Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

191: Major General Teacher! Senior Brother! The Background Is Hard

A group of mid-level officers in the coordination squad blushed when they were scolded by the major general, but they did not dare to refute.

Everyone knows the dean's temper, and they have already publicly reprimanded them. If they dare to say more than one word, they will probably be beaten several times in the next step.

The main thing that they couldn't accept was that it was actually Li Ran's first time to conduct railway mobile installation training.

The first railway mobile installation training took one hour and 29 minutes. This result was a bit too scary.

The major general glanced at the mid-level officers behind him, and became more and more angry as he looked at them. Then he looked at Li Ran in front of him, and he became more and more satisfied. He was indeed his disciple, and he was excellent.

"Your results are very good. You are almost catching up with your senior brother." The major general said with a smile.

"My senior brother?" Hearing this, Li Ran looked confused. He didn't know what the major general meant by what he said. When did a senior brother appear from him?

"Colonel Qi Long, the current commander of the Heavy Assault Division of Group Z of the Northern Military Region, is my first close disciple, and you are my second. Do you think he is your senior brother?" the major general said with a smile.

Li Ran was silent after hearing this.

Well, he didn't expect that the major general had already defaulted to him as the second closed disciple without asking him. Then again, "Qiqiqi" seemed to be no harm to him.

There is a veteran major general as a teacher, and there is Niubi Honghong, a senior who commands the first heavy armored division of the army, and the background instantly becomes hard.

"How long did it take my senior brother to train for this event?" Li Ran asked.

I spoke the title of senior brother very consciously. If there is a senior colonel who commands the heavy armor division as my senior brother, who wouldn't want to, as long as it's not Shabi?

"He took one hour and twenty minutes back then, and you were nine minutes slower than him." Fang Xingwu said, "But it's still pretty good. At that time, he was already the commander of an armored battalion, and you were still too young. Well, you should be from the reconnaissance company of the perimeter defense regiment. If you are given a few years, you can definitely break his record."

Speaking of this, the major general was very excited.

In the railway mobile equipment training, the time record of his first disciple, Colonel Qi Long, who is now the commander of the heavy equipment division, was one hour and twenty minutes.

Unexpectedly, Li Ran, as a newcomer, performed this training for the first time, and it only took him one hour and twenty-nine minutes, only nine minutes more.

This result was a big surprise to even Fang Xingwu. He originally thought that as long as Li Ran didn't make mistakes, it wouldn't matter if he was slower, but now it turned out to be such a big surprise.

As long as Li Ran is given a little more time, breaking Qi Long's record is a sure thing.

The performance record is secondary, the important thing is the armor command potential that Li Ran possesses, which is absolutely terrifying.

"He is indeed a man who can command the First Heavy Division of the Field Army. In one hour and twenty minutes, this result is truly terrifying." Li Ran exclaimed heartily.

He was able to achieve such results for the first time in command entirely because of the rewards from the system and his mastery of knowledge, plus his own analysis and understanding. It can be said to be a state of cheating0

Even so, the first time record took one hour and twenty minutes, which is enough to illustrate the difficulty and depth of armor command.

Unexpectedly, his senior brother, who had never been masked before, actually spent one hour and twenty minutes.

Not to mention Qi Long's long military experience, he was already a major at that time, but he was also a major, why did everyone else spend nearly two hours, but he only needed one hour and twenty minutes.

The difference is evident!

It is better than the cheater Li Ran, which shows that Qi Long's talent in armor command is equally terrifying.

Without Li Ran, Qi Long would undoubtedly be the strongest armored commander in the field army. It's a pity that no matter how good he is, he has a cheating junior brother.


"Now that we've talked about this, why don't you still call me dean?"


"Hey, that's right. Just say what you want to say."

Fang Xingwu was very satisfied with Li Ran's change of title from dean to teacher.

Look, this shortens the distance between master and disciple, how good it is!

"Can I give Gente some smoking?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone on the side, including the colonel and the teacher, were all stunned and their jaws dropped.

Good guy, this is the first time I saw a captain asking a major general for a special drink. How can you be so smart? And the person you asked was a major general who is famous for his hot temper in the academy!

Just when everyone thought the major general was going to be angry, who knew.

"The cigarettes are in my office. You can go to my office to get them after class. But you'd better smoke less. You're still young and it's not good for your health."

"I know, thank you teacher."

The taste of the ones supplied by the military is much better than that of Huazi. Although Huazi is not cheap, the taste is just like that. Anyway, Li Ran doesn’t particularly like it. The main reason for buying Huazi was

After smoking the major general's military confession, Li Ran never wanted to smoke Huazi again.

