Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

189: Special Offer From The Major General! Disdain For The Students In The Coordination Class

In the office of the dean of the Armor Command Department.

The dean, Major General Fang Xingwu, was in a good mood. While drawing supplies from the military, he was formulating a master's degree study plan for someone.

This person is Li Ran, who has entered the coordination class.

For Fang Xingwu, it was a matter of great pride for him to train a commander of the first heavy armored division in the army in his life. He did not expect that God would send him a second one.

Li Ran's performance was much better than that of his former disciples.

In his mind, Li Ran, who is a trainee of the Armored Command Department, is already the best candidate for his second disciple and has been confirmed.

Once the candidate is determined, it is natural to train him well and use all means to tap out the potential in Li Ran.

Dong Dong Dong~

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Report." Li Ran's voice sounded outside the door.

"Come in."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Ran pushed the door open and entered.

Seeing that it was Li Ran, Fang Xingwu had some experience, but with a kind smile on his face, he asked: "What problem did you encounter?"

If Sun Fu, the director of the Academic Affairs Office, were here, he would definitely be shocked by Fang Xingwu's appearance.

As the famously hot-tempered dean of the Armored Command Department of the Lu Academy, once he gets angry, he is just like the principal. He is usually rigid and strict, and there is no trainee in the entire Armored Command Department who is not afraid of him.

Not to mention the students, even the school leaders were trembling in front of Fang Xingwu.

He was afraid that the veteran major general would get angry if he disagreed with him.

As a result, in front of Li Ran, he showed such a peaceful side. Sure enough, a hot temper is also against people.

Within the Armored Command Department, only one trainee, Li Ran, could approach Fang Xingwu directly without notification. This was specially instructed by Fang Xingwu and was also a special authority given to Li Ran.

Fang Xingwu807 knew that Li Ran had class today, and he had told Li Ran before class that if there was anything he didn't understand in class, he could ask him directly as the dean.

Since I have planned to train Li Ran as the second close disciple, I naturally want to get closer to Li Ran [so that I can learn about Ji Ran's learning trends and other aspects in a timely manner.

Unexpectedly, Li Ran came to see him only half a day after class in the morning.

"Dean, I want to ask for leave." Li Ran said directly.

"Asking for leave? Why are you asking for leave?" Fang Xingwu was surprised. He didn't expect Li Ran to ask for leave.

"I don't want to attend the theory class in the afternoon. I want to study on my own in the library." Li Ran said truthfully.

After just half a day of theoretical class in the morning, Li Ran couldn't bear it. It wasn't that the instructor's explanation was not good, but that the explanation progress was too slow.

He knows all the content. What he could master in half a day of self-study would take a week in normal classes. What’s the point?

"Why? The teacher's teaching quality is not good?"

"No, the teacher lectures with vivid language, careful and conscientious, and very good teaching methods. The teaching method is refreshing and like enlightenment."

Li Ran used all the idioms he could think of in his life to describe the teacher's teaching style.

"speak English."

"The progress of the class is too slow, I can understand everything."

As soon as Li Ran said these words, the major general suddenly felt a toothache.

He was worried before that Li Ran came to class as a transfer student and would not be able to keep up with the study progress. Unexpectedly, not only could he keep up, but he also disliked the slow progress of class. Who would have thought of this?

"You've only been in class for half a day and you think your self-study effect is better than listening to the teacher's lectures? Are you so confident?"

"Dean, the teacher's lectures are based on the content in the book. It's enough to understand everything. I want to study on my own in theoretical classes, but I don't have enough practical classes."

After hearing Li Ran's words, the Major General fell silent. After thinking for a moment, he said: "Since you think self-study is better than taking theoretical classes, then you study by yourself. I only want the results."


Li Ran was a little happy. Didn't everyone say that the dean of the Armored Command Department is difficult to talk to? Isn't this very easy to talk to? For normal applications from trainees, isn't it true?

How can it be as scary and exaggerated as the rumors outside?

Li Ran was thinking about it, and his eyes fell on the military supplies on the major general's table. The military supplies were something only the generals had. They were special for cigarettes and wine.

You can't buy this thing for free. The key taste and texture are very good. Huazi was so weak in front of the special offer.

The major general glanced and saw Li Ran's eyes focused on his freshly opened pack of military special supplies, unable to move away from the cigarette, so he picked it up and threw it away.

"Smoking less is not good for your health."

"Thank you, Dean."

Unexpectedly, the major general was so generous, and Li Ran felt very happy.

After Li Ran left, the major general took a look at the study schedule he had made for the second disciple who had been dismissed. He crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it into the trash can. This conventional teaching method did not seem to be suitable for Li Ran. need.

