Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

274: All Attention! Bald Eagle Attack

Northern Military District, Headquarters!

Inside the office.

"Chief, I apply to allow the Tiger Special Forces to become a training unit of the combined battalion to test the combat effectiveness of the combined battalion at all times." Tiexuan, the captain of the Tiger Special Forces, said with a serious face.

He was serious. If the combined battalion could launch unethical sneak attacks against them, they could also treat others the same way they were treated.

Of course, he believed that the combined battalion might be on guard. It didn't matter. As long as the Tiger Special Forces could become a training unit of the combined battalion, they would have enough reason and time to launch a sneak attack on the combined battalion.

Either there will be a sneak attack every three days, or there will be a sneak attack once a week, or there will be a sneak attack once a month. How to defend against it depends on the synthesis?

I will give the Synthetic Camp annoyance to death!

"Tie Xuan, I need to remind you that finding out the shortcomings of each unit of the field army is the purpose of the synthetic battalion. This is the responsibility of the synthetic battalion. It is not advisable to act on impulse." The general reminded.

He could naturally tell that this was an act of "retaliation" by the captain of the Tigers' special forces.

But in principle, there's nothing wrong with it.

Your synthetic battalion can sneak attack on others without saying hello, and others can also sneak attack on you without saying hello.

In any case, the combined battalion also belongs to the field army, and it should also maintain its peak combat effectiveness and hone its combat awareness.

If he didn't know about the synthesis camp, the general would have agreed. But just because he knew about the synthesis camp, the general thought it was unnecessary. Tie Xuan's application had no other benefits except asking for a blow.

"The combined battalion has gone too far to deceive others. They attacked without warning and actually deceived our brother troops. Chief, you have to seek justice for us." Tie Xuan said, with great grievance and dissatisfaction in his voice.

Tie Xuan had almost given up on his original sneak attack on the combined camp.

In this sneak attack, 930 did make him see the shortcomings of the Tiger Special Forces, but what he couldn't bear was to attack just by sneak attack [In the end, Li Ran even deceived him.

He also pretended to be a good guy and replaced him with a new type of individual combat suit.

Do you want to exchange it? This second batch of new equipment originally had their share of the Tiger Special Forces. It was already there, but in the end, it was exchanged for something that originally belonged to them. Isn't this cheating?

Hearing this, the admiral was also speechless.

He also didn't expect that Li Ran would do such a trick.

After all, paper cannot keep fire.

Li Ran's behavior of replacing members from the Tiger Special Forces with new individual combat equipment showed off the generals.

Allocating part of the second batch of new individual combat suits to the Tiger Special Forces was originally the military region chief's compensation for the Tiger Special Forces. As a result, Li Ran actually used the equipment compensated for the Tiger Special Forces to replace the personnel.

Really empty glove white wolf!

Li Ran's move showed off the admiral, and Tie Xuan, who knew the truth, almost shed tears of anger.

It was really too much. Not only did they sneak attack, but they also deceived them and treated their Tiger Special Forces troops like monkeys.

When Tie Xuan thought about the way Li Ran sent off Li Ran with great enthusiasm when he took people away that night, he wanted to give himself two big bucks and count the money after being sold.

"Sooner or later, I'm going to beat this brat," the admiral said angrily.

Seeing the pitiful look of the Tiger Special Forces Captain, the general couldn't stand it any longer.

Although there is an upper limit to the development of the special forces chief, the special forces were, after all, the force that he personally set up. At that time, when the special forces (aiff) had just emerged, each major military region had specially formed a special forces.

The Tiger Special Forces have always been among the top troops in the general's heart.

After listening to the admiral's words, Tie Xuan felt even more aggrieved.

Sure enough, love will disappear. Once upon a time, the Tiger Special Forces had always been the pride of the general, and he would always mention it in front of others about what the Tigers were doing.

Now that the Tiger Special Forces have suffered such humiliation, the general only said this without any substantive action.

Don't just talk without practicing, take action and give Li Ran a beating.

"Chief, I'm not acting on impulse. I'm applying to launch an operation to test the combat effectiveness of the combined battalion." Tie Xuan applied again.

And he used a very legitimate reason to test combat effectiveness, not a sneak attack.

Is this called a sneak attack? This is called testing the combat effectiveness of brother units, helping brother units find out and improve their combat awareness.

Isn’t this the name of your synthetic camp?

"In this way, you go back and find a few people to form a study group. First, go to the Hesheng Camp to observe and study for a week. If you still have this idea after a week, I will approve your application." The admiral said.

Although he now values ​​​​the combined battalion more, he still has to leave some divisions in his heart for the special forces.

First, let Captain Tie Xuan take people to the Synthetic Camp to observe and learn what the training in the Synthetic Camp is like, so as not to get carried away and ask for humiliation.


