Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

019: The Reconnaissance Company Commander’S Attention

Li Ran's sudden surrender stunned everyone present, including the captain.

No one expected that the fight would end like this, at least the captain hadn't fought back yet.

"Who did you learn this trick from?" Li Hu asked.

"Company Commander, this is what I do when I fight with people. Every time I hit them, they will run all over the floor. Only you, Company Commander, can block me every time. It's really amazing." Li Ran said.

Li Ran's words gave Li Hu a black eye.

Could it be that he felt wrong? It doesn't make sense. Although Li Ran's tricks are completely skillless, he doesn't get a chance to seize the loophole every time. Is it just a coincidence?

"You're a good boy. Let your squad leader have time to teach you how to fight. You will become a master of fighting." Li Hu didn't plan to think too much about this and expressed his approval to Li Ran in public.

"Thank you, company commander, I will try my best."


Among the new recruits, Wang Erniu cheered and took the initiative to applaud, leading everyone to applaud together.

Brother Ran is so handsome. Although he gave up in the end of the fight, he was still fighting with the company commander under his control, and his momentum was majestic.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hai and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Wang Qiang, Li Ran's squad leader, his heart was in his throat when Li Ran asked his company commander for a fighting competition.

The new recruit is so courageous that no one dares to compete with him. He is simply lawless.

When I have time to train Li Ran in fighting later, I must make him suffer a little.

After the short interlude of the competition, the squad leaders of each class continued training, and the captain took Chen Hai away.

"This guy is really interesting, I'm going to vote for him." Li Hu said.

"Company Commander, this guy is too aggressive and has no sense of propriety. I'll take care of him when I turn around." Chen Hai was still a little scared. He was so courageous when he was a recruit. If he doesn't take care of him, what will happen next?

"Is there no sense of measure?" After hearing this, Li Hu stopped, turned to look at Chen Hai, and said very seriously: "I think this guy is both coarse and fine, and very measured."

"Ah?" Chen Hai was dumbfounded and didn't know why.

"Why do you think this kid suddenly gave up?"

"His physical strength was exhausted too quickly after beating him like that. In the end, he probably didn't have any physical strength anymore. He was afraid of being knocked to the ground and embarrassed by you, company commander, so he gave up."

"You are wrong. He is not afraid of embarrassing himself, but he is afraid of embarrassing me." Li Hu analyzed: "This kid is so powerful that it is scary. When he stopped, I could feel that this kid was still very powerful. He It was because he saw that I could no longer stop him that I took the initiative to admit defeat."

Hearing this, Chen Hai was dumbfounded.

However, his company commander's analysis makes sense. Li Ran's admission of defeat was indeed a bit abrupt and completely unexpected.

"This kid is indeed a thorn, and he is indeed very courageous." Li Hu added: "But which of the soldiers who come to our reconnaissance company is not a thorn? Boldness and carefulness are the essential qualities of an excellent scout. I am optimistic about him. , maybe he can become the strongest scout in the history of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment."

Speaking of this, Li Hu became a little excited.

There is nothing more exciting than discovering such a talented person.

For recruits with huge potential like this, if we focus on training them, they might become the next company commander of the Seventh Reconnaissance Company.

If you want to be the commander of the seventh reconnaissance company, you must first have the ability to control others.


As before, at the end of the annual daily basic training, squad leader Wang Qiang continued to train Li Ran individually.

However, since the additional training content this time was fighting, other members of Class Three were also attracted and asked to train together.

Who hasn’t watched martial arts movies since they were young, and who doesn’t have a hero dream in their hearts?

When you grow up and realize the reality, it is impossible to be a hero. When you become a soldier, you must at least learn the fighting and capturing techniques of the army.

After that, if you encounter a gangster or something when you go out, you can capture and overthrow him in three strokes. Wouldn't it be awesome?

As the squad leader, Wang Qiang was very satisfied with the enthusiasm of everyone in the third squad.

Look, this is the third class led by labor and management. They are so active in learning that it is difficult not to get results.

"The fighting techniques of the army are all about speed, accuracy, and ruthlessness. There is no need for any pretense. It is best to defeat the enemy with one move."

"Now I will demonstrate to you the standard fighting and grappling movements. Please pay attention carefully."

In front of everyone, Wang Qiang demonstrated a standard set of military boxing and grappling techniques.

"Squad leader, I have a question." Wang Erniu raised his hand to ask.


"If we meet a bad guy, do we need to punch and kick according to the moves?" Wang Erniu asked with a naive look.

The question asked by Wang Erniu may seem silly, but in fact, many people have this confusion in their minds.

If you really get into a fight with a bad guy, do you have to give the bad guy a set of military-style punches one by one? That would require the cooperation of the bad guys.

Wang Qiang was happy when he heard Wang Erniu's question.

"Of course not. Practicing moves is just to let you remember the movements and form muscle memory. In this way, when the opponent takes action in actual combat, your muscle memory will help you instinctively defend or attack. Skills plus strength can make you Using your maximum strength is like the fight between Li Ran and the company commander."

At this time, Wang Qiang picked up Li Ran to give an example.

"Li Ran is very powerful, but due to his lack of skills, all of his moves were blocked by the company commander. Fortunately, he finally surrendered in time, otherwise, once the company commander seizes the opportunity to take action, he will instantly Losing, that’s what skill is for.”

Wang Qiang's explanation made everyone in the third class nod their heads, as if that was the case.

"Monitor, why don't you have a fight with the deputy?" someone suggested.

"A fight."

"A fight."

This proposal was supported by others, and everyone booed.

"Okay, then I will take this opportunity to show you the importance of skills." Wang Qiang agreed after thinking for a while, and said to Li Ran: "Come on."

"Squad leader, do you really want to be beaten?" Li Ran asked with a strange expression.

"Don't worry, although I'm not as strong as the company commander, my fighting ability as squad leader is pretty good among the reconnaissance companies." Wang Qiang was very confident.

Li Ran stood up silently and stopped talking nonsense.

Wang Qiang took up his stance and said to Li Ran: "Come on, show your strength when fighting the company commander, don't show mercy."

"The squad leader, here I come."

"Come with confidence."

As soon as Wang Qiang finished speaking, the next second, his whole body flew out like a kite with its string cut off.

(Third update, please support with various data, ask for everything, thank you on your knees! Beg on your knees! Ask for everything!)

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