Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

264: Not Doing Your Job Properly! Participate In Military Equipment Research And Development

General Ding Zhiguo, commander of the military region, searched the training ground and did not find Li Ran, the commander of the synthetic battalion, so he asked.

"The battalion commander is at the battalion headquarters." After hearing the question, Qi Qiang, chief of staff of the combined battalion, said.

"During this period, is he personally involved in the training of the combined camp?" the general asked.

"I have been leading the team training in the past few days. The battalion commander has other things to be busy with."

"You continue to lead the training, and I will go to the battalion headquarters to take a look."


Therefore, Qi Qiang continued to lead the training, while the general took people directly to the headquarters building of the synthetic battalion.

In the battalion commander's office.

Li Ran was drawing something on paper while facing the computer at this time, very focused on it.

"What are you busy with?"

At this time, Ding Zhiguo's voice came. Hearing the voice, Li Ran moved his eyes over and saw that at this time, General Ding Zhiguo had walked in.

"Hello, Chief!"

Seeing the visitor, Li Ran immediately stood up and saluted.

"Don't be formal, I just came to take a look casually." The admiral said with a smile.

Coming to take a look without any greeting, Li Ran knew very well that this was called a surprise inspection.

After finishing speaking, the admiral walked to Li Ran's desk, picked up the paper on Li Ran's desk and looked at it. He originally thought that Li Ran was writing some report, but when he saw, "Li Ran was actually drawing." .

For example, the thing painted above looks like a watch. What is it?

The officers and soldiers of the Combined Battalion are training. Li Ran, the chief officer of the Combined Battalion, is actually drawing in the office. What does it look like?

"Did you draw this?" the admiral asked after taking a look at Li Ran.


"You, the commander of the synthetic battalion, look very free. You still have time to draw here." The admiral said deliberately.

Hearing 740's words, Li Ran explained: "Chief, this is a portable mobile equipment designed by me.

"Portable mobile equipment for individual soldiers? Or was it designed by you?" the general asked in surprise.


"As the commander of the synthetic battalion, can you do something serious all day? Before, you came to my place to develop military games, and now you are designing some equipment. Is this what you should do? This is what the military industry department does. ." The general gave Li Ran a scolding.

The general was helpless. Li Ran, the commander of the combined battalion, was good at everything but not good at all. Why was he willing to try anything?

To form a synthetic battalion, you just need to train well. First, you applied to develop a large-scale domestic military game, and now you are designing some equipment. Is this what you, a commander of a synthetic battalion, should do?

Day by day, how can you spend all your time on things that don’t match your position?

"Chief, if you want to maximize the combat effectiveness of the combined battalion, this equipment is indispensable." Li Ran said very firmly: "With this equipment, the command headquarters can ensure that it gets in touch with every individual soldier, locates their location, and issues some orders. Instructions are required to ensure the most accurate command efficiency, especially for special operations teams."

Li Ran doesn't need to keep an eye on the current outline training of the combined camp, as long as the chief of staff leads the training.

Li Ran used this time to develop some new equipment. Designing and developing new equipment was indeed the job that the military industry department should do, but he knew nothing about military industry. He only learned about it after extracting it from the system.

For example, this latest set of portable mobile equipment for individual soldiers will be equipped with a new operational command system and can establish direct contact with the headquarters.

(aieh) This thing is very necessary for modern warfare, especially for special operations teams. It is of great significance. In local special battles, it can maximize the functions of individual soldiers.

The combined battalion has a special forces team. The members of the special forces team are all soldiers selected from various reconnaissance units. Their individual combat qualities are extremely high.

And under the training of Li Ran, the special forces of the combined battalion can definitely rival the special forces of any military region. They have such confidence.

"Is it really that powerful?" Li Ran's words made the general interested.

Although Li Ran was "not doing his job", the major general knew very well that Li Ran could always come up with some innovative things, but he didn't expect that Li Ran could also design equipment.

"Of course, it will be equipped with the latest command system. In addition, I think we should now start to develop a new command and combat platform. This command and combat platform can record battle data in real time and will use scientific Calculate, and then assist the officers to reasonably perform firepower distribution and other functions..."

Li Ran said a lot in front of the three people.

The three generals, major generals, and senior colonels listened to the general idea. Although they did not understand everything, they could feel it. To sum it up in one word, it is "Niu Bi"

For a moment, the three of them were very impressed and curious about what was in Li Ran's head and why he could always come up with so many innovative things. It was really amazing.

But there is no doubt that the general is moved, very moved.

Whether it is the portable mobile equipment for individual soldiers or the new command and combat platform designed by Li Ran, they are all very mobile.

In the eyes of the general, this is a direction for the field army to modernize.

"Do you have any specific plans for what you mentioned?" the admiral asked immediately.

