Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

213: A Big Sniper Hits Gyeonggi! My Instructor Knows How To Snipe

"What? Can snipers hit tanks?"

"A sniper with independent functions outside of the squad?"

"The marksmanship is invincible. The sniper you trained ranked among the top ten in the military competition?"

"A sniper with flexible single-player tactics?"

After learning about the concept of a new type of sniper mentioned by Li Ran, Pang Feihu was shocked, but at the same time, he was more skeptical.

Snipers, this is not uncommon. There are also snipers in his reconnaissance camp, but a sniper who can fight tanks and has personal tactics can be so mysterious as Li Ran said. "He expressed doubts about Sonoda.

Why don't you say that the snipers you trained can shoot missiles?

As for the so-called snipers trained by Li Ran who dominate the top ten in the military competition, the results of the military competition will all depend on the quality of the soldiers sent to participate in the military competition.

Besides, the number of people in your Tibetan Military Region is only the size of a group army.

If it were the Beijing Military Region, there were three group armies, and a military region competition involving all three group armies would be more valuable.

Although he was a little skeptical, it didn't mean that Pang Feihu was not interested.

"Battle Commander Pang, our instructor Na was the number one in our military region's martial arts competition back then. His marksmanship is definitely worthy of the word "miraculous skills." On the side, Yu Song praised him without any humility.

Li Ran was not modest about this either. At this time, there was no need to be modest.

"Brother, I really don't know about this. It just so happens that there are a few guys in my camp who are very good at marksmanship. Can you show them your skills?" Pang Feihu said with a smile.

It's a mule or a mother who pulls it out. No matter how much you say, it's better to show your strength to be more convincing.

As for showing how to shoot tanks, it is not necessary now, but snipers who are capable of shooting tanks must have good marksmanship.

"Brother, that would be embarrassing."


Pang Feihu took Li Ran and the three of them to the training ground of the military reconnaissance camp.

On the training ground, the soldiers of the military reconnaissance battalion were training in full swing and it was very lively. As a guard battalion directly under Army Group A, I have to say that one or two of the soldiers in the guard battalion were in good spirits.

He is tall, tall, and has a resolute face, which makes him even more popular.

If they stand in formation and walk forward, their momentum will not be inferior to that of the honor guard of the three armed forces.

Of course, the soldiers who can come here are not flower vassals. One or two are strong men. In fact, the reputation of the military reconnaissance battalions in various military regions is not very good. They are almost the same as the special forces.

They are all bosses who want to poach their own units when they see talents in other units. In addition, due to the special status of the military reconnaissance battalion, poaching people has been successful for many times, and they are very disliked by some division and regiment combat-level units.

In their minds, the military reconnaissance battalion is the same as the special forces, and they are not good people.

"Ju Qiang."

Arriving at the training ground, Pang Feihu shouted.


A second lieutenant ran over quickly.

"This is a sniper from our military reconnaissance battalion. He once studied at the Special Command Department of Glin Army Academy. His major was sniper Pang Feihu introduced to Li Ran.

After saying that, he said to Ju Qiang: "Go get two 88s and snipe them over."


Soon, Ju Qiang brought two 88 snipers.

Pang Feihu took an 88 sniper, took aim at it himself, and handed it to Li Ran and said, "Brother, it's well adjusted, so feel free to shoot."

Hearing this, Li Ran smiled and did not answer. Instead, he said to Yu Song: "Second Lieutenant Yu, take the gun."

Yu Song immediately stepped forward to take the 88 sniper from Pang Feihu, and looked at it with admiration. The 85 sniper he shot in the fourth company was the 88 sniper. He had long heard that the Snow Leopard Special Forces in the military region shot the 88 sniper. I didn't expect that he would do it today. It can make a country.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Pang Feihu looked at Li Ran with a puzzled expression.

If Li Ran hadn't taken action as promised, how could he let a second lieutenant take over?

"Brother, he was trained by me. How can I be as convincing as him showing me my skills?" Li Ran said with a smile.

Hearing this, Pang Feihu said: "That's right.

I just feel a little dissatisfied in my heart because I look down on his military reconnaissance camp.

At this time, you don't take action personally, but let an unknown second lieutenant take action. Are you not afraid of losing and capsizing? Are you so confident?

"Ju Qiang, please greet the brothers from the Tibetan Military Region." Pang Feihu said.

"Yes, battalion commander."

After Ju Qiang responded, he casually looked Yu Song up and down, showing great disdain for the black-faced second lieutenant.

Especially when I saw the black-faced second lieutenant being fascinated by a mere 88 sniper, I became even more disdainful.

Sure enough, he is a "country bumpkin" who has never seen the world at all. How strong can such an opponent be?

"Is there any problem with the 500-meter bottle toss?" Pang Feihu came up with the competition subject.

"Report, no problem." Ju Qiang said first, very confidently.

"I have no problem reporting," Yu Song said.

"Brother, can you?" Pang Feihu asked Ji Ran in a friendly manner.

"Brother, you are happy as long as you are happy." Li Ran said.

Soon, soldiers from the military reconnaissance camp brought two boxes of empty wine bottles.

