Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

232: All Tanks! The Captain's Heart Is Racing

113th Regiment Headquarters.

"Captain Yang, the division commander asked me to follow you next. If you need anything, just ask." Li Ran said with a smile to the colonel commander of the 113th Regiment in front of him.

The colonel's name is Yang Xiong. He is a veteran regiment commander with a strong combat style. The colonel's transfer order has also been issued. After this exercise, he will be transferred to the Z Division headquarters.

"The commander sent his junior brother to supervise the battle, so I will be under great pressure. Yang Xiong was joking.

Li Ran and Yang Xiong know each other. It can be said that Li Ran knows the leaders of the three main regiments of Z Division. Before the exercise started, Li Ran visited various combat units up and down the Z Division. It was not for nothing.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, it can be said that Li Ran handles it well. In addition, with Li Ran's strength and status as junior brother Qi Long, the leaders of the three main groups all give Li Ran face, and they all become familiar with each other after going back and forth.

At this time, Qi Long had a purpose in transferring Li Ran from him to the 113th Regiment.

I want Li Ran to experience what it's like to command a main armored regiment in battle!

Li Ran is still too young, and his military rank was promoted too quickly. In Qi Long’s view, he does not have enough experience to be a chief officer at the grassroots level. If it weren’t for Li Ran’s amazing talent and unparalleled learning ability when he came to Z Division, Qi Long would have originally They all plan to put Li Ran in a tank company to experience it.

All supplies for the armored behemoth have been completed.

Boom boom~

The roar of the high-power diesel engine sounded, and the smell of diesel in the air was so strong that it seemed to drip out.

The armored behemoth came out of its cage, and the ground trembled.

Division Z arrived at the 08th exercise site, and the three main regiments, each with their own functions, began to take action.

To judge the success of this exercise, there is a simulated city specially built for the exercise in the core area of ​​the exercise venue. Whoever can occupy the city for three days without being breached will be counted as a winner. Another way of judging is to inflict 75% of the opponent's battle losses. above.

The victory judgment criteria of the exercise can be said to be a complete restoration of modern combat, armored assault, and city occupation.

Compared with the latter, the difficulty of the former is undoubtedly simpler.

It's a pity that the city in the core area has been occupied by Army A. You can know this by just thinking about it, because compared to Army H, Army A is definitely the fastest to arrive at the exercise venue.

The strategic quick reaction force relies on speed, which is a special skill.

Another point is that in order to make this exercise absolutely effective, the director's department has specially set it up. In terms of time, Army A definitely has a certain advantage.

On the one hand, it is also for balance.

With Army H's heavy equipment and hard frontal steel, Army A was no match for them. After the three-down-five-out-two drill, they couldn't get what they wanted.

Li Ran's current 113th Regiment is responsible for direct frontal assault missions.

The 113th Heavy Tank Regiment has 254 tanks, 98 armored infantry fighting vehicles, and several other vehicles. There are a total of 521 armored vehicles. Not counting logistics, the main armored force has more than 4,000 people.

This is the confidence a heavy tank regiment has!

On the grassland, the armored cluster formation spread out and began to advance. This time the advance was based on tank battalions, a total of seven tank battalions. "The distance between each tank battalion is only 500 meters."

As the commander of the heavy tank regiment, the colonel was very confident and directly deployed the formation to launch a mobile assault.

A frontal main attack must have the momentum of a frontal main attack, and advance with an attitude of crushing everything in front!

"Domineering, so damn domineering."

Li Ran followed the colonel and sat in the command vehicle. At this time, he was also shocked by such a majestic momentum.

What kind of tanks are these? They are just giant steel beasts. Imagine how spectacular it would be if hundreds of steel motorcycles charged in groups?

What a spectacular look it is now!

With this kind of advancement, a city can be bulldozed by a reckless and unrestrained attack.

in the air.

Army aviation detachments escort at low altitudes, fighter formations escort at high altitudes to ensure air escorts, the king of land warfare advances, and land and air coordinate operations. This is pure mechanized combat.

In this way, two hours later, the 113th Regiment arrived less than thirty kilometers away from the core city, and finally met their opponent. An armored regiment from the TI Division of the A Army!

The reconnaissance forces on both sides have already dispersed, using drones to detect the opponent's troop deployment.

It's a very simple reason. You can detect other people's deployment, and others can detect your deployment. Basically, there is nothing to hide in the deployment of troops on both sides. In a showdown, it all depends on who is stronger.

It's just that when the drones of both sides were able to detect each other, they were shot down very quickly, and the time they could take pictures was only ten seconds, but these ten seconds were enough.

The captured footage has been sent back to the command headquarters’ data terminal!

