, and I am the only roommate." Li Ran said, "Actually, I still want to live in a six-bed room because there are so many people and it's so lively. A little, but the school leaders wouldn’t let me.”

At this time, Li Jun saw a pile of books on the table. It was impossible not to attract attention because there were too many books on the table.

Li Jun came over, picked up a book and read it, and found that they were all professional textbooks, and there were so many books on all majors, which was very complicated.

"Son, what major are you studying?" Li Jun asked.

"Armored Command."

"Then why are you still reading books on communications and engineering? Do you need to study these for armor command majors?"

"No, I'm just studying on my own when I have nothing to do. I've read all those books and haven't returned them yet.

Li Ran said in a relaxed tone, which made Li Jun confused.

Have you read all these books? Do you still have time and energy to study other majors on your own?

No, his son is not good at reading and studying at all. What he expected was that Li Ran couldn't keep up with his professional studies, was under great pressure, and suffered a loss. Why, things seemed to be a little different from what he expected.

"Son, you can't keep up with your professional studies, so you still have the energy to look at other things?" Li Jun asked tentatively.

"Who told you that I can't keep up with my professional studies?" Li Ran retorted directly.

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, ask for everything, ask for everything!).

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