Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

278: The Second Phase Of Training In The Synthetic Camp! Versus Sparring Partner

After accepting PUA from his idol Li Ran, Man Dazhi is now full of energy.

"Lao Qi, I will leave Comrade Dazhi's work arrangements to you." Li Ran said to Chief of Staff Qi Qiang: "Comrade Dazhi was my classmate at the Lu Academy. His personal ability is very outstanding. For such an outstanding talent, I must We can’t bury them anymore, we in the Synthetic Camp must let our ambitious comrades shine and have enough space to perform.”

"Batalion Commander, I understand." Qi Qiang immediately understood what his battalion commander said.

The meaning is very simple. If there is manpower coming to the door, if it is not needed at this time, when will it be used?

Qi Qiang looked at Man Dazhi in front of him and felt happy in his heart. Toolman +1, red card student, or a mid-level officer with the rank of major was assigned to the synthetic battalion. During the two months of probation, I will give you more work to learn and handle. Divide?

If you don't do more things during your internship, how can you make progress and grow?

The other supervisors present looked at Man Dazhi and had the same idea. It won't be long before the synthetic battalion will have one less red-card trainee officer with beautiful hopes and hopes, but one more callous and ruthless tool man.

Others left one after another to go about their own business.

"Chief of Staff, please assign me the hardest and most difficult job." When he first arrived, Man Dazhi decided to perform well and volunteered to show off his personal abilities.

"Okay, Comrade Dazhi, my arrangement will satisfy you." Qi Qiang said with a smile.

If the tool man is so virtuous, it will be much more convenient for him to carry out his work. If he takes the initiative to ask for hard work, then he can't blame him.

"Thank you, Chief of Staff."

So that night, Man Dazhi, a trainee officer, stayed at the battalion headquarters and worked overtime.

Since Man Dazhi has just arrived, some unfamiliar tasks must not be handled by Man Dazhi for the time being, but this does not affect the fact that there is no work for Man Dazhi to do.

Man Dazhi graduated from the Armor Command Department of the Lu Academy. Qi Qiang asked Man Dazhi to go to the tank company. During this period, he followed the tank company commander Gu Quan.

In any case, Man Dazhi has the rank of major and is assigned to the combined battalion. Once the probation period is over, he should at least be assigned a deputy company commander. The deputy company of the major "is there"

But in the combined camp, there is no hierarchy, and everyone knows this very well.

Although the new unit is only a battalion-level unit in name, in what way is the establishment scale of this battalion-level unit comparable to that of an ordinary battalion-level unit?

late at night.

The headquarters building of the Synthetic Battalion was brightly lit.

Man Dazhi was learning how to handle work in the office of the battalion staff officer. Looking at the mountain of work in front of him, Man Dazhi's scalp went numb, especially after he personally learned about the current daily training outline of the synthetic camp, his whole body went cold.

Is this a training syllabus for a battalion-level unit?

The training in the combat training syllabus is completely separate from the Army's regular combat training syllabus training, and you have to explore it yourself.

The training intensity is so intense that it's terrifying.

"No, this is my first day in the synthesis camp. I must work hard and not let the great gods look down on me~". "Man Dazhi said secretly, encouraging himself, and then immersed himself in his work.

The next day.

Early in the morning, the emergency assembly whistle blew, and the entire battalion was mobilized for mobile deployment. This training project of mobile deployment is an essential training project for the synthetic battalion every day.

Basically, if nothing unexpected happens, the first thing the officers and soldiers of the combined battalion do when they get up every day is emergency assembly and mobile deployment training.

This is specifically requested by Li Ran. The mobile coordination and coordination between the combined force, the main battle company and the auxiliary detachment is very important. Only continuous training and continuous running-in can ensure that the time required for mobile deployment is minimized and that the mobile equipment can be deployed in the shortest time. The moment the battle started, enough opportunities were seized.

Man Dazhi follows the company commander and is a role of observation and learning.

"Niu Bi, great gods really Niu Bi, synthetic students Bi."

Although Man Dazhi was very tired at this time, staying up late at night to work, getting up early during the day, and seriously lacking sleep, the scene before him still made his eyes shine.

It's not like he has never seen the mobile deployment of armored forces, and he also learned about it in the Army Academy.

But now, the armored mobile deployment of a battalion-level unit is different from the mobile deployment of armored units in the past.

With three main battle companies as the axis, more than ten auxiliary units have joined in an orderly manner. Even the female soldiers of the medical unit who used to belong to the logistics unit have also joined the mobile deployment, which is really rare.

The mobile deployment of the combined battalion was very innovative. Man Dazhi could see the key at a glance. The chain of command was extremely compact and streamlined, not bloated. In ten words, everything that existed was useful.

However, such a streamlined and compact chain of command places very high requirements on each unit and detachment.

Judging from the current mobile deployment status of the combined battalion, they usually train a lot and cooperate very well.