"I'll wipe it. It's so damn hard to fight. They're all tanks."

When the colonel commander of the Armored Regiment of T Division saw the footage captured by the drone, he felt indescribably uncomfortable on his face.

It really is a tank regiment of the 1st Heavy Armored Division. It’s really too much. Judging from the pictures, they are basically tanks. Occasionally, you can see a few armored vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles. There are no tanks inside. Inconspicuous.

On the other hand, here, you can't compare. Comparing people with others is infuriating, and you have to throw away goods when comparing goods.

The difference in tanks between the two sides is too great, making this battle very difficult to fight.

"Let the fifth and sixth companies establish blocking positions."

"The Third Company and the Ninth Company are engaged in flexible warfare. Don't let others make dumplings for you."

"The tactical missile crew is preparing for the first salvo of fire."

"Army aviation detachment air support."

The colonel issued a combat deployment one by one. They were just an armored regiment with a limited number of tanks and armor. Compared with the opponent, they were not on the same level and needed to be flexible.

Moreover, their task is not to fight head-on with others, but to block and defend.

Just like that, ten minutes later, the battle between the two sides officially started.


Facing the steel behemoth rushing over with great momentum, the tactical missile crew took the lead in firing a salvo.

Tactical missiles poured towards the armored behemoths one after another.

The drones of the 113th Regiment also detected the movements of the T Division Armored Regiment. When they launched an assault here, they had already launched an assault formation. All seven tank battalions were in assault formation.

For a time, the horizontal distance of the formation reached a terrifying four kilometers. If you look down from the air, you will definitely be shocked by this scene.

The lateral distance reached an astonishing four kilometers, forming a terrifying armored behemoth galloping area.

After the seven tank battalions formed a tactical assault chain, Yang Xiong ordered a full-speed assault. He wanted to directly overwhelm the opponent's armored regiment in one wave.

A mere armored regiment dared to wield swords and guns in front of the 113th Regiment. With this terrain and formation, let alone one armored regiment, even two armored regiments could not stop the 113th Regiment.

Explosion, explosion, huge explosion!

The tactical missiles from the T Division Armored Regiment poured down and exploded continuously. The T Division Armored Regiment never thought that it could defeat such a perverted tank regiment. All it wanted to do was to block it as much as possible.

So I used all the powerful firepower on my side from the beginning, but achieved a certain effect.

Under such a dense tactical missile attack, the 113th Regiment quickly suffered battle damage to more than a dozen tanks.

However, the battle damage of only a dozen tanks was not painful at all for the 113th Regiment. The assault speed did not slow down at all. The tanks were destroyed immediately after reaching the effective direct range of the tanks.

Boom boom boom!

A round of artillery shells roared out from the tank breech. After the battle started, each tank platoon had its own target division, and concentrated fire on the target to improve the hit accuracy.

Once an armored group of this size breaks into a fight, it will be a mechanized melee. In the melee, each tank platoon will be subdivided to attack the target in a certain assault formation.

Including attack targets and firepower distribution, there are special divisions of functions, instead of driving a tank to hit randomly on the battlefield, hitting this target at one time and that target at another time.

The platoon leader of each tank platoon will conduct target planning and command to ensure accuracy and rationality of firepower distribution, thereby causing maximum lethality.

Of course, if there is a complete melee at the end and there is a fault in the chain of command, who you want to fight at that time and how you want to fight it all depends on your own reaction and handling.

For a time, the grassland was completely shrouded in artillery fire and filled with gunpowder smoke.

"Report! An enemy ambush force was discovered on the flank, and a minefield was discovered 300 meters ahead.

"Just rush over."


For Yang Xiong, once the tank regiment launches an attack, there is no possibility of stopping.

What about minefields?

In a fully deployed assault formation, even if it passes through a minefield, how many vehicles will be damaged in battle? Should engineers be allowed to clear mines at this time? There is no benefit except wasting time.

On the flank, the T Division Armored Regiment arranged the fifth and sixth companies to fight the blocking battle. How to fight the blocking battle against the armored cluster?

Deploying minefields, anti-tank mines are one of the means of killing tanks, and deploying individual anti-tank missile teams.

The two companies blocked the attack, even if they used all possible means, with the assistance of the minefield and anti-tank missile team, they did cause certain battle damage to the 113th Regiment that launched the charge.

As many as nineteen tanks were damaged in the battle. Such results were enough to make the two companies proud.

It's a pity that in the face of the absolute number of reloads, it makes no sense.

Five minutes later, the fifth and sixth companies responsible for blocking the attack were completely wiped out.

Although they suffered certain losses, the balance of the battlefield was completely tilted towards the 113th Regiment!

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