Everything was ready. Ju Qiang and Yu Song lay down on the ground, aiming and shooting. The shooting depended on who hit the most bottles. As for determining who hit it, it was very simple. The shooter knew it well and the onlookers watched. I also know it in my heart.

Soon, five hundred meters away, a wine bottle was thrown up.

It can be said that this project is equivalent to hitting a moving target 500 meters away.

In the scope, Ju Qiang started to aim at the wine bottle. After locking it, he was just about to shoot when the result was a bang!

Next to him, gunfire sounded, and Yu Song took the lead in firing the first shot.


The wine bottle burst and was directly smashed.

This move shocked Ju Qiang, as well as the military reconnaissance battalion and others who were watching. Ju Qiang was the most powerful sniper in their military reconnaissance camp. When he was studying in the Special Command Department of the Lu Academy, he specialized in Sniper subjects.

As a result, the first shot was snatched by a second lieutenant from the Tibetan Military Region.

The time from aiming to pulling the trigger is only 2.5 seconds, right? So fast?

"Damn, is it so fast?" Ju Qiang gritted his teeth and was very unconvinced. In his opinion, it must be luck.

Immediately afterwards, the second wine bottle was thrown again.

Ju Qiang had just locked on and was about to shoot, but Yu Song next to him was one step faster than him, the bottle broke again, and he successfully hit again.

In a short period of time, Yu Song hit all two shots, but Ju Qiang didn't even have time to fire a single shot.

"Luck, it must be luck, good luck." Ju Qiang kept comforting himself in his heart.

Soon, the third wine bottle was thrown. This time Ju Qiang took the lead in shooting, but the shot missed. Yu Song's gunfire also sounded and the bottle broke.

Although Ju Qiang fired first this time, he missed the shot. The wine bottle was hit by Yu Song. In a short period of time, he was already three shots ahead.

"Damn, how can he be so fast and accurate?"

Three consecutive shots, this is no longer luck, Ju Qiang is doubting life.

He couldn't do this. How could someone from the Tibetan Military Region do it?

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Gunshots keep ringing~


Finally, after the tenth wine bottle was easily hit by Yu Song, Pang Feihu stopped because there was no point in continuing the competition.

The best sniper in his military reconnaissance camp is not the opponent of this second lieutenant from the Tibetan Military Region. There is a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

All ten shots hit the target, and each shot took about 2.5 seconds from aiming to shooting. What does this mean? It shows that Yu Song's strength is very stable.

Looking at Ju Qiang again, he missed a single shot and was already in disarray. There was something wrong with his thinking. There was no point in continuing the competition.

Bang bang bang~

Pang Feihu took the lead in applauding. He was wrong this time. He didn't expect that this humble second lieutenant was really good at marksmanship. He was really powerful.

With just this move, the second lieutenant can stand firm in the military reconnaissance camp and stand proudly among the heroes.

Now, Pang Feihu somewhat believes what Li Ran said before. The snipers trained by him are so strong, so isn't Li Ran himself stronger?

"It only takes about 2.5 seconds from locking to firing. How do you do it?" Ju Qiang couldn't help but ask, wanting to learn from Yu Song.

If he loses, he loses. Although he can afford to lose, it is embarrassing, but if he cannot afford to lose, it is even more embarrassing and his character is ruined.

"As long as you can withstand the instructor's devilish training, you can do it too," Yu Song said. He couldn't help but recall the scene when he was training under Li Ran in his mind, and he couldn't help but shudder.

He recalled the original training and was still frightened now.

"You instructors?" Hearing this, Ju Qiang was a little confused.

"He is our instructor. Our instructor is much more powerful than me. He can do this kind of competition while standing and shooting, and our instructor can also snipe, no one can beat him." Yu Song said from the bottom of his heart, In his heart, Li Ran is the master of guns, unmatched by anyone.

"(Money is good) Stand and shoot? Shoot with a sniper?" Ju Qiang looked suspicious and couldn't help but look at Li Ran a few more times. He thought to himself, when did such a ridiculous figure appear in the Tibetan Military Region? He had never heard of it.

"Brother, come and show your skills." Seeing what Yu Song said was so mysterious, Pang Feihu couldn't help it.

You've blown it before, and you're still sniping!

Li Ran stepped forward, took the gun from Yu Song, and stood there in front of everyone.

"Throw up the bottle." Pang Feihu said.

So, five hundred meters away, a wine bottle was thrown up. Li Ran stood up to shoot without even aiming, and pulled the trigger.


The bottle breaks.

This process only lasted a second, and even the onlookers didn't react.

"Brother, you've made a fool of yourself." Li Ran smiled and opened his mouth to bring everyone's thoughts back to reality.

"Brother, let's talk about the new sniper training quota." Pang Feihu was really shocked. This move was so awesome that it exploded.

A group of people in the military reconnaissance camp were also shocked beyond measure.

"Is this a marksmanship that a human can achieve?"

The young captain's simple shot can suppress the entire Gyeonggi Province from raising its head.

Seeing a group of people who had never seen the world, Yu Song felt contempt in his heart.

It turns out that the people in the military reconnaissance battalion of the Grand Military Region have this kind of psychological quality, and their endurance is really poor, because of the monster version!

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, ask for everything, ask for all kinds of data, thank you!).

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