The spectacular scene made Man Dazhi's blood boil for a moment. This was his dream unit to serve in the Holy Land.

In addition to mobile equipment, the sudden battle simulations every day also opened Man Dazhi's eyes, and he was a little unable to adapt for a while.

After a day of hard work, Man Dazhi started working overtime again. Looking at the work in front of him, Man Dazhi, who was originally full of energy, felt a little painful for a while.

Looking at the battalion staff around him who were still working overtime, Man Dazhi admired them from the bottom of his heart.

Are all the officers in the combined battalion strong? Don’t they all need a break? They all work too hard.

"Dazhi, are you still adaptable to the rhythm of the synthetic camp?" Li Ran came and brought warmth to Man Dazhi.

"I haven't adapted to everything yet, but I will adapt as soon as possible." Seeing Li Ran coming to care about him in person, Man Dazhi said quickly, a little excited.

Sure enough, working hard is beneficial, and the elders will care about him.

"That's good, Dazhi, I believe in your ability. Come on, you will be the star of tomorrow in the synthetic camp." Li Ran left words of encouragement.

"Batalion Commander, I will work hard."

After Li Ran left, Man Dazhi took a deep breath and cheered himself up.

"Persevere and work hard. If everyone can persevere, I will definitely be able to do it too. I will definitely not let down God's expectations for me.

Man Dazhi continues to be immersed in Li Ran's spiritual PUA.

In this way, after a week, Man Dazhi was completely exhausted. In order to get familiar with it as soon as possible, Man Dazhi would work more overtime and stay up late every night than others, and also participate in learning and training during the day.

Under such a rhythm, Mandazhi's growth rate is very fast, but also, due to the high intensity of work, the whole person is almost exhausted and needs to rest.

Finally, that night, Li Ran came to Mandazhi as a routine for mental PUA.

Seeing Li Ran's arrival, Man Dazhi was scared. He is now very afraid to see Li Ran, because Li Ran's words of encouragement are like whips to him. If he wants to rest, these whips will hit him. Don't let him rest.

Li Ran was about to praise and encourage Man Dazhi, a new tool man with outstanding working ability, but Man Dazhi grabbed Li Ran's hand and said pitifully: "Batalion Commander, please don't PUA me anymore, I really I need to rest, if I continue like this I will die suddenly."

Even during his further studies at the Lu Academy, where he read and studied every day, Man Dazhi never felt as tired as he does now.

I am really tired now in Hesheng Camp, physically tired, mentally tired, everywhere.

Hearing Man Dazhi's words and seeing Man Dazhi like this, Li Ran couldn't bear it. He patted Man Dazhi on the shoulder and said: ""For a week in a row, you have successfully broken the record of the synthetic camp. Young people are good, hurry up. Go and have a rest, and pay attention to the balance between work and rest in the future. "

In fact, Li Ran did not expect that Man Dazhi could persist in such intense work training for a week. It was indeed not easy.

However, with the example of Man Dazhi, in the future, when some officers complain about too much work and the intensity is high, they can use Man Dazhi to refute it.

It has been almost four months since the Synthetic Battalion was established from scratch. The first phase of the Synthetic Battalion's work has been successfully completed and it has now entered the second phase of training.

The first phase of training is mainly about the cooperation and coordination between the three main battle companies and each detachment, as well as the mobile deployment training of the whole battalion.

The second phase of training is the confrontation training between the main battle company and the detachment of the combined battalion. The purpose is to identify deficiencies and improve combat literacy during the confrontation.

After all, when the time comes, the combined camp will still have an exercise to conduct, and that exercise is the most important one.

As the commander of the synthetic battalion and a tactical commander who has won the honorary title of "God of War", Li Ran became the training target for the chief officer of the synthetic battalion.

That's right, Li Ran will personally take charge of the training and training of the chief officers of each unit of the synthetic camp in this second stage.

"Crazy, crazy, the battalion commander is definitely crazy."

"This is too much to look down on, isn't it? Captain Gu is also a well-known tank company commander. Although he is not as famous as the battalion commander, he is definitely not a soft persimmon."

"A tank platoon, a mechanized infantry platoon, and an armed helicopter. How can we fight a company commander with this small force? There is a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

"Although the battalion commander's tactical command quality is very high, the disparity in numbers and armor is too great, and it is absolutely unacceptable."

As soon as the news came out that Li Ran was going to use a tank platoon, an infantry platoon, and an armed helicopter to challenge the first company, the whole synthetic battalion immediately became excited.

Especially the first company commander Gu Quan, Li Ran's opponent, held a pre-war meeting at this time, and even made the table of the temporary conference room set up in a tent clang.

"Batalion Commander, that's always been the position in my heart." Gu Quan said, giving a thumbs up gesture, but then he added: "But the Battalion Commander is really off the mark this time, and he underestimated me, Gu Quan. "

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