Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

237: Look At Everything! This Battle Will Directly Make You A God!

On the battlefield, under the command of Li Ran, the 113th Regiment looked at the three tank battalions, which were further subdivided into each tank company and platoon. In such a melee, there was no chaos at all, the combat functions were distributed in an orderly manner, and the fight was very fierce. of rhythm.

For the steel behemoth, the rhythm, as long as the rhythm is right, the attack will be smooth and unfavorable.

A tank regiment of Division B of Army A that fought against the 113th Regiment was defeated step by step. The battle loss ratio between the two sides reached an astonishing 1:3.

Almost one tank of the 113th Regiment was able to kill three tanks of the B Division Tank Regiment. This created a situation where Li Ran commanded the 113th Regiment and gradually opened a gap on the battlefield.

In a tank battle of this scale, a gap was opened on our side. This is a very serious and fatal matter.

The commander of Division B of A Army immediately mobilized an armored regiment to support the tank regiment, so that he could hold the gap. If this was breached, it would be like a dam releasing floods, and the armored defense line of Room A would collapse directly.

Even the fraternal units nearby will be seriously threatened!

Although the armored battles between the two sides have been going on on the battlefield, the balance has gradually tilted towards the H Army. After all, it is a heavy armored army, and there is also the presence of the first heavy armored division of the field army. When they are facing each other head-on, the A Army has the upper hand. Not too big and cheap.

But this did not affect the fierce fighting between the two sides on the battlefield.

Boom boom boom~

The shells were fired crazily towards the other party as if they were asking for no money.

After the whole battle lasted for nearly an hour, the battle ended with the complete withdrawal of the main armored force of the A Army. Moreover, the A Army only lost two-thirds of the tank regiment of the B Division and one-half of the armored regiment.

Division A of Army B was fortunate enough to be the combat unit with the highest casualties in the entire field!

This result shocked Division B, Division T, and the headquarters of Army A. It can be said that it shocked the entire A Army.

Although in this tank battle, the T Division that participated in the battle also suffered certain battle losses, it was still acceptable. It was not as miserable as the B Division. How did it fight?

If the two sides perform normally and face a head-on confrontation, Army A may not be able to take advantage, but it will not suffer such heavy losses as now.

But once a person is unlucky, his teeth will be choked even if he drinks cold water. It can even be said that the battle losses were entirely caused by Division B himself.

Because the main opponent of the armored force of Division B is the 113th Regiment of Division Z, and the commander of the 113th Regiment has been changed to Li Ran.

The reason for the change was because the three chief officers of the 113th Regiment were beheaded, and the scouts who successfully carried out the beheading operation were sent by Division B.

It can be said that if it were not for the decapitation operation of the B Division scouts, Li Ran would not have the opportunity to command the 113th Regiment. If Li Ran had not commanded the 113th Regiment, the B Division would not have suffered such heavy losses in today's confrontation between the two sides.

Sometimes, the cycle of cause and effect really makes sense and is unpredictable and unpredictable.

Such a battle situation directly caused the commander of Division B to be reprimanded by the headquarters of Army A.

"How the hell did you fight this battle? What's going on with your 985th regiment? Isn't it supposed to be the benchmark for any tank regiment of Division Z? How come it dwindles like this as soon as the battle begins? Is this how you usually train to fool your superiors?"

After being reprimanded by his own army commander, the commander of Division B was very depressed.

Training to fool your superiors? There is no such thing.

The 985th Regiment is the only tank regiment in Division B. He attaches great importance to it and makes surprise inspections of the 985th Regiment's training on a daily basis. Moreover, the combat effectiveness of the 985th Regiment is really not low. He doesn't understand why the fight is like this.

"Commander Wang, how did your regiment fight? Before the battle, didn't you promise me that you could block all the attacks of the 113th regiment? In order to support you, half of the armored regiment was also destroyed, and it usually blew in front of me. , is it really going to stop after the fight?"

The corps commander questioned the division commander, and the division commander questioned the regimental commander.

The colonel directly contacted the leader of the 985th Regiment and asked how the battle was fought.

Two-thirds of the tank regiment was lost in the battle. How is this different from the annihilation of the entire army? The key is that he suffered serious battle losses and implicated half of the armored regiment. He was still running fast. If he hadn't ordered a retreat when he saw something was wrong, Everything has to be explained there.

Faced with the division commander's questioning, the colonel commander also resigned.

"Commander, I don't know either. This is not the 113th Regiment's previous combat style at all. It feels like someone has changed the command. It's really too fierce. With the combat effectiveness shown by the 113th Regiment today, it would be terrible for anyone to resist. That's it." The colonel said aggrievedly.

The battle with the 113th Regiment today really scared him, it could even be said that it hit him.

Only by actually fighting against the 113th Regiment can we clearly appreciate the powerful combat effectiveness of the 113th Regiment.