Therefore, Li Ran was absent from the afternoon theory class.

After the first class in the afternoon, a group of senior military officers were wondering why Li Ran didn't come to the afternoon theory class.

"Where is this guy? Why did he disappear after attending class for half a day?"

"Maybe you overslept in the dormitory. Young people are really not prudent in things."

"It's probably impossible to oversleep. I think the class is too difficult and I probably can't keep up.

"It's very possible. I definitely can't keep up with the lectures. I'm under too much pressure."

A group of mid-level officers were very proud. The more they thought about it, the more they realized that this was the case. No wonder during class in the morning, they found that Li Ran was in a daze and distracted from time to time. It turned out that he could not understand the class, and it was consistent with his behavior of not coming to class in the afternoon. If we analyze them together, isn’t the reason very clear?

Hearing the discussion in his ears, Man Dazhi remained silent. To be honest, he didn't think so because he saw Li Ran going to the library alone in the afternoon.

If Li Ran can't keep up with the class (aibd), then why go to the library?

Even if it is supplementary study, you must attend classes on time every day. Otherwise, wouldn’t it mean that the courses will become more and more behind and you will be unable to keep up?

In Man Dazhi's view, the reason why Li Ran didn't come to class was definitely not because he couldn't keep up with his study progress, but there should be other reasons.

"What are you talking about?"

At this time, a majestic voice sounded, and the discussions among the mid-level officers in the class stopped abruptly.

"I'm asking you, what were you talking about just now?" Fang Xingwu asked again with a straight face.

The lieutenant colonel who was targeted by Fang Xingwu looked ugly and said slowly: "Dean, we are discussing why Li Ran didn't come to class? Is he unable to keep up with the study progress? If he can't keep up, we can help him."

In front of Fang Xingwu, they certainly couldn't show a look of gloating.

How to put it, in fact, they were not convinced that Li Ran, a cute new student, was too aggressive and aggressive in the Lu Academy, and wanted to suppress Li Ran's spirit.

If Li Ran really couldn't keep up with his studies and took the initiative to seek their help, they would not refuse to help.

Regarding the lieutenant colonel's words, the major general just snorted and said nothing more.

Looking at the group of mid-level officers in front of me, the more I look at it, the more unhappy I become. No matter how I look at it, I am dissatisfied. It is getting worse every time. Compared with Li Ran, it is not even the slightest bit worse.

After the major general left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The lieutenant colonel was a little excited. The dean didn't refute his words, which meant that their guess was right.

It turns out that Li Ran, who has been so popular recently, really can't keep up with his studies.

Just like that, the day passed.

The mid-level officers in the class were excited and proud at first about the fact that Li Ran could not keep up with the study progress, but gradually they felt something was wrong, and in the end they were very angry.

Because Li Ran didn't come to class for three consecutive days, and didn't even show his face, they felt something was very wrong.

Even if you can't keep up with the course progress, you can't always ask for leave and not come.

Finally, with their understanding, they discovered that Li Ran had been staying in the library instead of coming to class.

They are curious. If they can't keep up with their study progress, is reading in the library useful?

In the end, they finally understood the reason. It turned out to be that Li Ran disliked the fact that their course progress was too slow and the instructor in class could not teach well, so he studied by himself.

For this reason, everyone was first shocked, and then angry.

Because they looked down on people so much, they were mid-level officers, students in the military coordination class, and the most potential officers in the field army, but they were looked down upon and despised by a new student.

If you dislike the slow progress of the course, doesn't that mean you think they have poor learning ability?

Damn, really hateful.

"It's too much. We have never been looked down upon like this."

"Insult, this is an insult to us."

"If he dislikes the slow progress of teaching, why would he come to join the class to study? Why not just apply for the master's degree graduation examination directly?"

"Brother, today's practical training is our chance to regain our face."

Army Field Vehicle Yard!

Amidst the gnashing of teeth among the mid-level officers, Li Ran, who had disappeared for three days, appeared in front of everyone.

Because today is a practical training class for armored railway mobile installation, Li Ran came to class.

Theoretical classes are really not interesting to Li Ran, but practical training, which can transform theoretical learning into practice, is interesting.

"These people must be mentally ill. Why do they look so unfriendly every time they see me?"

Feeling the unkind glances, Li Ran couldn't help but think.

Strangely enough, among the mid-level officers in the coordination squad, Li Ran only knew one Man Dazhi, and no one else knew him.

But when he went to class for the first time, other people looked at him with hostile eyes. Why is it that it has been three days and it is still like this.

Li Ran thought for a moment and realized that he didn't seem to have offended these people. He had no communication at all.

Why, are the students in the coordination class quite exclusive or something?

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