Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

195: Slap The Major General In The Face! I Can Model The Military In My Head

The major general is so angry that his tooth hurts now.

The second closed disciple that I liked had a really tough temper. In front of so many people, I got tough with him and said that he, the major general, was wrong and didn't give him any face.

If it were any other captain, let alone a captain, even if the colonel dared to talk to him like this, he would just pass him by.

As an officer, he has no sense of superiority and inferiority at all. To talk to a general in such a tone is unorganized and undisciplined.

But when he thought that the person in front of him was his second closed disciple, he decided to forget it.

If you don't give him a reason to believe in the past, just give him confinement to let him reflect.

"I have done military modeling for this combat deployment, and I am sure of every tactical order issued. It is definitely not a gamble as you said." Li Ran said very confidently.

Military modeling?

Li Ran's words made everyone stunned, followed by expressions of disbelief.

Who are you fooling?

Where does the time come for military modeling? If you, as an armor commander, need military modeling before commanding an armored confrontation, then why bother setting up a wire?

Do you think this is a large-scale exercise? Military modeling is required before an operation begins?

"You did military modeling? When?" The major general also didn't believe it and asked directly.

"Just before the start of the exercise confrontation, I did military modeling and simulation in my mind." Li Ran said directly: "I calculated all relevant data and influencing factors, and in the end my deployment success rate was 90.135%.

As soon as this data came out, everyone present was even more disbelieving. The captain was really like a dog that could lift the curtain, all with his mouth.

It's all accurate to three decimal places. You have to pay attention to your lying skills. You can say it's about 90%, but it turns out that the decimal points are all out. Who believes it?

Whose brain has such computing power?

Anyway, they don’t have it, and I haven’t seen anyone who has it until now?

If a person's brain has such computing power, then why use a computer?

"Are you serious about this data?" the major general said, his face getting increasingly ugly.

Why hadn't he discovered before that this close disciple he was interested in had the ability to make things up?

What he said was the same as the truth, and it was accurate to the decimal point. Who could believe it? He didn't even believe it.

"I'm sure, Dean, if you don't mind the trouble, you can do a military modeling test." Li Ran said.

"If you test, you will test." The major general waved his hand. Today he had just come to the end with Li Ran, and he had to get rid of Li Ran's bad habit.

If you are wrong, you are wrong. Just admit it and correct it. This habit of making things up must not be allowed and must be corrected seriously. He wants to see if the military modeling data is as accurate as Li Ran said. Three decimal places.

Computer room!

Although the Internet is not popular in this era, it does not mean that the army does not have it.

Any advanced technological product must be first used by the military.

In front of everyone, the major general began to conduct military modeling. The colonel instructors and mid-level officers were all watching, and Li Ran was also on the side, with an expressionless face, making it difficult to tell whether he was panicked or calm.

But in the eyes of the lieutenant colonel and others, the captain was definitely panicking at this time.

"That's ridiculous. This is the first time I've heard of someone who can model military affairs in their head.

"Who isn't? It's accurate to three decimal places. Who believes it?"

"I don't believe it anyway. It's definitely made up."

"Sit back and wait for the dean to slap you in the face after modeling."

A group of mid-level officers and others were discussing in low voices. Although the voices were low, they all reached Li Ran's ears. Obviously, these words were said deliberately.

Indeed, when you do military modeling in your mind, you can also calculate data to three decimal places, which makes anyone who hears it think it is very nonsense.

Why, is the brain comparable to a computer?

As a major general, Fang Xingwu does not have much military literacy. Although he has been relegated to the second line for many years, military modeling is easy for a major general.

Not long after, the military modeling was completed and the computer calculated the data.

After seeing the data results, the major general was stunned. The lieutenant colonel and others also looked over and were shocked by the data in front of them.

The result calculated on the computer is 90.135%!

It was exactly the same as what Li Ran said, accurate to three decimal places, not bad at all.


I don't know who took a breath of air-conditioning first, and then similar sounds continued to sound, and everyone couldn't believe it.

This is so fucking nonsense, the calculated data is exactly the same as what Li Ran said.

"It's exactly the same. The timing is exactly the same."

"It's fake, how is it possible?"

"My dear boy, he has a military brain model and can calculate to three decimal places. His brain is comparable to that of a computer."

"I still can't accept it. Could it be that the dean made a mistake?"

As soon as the lieutenant colonel said these words, the major general's eyes locked on the lieutenant colonel instantly. For a moment, overwhelming pressure fell on the major.

"Are you doubting my ability?" the major general said coldly.

"I'm sorry, Dean, I made a mistake." The lieutenant colonel immediately admitted his mistake and apologized.