"Yes, but it requires a dedicated scientific research team to develop and improve it. But as long as you follow my ideas, you will definitely succeed. "It just takes a little time." Li Ran said very confidently.

"I'll give you time, come up with a detailed plan, and I'll contact the team for you." The admiral said, feeling a little excited at this time.

I didn't expect that I could gain such a benefit from a surprise inspection of the combined camp.

"Chief, I have an application." Li Ran said.


"I would like to apply for a long-term equipment research and development project with the military industry department and visit it again by the way." Li Ran said.

Li Ran plans to start with the military industry and assist scientific researchers in the military industry department to launch a long-term new equipment research and development project, specifically focusing on the research and development of relevant new equipment needed by the synthetic battalion.

Although Li Ran got a lot of good things from the system, he half-sold and half-gifted them in a hacker's way, so that now whenever he pretends to be a hacker and chats with the Fourth Machine Department.

The Fourth Machine Department was all very polite and even called him Davarishi.

But this is not enough in Li Ran's opinion. Some good things sent can speed up scientific and technological progress, but he assists scientific researchers in the military industry department in the research and development of relevant equipment. A two-pronged approach can speed up the speed.

The main reason is that Li Ran also has selfish motives and wants the Synthetic Battalion to use the most advanced equipment, and his design is definitely the most suitable for the Synthetic Battalion.

The admiral was almost shocked by Li Ran's words.

Good guy, really good guy, Li Ran, the commander of the synthetic battalion, is simply amazing.

Establishing a synthetic battalion, isn’t it enough to be the chief officer of a new pilot unit like the synthetic battalion? Isn’t it enough work? Isn’t there enough work? You still have the energy and time to go to the military industry department to participate in equipment research and development?

The key point is, do you understand equipment research and development? Those technicians in the military industry are absolutely professional technicians!

"Do you still know about equipment research and development?" The admiral couldn't help but ask.

"Self-taught." Li Ran said modestly: "Since I joined the army, I have read thousands of military books, from command to professional and technical."

The general had no doubts about Li Ran's words.

As the commander of the military region, Li Ran's personal file information is now top secret, and the level is so high that no one below the general level has permission to view it.

Therefore, the admiral knew that Li Ran had the gift of photographic memory. Learning with this kind of talent would be like cheating.

"But are you too busy to come here?" The corner of the admiral's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but ask again.

"Chief, the workload of Hesheng Camp is nothing to me." Li Ran said.

If these words were heard by the chiefs of the various units in the combined camp, they would probably have the intention to kill Li Ran. They work overtime every day and stay up late to finish their work. As a result, Li Ran said this. If you feel that you have less work, you should help them. Share a little, those who can do more work.

"In this case, I will discuss it with the military industry department when I get back." The admiral said, which was actually an agreement.

"Chief, I have one last application."

explain. 1"

"I hope the combined battalion can become a pilot unit for the Army's new equipment."

As the name suggests, once you have this qualification, the synthetic battalion will be able to try out any latest equipment in the future.

"This matter needs to be reported to the General Staff. Whether it is approved or not depends on the General Staff." The general said directly.

After just saying that, the general added in his mind that given the favor of the chief of the General Staff to Li Ran, he probably didn't have any objections.

The synthetic battalion itself is a new type of pilot unit, and there is nothing wrong with obtaining the qualifications of a new type of equipment pilot unit.

The major general and senior colonel on the side both had expressions of disbelief on their faces. They had gained a lot of experience, really gained a lot of experience.

It turns out that there are really people in this world who are so capable that they can multi-task. The dignified commander of the synthetic battalion, in addition to serving as the battalion commander and establishing a new pilot unit like the synthetic battalion, he also has to develop military games and new equipment.

This can't be called "not doing your job properly", it's completely over-capacity and full bloom. It's so awesome and eye-opening.

During this surprise inspection, the general was very satisfied with the daily training status of the combined battalion. Not only was he satisfied, it could be said that Li Ran, the commander of the combined battalion, gave him another surprise.

So, I planned to have lunch in the canteen of Hehe camp before leaving.

At noon, in the cafeteria, the general and Li Ran ate together in the cafeteria hall, surrounded by officers and soldiers from various units of the combined battalion.

While eating, suddenly, the sound of an enemy attack came from the trumpet.

Suddenly, with a snap, all the officers and soldiers of the combined battalion units moved. In the cafeteria that was originally full of people, only the three generals and Li Ran, who was eating very calmly, were left.

"There will also be enemy situation simulations during meals?" the Major General of the Logistics Department couldn't help but ask.

"The purpose of the combined camp is to spend every day as if it were a state of war." Li Ran said very calmly.

(Please support with various data, ask for everything, ask for everything! Thank you!).

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