Today's 113th Regiment is completely different from the past. It's fierce, very fierce, and violent. The whole regiment and the chain of command are perfect, and they are stunned by the 985th Regiment.

During the interview with the 113th Regiment, his chain of command of the 985th Regiment was shattered. In addition, there was some gap in the quality of the grassroots officers and soldiers in the regiment. After all, it was a tank regiment of a heavy armored division.

In addition to the strong command quality of the division commander, the quality of grassroots officers and soldiers also accounts for a large part of the heavy armor division that can be called the best in the entire army.

The key was to send people out to behead him, and it was successful. Why was there no impact on the chain of command of the 113th Regiment? This was the most puzzling thing for him.

Director's Department!

"The fighting was so fierce. Thousands of tanks battled. The scene was really spectacular."

"As expected of the first heavy armored division in the entire army, it's really fierce."

"The heavy armor division is indeed powerful, but the 113th Regiment is really powerful. It is too exaggerated. The tank regiment of Army A was completely crushed in front of him.

"B Division suffered heavy losses, two-thirds of the tank regiment and half of the armor regiment. What's the difference between this and a total loss?"

Who is commanding the 113th Regiment? It seems to be the captain.

As soon as these words came out, the originally lively director's department immediately fell silent for a moment, followed by excitement.

Yes, they just remembered that the leader of the 113th regiment had been replaced, and the young captain Qu temporarily took over the command.

Throughout the process, the command orders of the 113th Regiment were all scrolling on the big screen. They were dazzled and amazed by the tactical orders. They could not imagine that this was the armor command quality possessed by a captain.

This young captain's command quality is ridiculously strong.

If the leader of the 113th regiment had not been replaced, would it still be like this?

No, absolutely not, because only the 113th Regiment achieved such exaggerated results in this tank battle, and it relied entirely on personal strength without support or assistance.

"It really opened my eyes that a captain commanded a tank regiment to achieve such results." The General Staff General said cheerfully, a little shocked.

"No wonder Lu Yuan always emphasized to me that this boy's armor command talent is extraordinary, and it has indeed given me a lot of experience." The lieutenant general was so surprised that he couldn't even close his mouth. He was very pleasantly surprised.

It was indeed a surprise for the Lieutenant General.

He saw an officer with strong command qualities, and this officer was still very young, only eighteen years old.

It has been many years since the field army has seen such a talented commander.

The more I think about the Lieutenant General, the more I think the cleverness of the secondment of Li Ran was simply a comparison of wit.

If Li Ran was not given this opportunity to prepare for this exercise, how would he know that the young captain had such exaggerated command qualities.

Although the captain is very famous in the Lu Academy and even defeated a major general in war games, talking about war on paper and actually commanding safety are two different things.

Lu Yuan!

"The Great God Niubi, the real Niubi, the tanks battled the Celestial Master.

"Invincible, really invincible, a great god is enough to become a god."

"Do you see it? Before, some people doubted whether the great master was capable of commanding a tank regiment, but now you see it."

"He's so handsome. I will definitely join the H Army Heavy Equipment Division in the future."

"You see, the armored commander is just a man. 807 is a man's romance. You all should learn from it."

This battle of thousands of tanks and Li Ran's performance made every student of the Armored Command Department of the Army Academy feel proud and superior in their hearts [uncontrollable explosion].

As students of the Armored Command Department, isn't their dream to one day command heavy-armed troops to fight in such a battle?

Li Ran's performance will give them material for sleeping and dreaming in the future.

In the dream, they thought of themselves as Li Ran. In such a battle, they commanded heavily armed troops, scolded Fang Qiu, and killed everyone in all directions. No one could stop him...

"Did you see it? Did you see it? What did I say before? This guy is fully capable of commanding a tank regiment. You still didn't believe it. Do you believe it now? You were slapped in the face. Does your face hurt?" said the dean of the Armored Command Department. Fang Xingwu was unabashedly proud.

Li Ran's performance made Fang Xingwu very proud.

Of his two disciples, one is the current commander of the Heavy Equipment Division, and their strength goes without saying.

Another one, an 18-year-old captain, temporarily took over the command of a tank regiment during such an exercise, killing everyone and becoming the most handsome cub. Who else?

The observers at the Military Academy and other military regions were all shocked at this time...

Even H Corps Headquarters and Z Division Headquarters.

All the people who had doubted Li Ran's ability before received the battle report were all dumbfounded and shocked beyond measure. It took a long time to recover.


After a while, this word came out of many people's mouths.

Although this word sounds a little rough, it is now the best way to express their views and recognition of the captain.

Apart from the word Niubi, they could not think of any other more suitable adjective.

Speaking of which, the commander of the 113th Regiment is a bit useless. Look at what the 113th Regiment is like in the hands of Li Ran and what it is like in the hands of the colonel.

The gap is really a gap!

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, please ask for everything, please ask for all kinds of data, thank you!!).

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