He decided that he would go to the major general's office to get a special offer in exchange for Chinese money. Although he was now the major general's second closed disciple, he couldn't always take advantage of the teacher, right?

The mid-level officers were all stunned, their eyes almost falling with envy.

After the training in the afternoon, Li Ran naturally went to the major general's office and exchanged three packs of Huazi for three packs of special supplies, and secretly made up his mind that he would rather smoke less cigarettes in the future. Except for special supplies, he would not smoke any other cigarettes. I don’t smoke anymore.


Inside the dormitory.

"Everyone is here, are you all here?"

"We're all here."

"Well, the meeting has officially begun." The lieutenant colonel said with a serious face: "I am honored to be the representative of this meeting. I will discuss how to win back a fight from Li Ran and re-establish the collective prestige of our mid-level officers. Let’s have a meeting there to discuss the matter of regaining the face that belongs to us.”

Yes, the matter has come to this, even after they know that Li Ran is now the second closed disciple in the heart of the major general, the mid-level officers still refuse to admit defeat.

As a collective of mid-level officers, we must be strong throughout our lives and get up wherever we fall.

So what if he is a close disciple of the dean?

Wouldn't defeating the dean's close disciples further illustrate their superiority?

As a mid-level officer, he doesn't obey anyone but himself.

"I suggest that we have an armored command confrontation. This is our strength and our advantage." A major deputy battalion commander from an armored battalion suggested.

"Good idea. As an armor commander, commanding the armor to fight to victory is the key. Everything else is just a cloud.

"I agree, let this kid know how powerful we are."

"Even the dean has no reason to refuse and reprimand us for a reasonable competition request..."

"What if Li Ran is too scared to compete with us?"

"Don't dare? Don't worry, as long as you place some bets and add some bonuses, he will never be able to resist.

The next day!

It is still a practical training class. The coordination class has theoretical courses and practical courses in succession. During this period, the theory is given, and the next period is arranged for practical training.

"The subject, tank assault training, follows the syllabus standard requirements and strictly follows the assault principle." On the side, the colonel instructor warned.

On the training ground of Nuo Da, a tank battalion-sized number of tanks were parked there, and the tank drivers and related personnel were all in place.

The tank assault training subject mainly trains tanks to deploy assault formations, assault formation changes, and assault turns....

The main principle of training is to enable an armored commander to issue precise combat commands under any circumstances, allowing the armored forces to quickly transition from a maneuvering state to an assault state.

That is to say, it changes from a simple maneuver to an offensive state.

This is very important for an armored commander, and it is also the key to who can win when two heavily armed forces meet.

For example, if both teams are a tank company, and both sides are in a pure maneuvering state at the beginning, after discovering the other party, they will immediately engage in combat with the other party.

With the same scale and the same weapons and firepower, whoever wins at this time depends on who can fully deploy the assault formation the fastest.

An armored force in a fully deployed assault formation and an armored force in a mobile state are completely different concepts.

The former can sweep everything, while the latter's combat power is the same as that of Zhan Wuzha. Once an armored assault is formed, it is overwhelming. It only takes one encounter to almost completely defeat it.

In fact, at this time, the outcome is basically decided.


At this time, a lieutenant colonel battalion commander from an armored regiment in the Southern Military Region said.


"I applied to conduct an infantry-tank confrontation exercise with Li Ran and Comrade 3.6." The lieutenant colonel said the countermeasures discussed by a group of mid-level officers last night.

"The tank assault training we are conducting now is not free confrontation training. Who allowed you to apply for training subjects without authorization?" the colonel instructor sternly reprimanded.

"Butan practice confrontation? No fight, no interest." Li Ran refused directly after hearing this. He knew that these mid-level officers were trying to regain their position from him and were still unconvinced.

The key is to not be convinced if they are not convinced, and Li Ran has no obligation to convince them.

Even if Lu Yuan and the officers are still talking about it, they are so tough!

Seeing Li Ran's refusal, the lieutenant colonel seemed to have been prepared for it and whispered to Li Ran: "Do you dare to bet on the secret service of the army?"

Hearing this, Li Ran's eyes lit up, he cleared his throat and said, "Report, I also want to test myself against the seniors."

Hearing this, the colonel instructor was helpless. This class of students is really difficult to lead. Each one has more personality than the last.

The key to conducting a battle between infantry and tanks requires mobilizing some personnel to cooperate, and he does not have this right.

"I approve."

At this time, Major General Fang Xingwu's voice sounded.

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