The major general was obviously not in the mood to pursue the lieutenant colonel now, so he didn't pursue anything further, which made the lieutenant colonel breathe a sigh of relief.

"Can you really do military modeling in your head?" The major general couldn't help but ask again to confirm, because such an ability is really scary.

"Dean, doesn't the data prove what I said?" Li Ran asked back.


The major general breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he suddenly realized that his previous understanding of Li Ran was really wrong.

Before he personally conducted military modeling, he always believed that every combat order issued by Li Ran was a gamble. But now, the data provided by the military modeling has truly proved that Li Ran was not a gamble.

The combat deployment and the issuance of every combat order are all correct!

"In this infantry-tank exercise confrontation, except for Li Ran, each of you will submit a combat reflection report to me." The major general said to the lieutenant colonel and others with a serious face: "Now the students in the coordination class are worse than the last. , it is shameful for a lieutenant colonel to be abused like this by a captain."

After saying that, the major general stood up and left directly.

He had reprimanded Li Ran in front of so many people before, and swore that Li Ran's combat deployment was a gamble. Now that the military modeling data has shown everything, wouldn't it be a slap in his face?

So, if you don’t leave now, when will you leave?

Do you want him, a major general, to admit his mistake to Li Ran in public?

He is a teacher who doesn't want to lose face when he admits his mistakes to his students.

If you really want to be wrong, it should be the fault of the lieutenant colonel, and this group of mid-level officers. A group of mid-level officers with more than ten years of service were abused like this by a new captain and lost so miserably.

So much so that it affected his judgment.

0......Please give me flowers......

That's right, that's it. It's all the fault of these unsatisfactory mid-level officers.

The lieutenant colonel shed tears silently in his heart, "Don't be like this. It was you who first said that this battle between tanks and infantry exercises was not counted, and that Li Ran's combat deployment was a gamble."

As Li Ran's teacher, you question your own students, but it's not him who questions you.

Now that the military modeling data is in front of him, he was slapped in the face, so he took it out on him. Who offended him?

"Lieutenant Colonel, don't forget my two packs of special supplies." The matter is over, and there is no need to stay here anymore. Before leaving, Li Ran said to the Lieutenant Colonel.

Hearing this, the lieutenant colonel felt even more uncomfortable.

Two packs were provided by the army, but he was never willing to smoke them.

Man Dazhi, who knew this feeling best, came forward and patted the lieutenant colonel's shoulder to comfort him: "It's not unfair to lose to a monster who can model military affairs in his mind."

Man Dazhi was actually right, the school loser was actually not like that.

No one expected or dared to imagine that Li Ran could model military affairs in his mind and calculate data accurate to three decimal places.

As an armored commander, if you have this ability, it's definitely cheating!

Is it embarrassing to lose to a cheater? It’s not embarrassing at all!

After the morning class, Ji Ran was called to the dean's office.

"Dean, what do you want from me?"

After arriving at the office, Li Ran asked directly.

"You brat, you still hold a grudge. I questioned you this morning. As for holding a grudge until now?" Fang Xingwu scolded with a smile. After speaking, he threw a bag of military specialties to Li Ran and said, "I'll make it up to you, kid."

"Thank you, teacher." This compensation immediately made Li Ran smile.

"I didn't expect you to have this ability." Fang Xingwu exclaimed: "If you have such a talent, you must make good use of it. If you use it well, this talent will definitely help you become the best armored finger."

Speaking of this, the major general became excited.

I thought Li Ran's combat style in today's exercise was a bad habit, but I didn't expect it to be such a big surprise.

He has never seen anyone who can model military affairs in his mind, because a person's brain has limited computing power. Otherwise, there would be no combat staff position.

But now, his second disciple has such ability. Not only that, he can also calculate to three decimal places.

Having the talent of armor command coupled with this kind of ability is absolutely even more powerful than a tiger.

Based on this analysis, Li Ran's combat deployment in today's infantry-tank confrontation exercise cannot be called gambling, but tactics, real tactics.

Li Ran's confidence comes from his precise control of data calculations. He can master a company-sized armored confrontation. He is a master tactician, a real master tactician!

Thinking of this, Fang Xingwu became even more excited. Judging from Li Ran's performance until now, his future achievements will be higher than those of his first closed disciple and the current commander of the Heavy Equipment Division.

In fact, Li Ran will become the most powerful armored commander of the field army in modern times.

At this moment, a sentence from the paper "Feeding War with War" written by Li Ran came to light.

It is his duty to realize the great national rejuvenation. Maybe Li Ran is really capable of completing this great task!

(Ask for various data support, seek everything, and seek automatic subscription! Again).

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