Therefore, after Tie Xuan returned from the military region, he immediately took the chief of staff, squadron leader and three team leaders to the combined camp.

He wanted to see what was different about this newly formed unit?

Synthetic camp.

Li Ran has also received notification from his superiors that the Military Region's Tiger Special Forces will bring people to observe and learn.

"Battal Commander, the leader of the Tiger Special Forces has personally brought people here. Do we want to have a simple welcome ceremony?" instructor Xu Xiaoguang asked.

"When the time comes, just bring a few people to greet you. Don't take such a small thing to heart." Li Ran said lightly.

During that time, he was still leading the team for training. Welcome? What's there to welcome? It's not like I've never seen special forces before.

Besides, when the head of the military region comes, how should their combined battalion be trained? Why should they worry about a mere special forces unit?

"Battal Commander, do you think they came here to raise an army to question the perpetrators?" Xu Xiaoguang couldn't help but ask.

He knew about his battalion commander's empty-handed white wolf, and he said in his heart that Li Ran was so brave and so skillful.

Apart from Li Ran, it is estimated that no one in the entire military region would dare to do this kind of behavior.

"Raise an army to question them? How did our combined battalion fail them? We helped them find their shortcomings, improved their combat effectiveness, and gave them some equipment. What else do they want?" Hearing this, Li Ran said dissatisfied: "If they show their displeasure to you, you can just find a reason to drive them away. If you have the ability, come and attack us to see if you can succeed?"

Li Ran didn't panic at all and wasn't afraid at all.

A sneak attack is a sneak attack, and the white wolf has also done it with bare hands. I'm just asking what you can do?

The worst case scenario is to sneak attack on their combined camp. If you can succeed, you'll be considered superior, and the combined camp will just admit defeat.

After hearing these words, Xu Xiaoguang said nothing more.

His words were crude but not crude, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with what his battalion commander said.

Tie Xuan led a team to the Hesheng Camp to observe and learn. After a lot of effort, he finally passed the inspection of the sentry at the door and entered the Hesheng Camp.

Everyone in the Tiger Special Forces who followed Tie Hyun was shocked.

Are all the sentries at the gate of the combined camp like this?

Even if they reported their identities, they had their documents checked and notified and verified. Everyone, including their team leader, was carefully checked and their identities were verified before they were allowed in.

It’s so strict that it’s outrageous!

They once thought that they were not coming to a synthetic camp, but to a top-secret unit.

It is indeed not easy for a combat unit to have such strict sentry inspection.

"Captain, have you paid attention?" At this time, squadron leader Shao Bo whispered.


"I found that in addition to the open whistle at the door, there must be hidden whistles around."

"you sure?"

"I'm very sure, and there are definitely snipers ambushing around." Shao Bo said with certainty.

Although he did not discover the location of the hidden sentry, many actual battles made him feel highly alert. The guards at the gate of the synthetic camp were definitely not just open sentry, but also hidden sentry.

"If you lead the team, can you infiltrate it?" Tie Xuan asked.

"Difficult." Shao Bo said.

Although it was just one word, Tie Xuan already understood it.

Difficult, that is, it can't be done. This is the first time he has seen his squadron leader so unconfident and fearful.

What happened to the Synthetic Camp?

Did you know they were coming and did you do it deliberately to show them?

"Captain Tie, on behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the Combined Battalion, I welcome you all." After receiving the report from the sentry at the door, instructor Xu Xiaoguang came to the door and expressed his welcome with a smile.

It's just that the scene is a bit shabby, and I only have a battalion officer with me.

"Instructor Xu, isn't your battalion commander here?"

Tie Xuan also knew the basic information about the three chief officers of the Hengying Camp and knew that Xu Xiaoguang was the instructor of the Hengying Camp.

"Our battalion commander is leading the training, and the chief of staff will handle the matter." Xu Xiaoguang said directly.

As soon as these words came out, Tie Xuan and others immediately became dissatisfied.

The chief officer of the synthetic battalion is so arrogant. He, the dignified captain of the special forces, brought the chief of staff, the squadron leader and three squad leaders to observe and learn, and then he welcomed them like this? Obviously he didn't take them seriously, even the basic I don't even bother to give him enough face.

"Could it be that you, Commander Li, did something wrong and didn't dare to come out to see me?" Tie Xuan said deliberately.

Just when Tie Xuan was looking at how the instructor of the synthetic camp would respond to him, suddenly, the alarm sounded.

The sound of loud trumpets echoed over the synthesis camp.

"All attention! All attention! The bald eagle is coming, the bald eagle is coming, please get into combat positions quickly."

As soon as these words came out, Yi Xuan and others' expressions immediately changed.

Bald Eagle Attack?

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