Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

022: Rest Day! If You Have Any Difficulty, Find The Class Deputy

On the first rest day as recruits, everyone in the third class woke up as early as before, and no one slept in.

There is no way, people have such a habit.

When I go to work, I don’t want to get up every day. Once I take a break, I automatically wake up in the morning and cannot fall asleep.

The same is true for soldiers. One reason is that on rest days, the pressure of usual training is suddenly gone.

"Deputy deputy, please give me a cigarette."

"My dear class deputy, give me a cigarette for my little brother to smoke."

A few smoking boys gathered around Li Ran, with eyes filled with prayers. Their cigarettes had been collected by the squad leader when they first arrived, and the recruits were not allowed to smoke.

The only exception is Li Ran. He can smoke whenever he wants. The squad leader and platoon leader will not care about him. Moreover, the ones who smoke are all Huazi. It is simply inhumane.

"You can smoke if you want, but if you want a cigarette and a bucket of water, take it," Li Ran said.

Although the recruit training base has running water, it is just a relatively large reservoir connected to the tap pipes. However, the water in the reservoir needs to be transported and replenished every day from a freshwater lake ten kilometers away.

Basically, the logistics team drives a car and regularly brings large buckets to fill up the water and then transport it back.

Although recruits are not allowed to smoke, Li Ran has established an unwritten rule since he became the deputy squad leader.

That means you can smoke if you want, but you have to trade it for training volume.

For example, now, one cigarette and one bucket of water. If you want to smoke, you have to carry a bucket back and forth 20 kilometers and come back with a bucket of water.

It's not that Li Ran deliberately made things difficult for them, it was for their own good. This was also a kind of training.

"Shift deputy, one cigarette and one bucket of water is too little. The round trip is at least ten kilometers. How about adding one?" Someone bargained.

"Just one, don't forget it." Li Ran gestured to take the cigarette back.

"Yes, yes."

Facing the temptation of cigarettes, the three of them wavered. In order to smoke a cigarette, they would go ten kilometers for ten kilometers. They were all smokers, but they were not allowed to smoke, but they were panicking.

The three of them went together, carrying buckets, to fetch water from a freshwater lake ten kilometers away.

Although there were a few others who also wanted to smoke, after thinking about it, it was too scary to carry a bucket of water for ten kilometers, so they had to endure it and maybe they could quit smoking.

So, early in the morning, three old smokers, each carrying a bucket, headed for the freshwater lake ten kilometers away in order to have a cigarette.

This scene left everyone in other classes confused.

What tricks are Class Three going to do?

The remaining people in the dormitory were staring at each other, very bored.

"It would be nice to have a guitar. A mouth organ would also work."

But everyone knew that this was an extravagant hope. The area around the recruit training base was deserted, and there was no place to spend money. If you wanted to buy something, you had to go to the county town dozens of kilometers away, but there were regulations that prohibited you from going out.

For a time, many people focused their attention on Li Ran.

Li Ran is equivalent to their backbone in Class 3. Whenever they have any difficulties or needs, they can't help but think of Li Ran.

Seeing the expectant looks on everyone's faces, Li Ran didn't want to disappoint his comrades in class.

In this era, development was backward, and it was really hard to be a soldier in this special area. There was no recreation room at all, not even a basketball court.

Even on a day off, the days are indeed very boring.

"Ding! Mission released: There is a kind of squad leader called someone else's squad leader, who contributes to the class's entertainment projects. Mission completed: 500 achievement points will be awarded. Mission failure: no punishment for now."

"I can't even stand the system anymore." Li Ran said silently in his heart, looked at everyone and said, "I'll go to the platoon leader to discuss it and see if there's any solution?"

"Long live the squad vice president."

"I love you so much, class deputy."

"Deputy Niubi."

Everyone in class three cheered happily.

Originally, this kind of thing needed to be reported layer by layer. Li Ran asked the squad leader for help, but Wang Qiang was still recovering from his injuries and had not returned, so Li Ran went directly to Chen Hai.

After learning about Li Ran's intention, Chen Hai said: "I'm sure of your idea, but the county seat is dozens of kilometers away. Even if I give you permission to go out, there are no cars in the company going to the county seat today. How can you get there? Run there?" "

"The cooking class has a bicycle, and I can ride it there." Li Ran said.

"Don't think about it. Monitor Liu's bicycle was a gift from his wife. No one will borrow it." Chen Hai denied it directly.

"No, Squad Leader Liu will lend it to me." Li Ran was very confident.

As an excellent recruit deputy squad leader, it is very necessary to establish a good relationship with the squad leaders of each squad during the recruit company and familiarize yourself with military life as early as possible.

"Are you even familiar with the cooking class?" Chen Hai was helpless. Li Ran was not only strong personally, but also had strong interpersonal relationships. He was like a social butterfly in the recruit company.

Even though I usually call myself brothers with the two squad leaders of Class 1 and Class 2, I even managed to handle the most difficult one in the cooking class, Squad Leader Liu, which is really strong.

"Then I still can't let you go out. There are regulations. When recruits go out on weekends, they must be accompanied by the squad leader." Chen Hai said again.

"Chen Pai, it's okay for me to be alone. Please be accommodating."

Looking at the beloved soldier in front of him, Chen Hai felt a little soft-hearted.

"It's just this once, and it won't happen next time. You must come back before dark. Pay attention to safety on the road. Do you hear me?" Chen Hai said.

"Thank you Chen Pai."

Looking at Li Ran's leaving figure, Chen Hai shook his head helplessly. He happened to be on duty today. Before, it would have been impossible for him to agree to such a thing. However, Li Ran gave him a very relieved feeling.

Coupled with Li Ran's performance, there shouldn't be any problem going out alone.

After receiving approval from Chen Hai, Li Ran went directly to the cooking class.

"Squad leader Liu, lend me your bicycle for a ride. I'm going to the county town to buy something. Is there anything you need me to bring you?"

"Ride, ride, there's nothing you need to bring with you. Just pay attention to safety on the road."

"I'm leaving."

Li Ran rode a 28-bar bicycle and left the recruit training base like the wind.

Although Li Ran has never been to the county town, he can just walk along the road and there is only one road. There is no need to worry about taking the wrong road.

Although serving as a soldier in Tibetan areas is difficult, I have to say that the scenery is indeed beautiful...

(First update, please give me some motivation for those brothers who want all kinds of data support, want everything, and pursue books. Thank you!!)

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