Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

030: Emergency Gathering! Surprise Inspection By The Head Of The Regiment

It's around four in the morning.

Outside the dormitory building, a rapid whistle sounded.

Li Ran and Wang Qiang opened their eyes almost at the same time. The rapid whistle made Wang Qiang's expression change. In the army, whistles of different tones have different meanings.

This whistle means emergency gathering!

"Get up immediately, gather urgently, everyone get dressed quickly and pack your backpacks." Wang Qiang got up immediately and shouted.

While Wang Qiang was yelling, Li Ran had already gotten up and put on his pants, and was shaking other beds at the same time.

"Everyone get up, urgent gathering."

Everyone in the third class was still in a daze at this time. It was around four o'clock in the morning, when everyone was sleeping soundly.

"What's wrong? It's not even bright yet."

"Monitor, what are you doing up so early?"

"What the hell are you still dreaming about? It's an urgent gathering. We'll gather downstairs in five minutes. Have you forgotten what I told you before?" Wang Qiang roared, finally bringing the rest of Class 3 back to reality from their sleep. .

As the saying goes, new recruits are afraid of training and veterans are afraid of sentry duty.

For veterans like Wang Qiang, they are really not afraid of any training, but the whistle. The whistle has a very different meaning to the veteran, and there are many different tricks that can be played.

The new recruits don't feel much about the emergency assembly post yet, but as veterans, they are really afraid of it.

After everyone in Class Three finally woke up, they all started to move immediately.

For a time, the dormitory fell into chaos.

"Where are my pants?"

"Why are my shoes missing?"

"Wait for me, my clothes are missing."

"I'm going, I can't see anything, how can I pack this backpack?"

The dormitory was in chaos for a while. It was the first time for everyone in Class 3 to experience an emergency gathering. They had no experience at all and were in a hurry.

Not to mention new recruits, even veterans sometimes get confused when faced with emergency gatherings.

Don't be envious if any company can assemble quickly every time it assembles for emergency. Who knows how many times they have experienced the sour feeling of being woken up at a sudden time.

Li Ran was the first to rush out of the dormitory after putting on her clothes and packing her backpack. Even Wang Qiang, the monitor, was a little slower.

"Damn, this guy is faster than me." Wang Qiang had no choice but to go out immediately after finishing dressing.

To be honest, he didn't even expect today's emergency assembly training. He didn't know who blew the whistle and didn't say hello in advance at all.

After Li Ran came out, he first saw the platoon leader Chen Hai, holding a whistle in his hand. It was the emergency muster whistle blown by the platoon leader.

But it was not over yet. The second time I saw the captain, the commander of the reconnaissance company was also the company commander of the recruit company Li Hu. In addition, there was an officer next to Li Hu. Li Ran didn't recognize him when he saw him for the first time.

But I was surprised when I saw the military rank on the shoulder of the officer in front of me. Two bars and three stars, commonly known as two cents and three, he was a colonel!

This is the highest-ranking officer Li Ran has seen since joining the army.

Although Li Ran and others have not yet been awarded the rank, not long after joining the army, the squad leader explained to them the current rank classification and markings of the field army.

It's not to supplement them with military knowledge, but to give them some insight so that they won't have any clues when they meet senior officers in the future.

Although Li Ran was surprised, he didn't say anything and immediately stood there waiting.

As the squad leader, Wang Qiang followed closely behind, his eyes widening when he saw the coming person, especially the colonel.

sky! Why is the leader here?

Time passed little by little, and except for the people in Class 3, everyone from other classes also ran out one after another.

The emergency gathering time was to be completed within five minutes, but for these recruits, five minutes was not enough time at all. Some of them were not even dressed properly, and some looked very embarrassed with shoes in their hands.

Because of the arrival of the regiment leader, the entire recruit company assembled.

Including Chen Hai, the three platoon leaders looked very ugly when they saw the recruits in their platoon like this.

It doesn't matter if you are embarrassed in front of them, but more importantly, you are embarrassed in front of the group leader.

Compared with the embarrassment of many new recruits, there was one exception, and that was Li Ran. He was neatly dressed and looked very impressive. He was the first one to come out and was undoubtedly the most beautiful cub.

"Comrade Commander, the recruit company has been urgently assembled. Eighty-one people are supposed to be present, but are actually present. Please give instructions."

"Take a break."


"Take a break."

The recruits present were extremely shocked. They did not expect that the regiment commander would come to the recruit company. Coming at this time should be regarded as a surprise inspection.

Their current state of embarrassment must have disappointed the regiment leader. After all, the squad leader always said that this was the worst class of recruits he had ever led.

The colonel's eyes swept over the new recruits present. To everyone's surprise, the colonel did not reprimand them, but looked at them with a smile and said: "I can see the vitality in each of you, which makes me very happy. We are all new recruits, and your performance is within my expectations. Although you have not yet reached the standards of a qualified soldier, I believe that after the recruit training is over, each of you will grow."

After the colonel finished speaking, he gave Chen Hai a look.

Li Ran immediately said: "Li Ran."


"Get out of the queue."


Li Ran took a step forward.

Seeing this, the colonel walked up to Li Ran, looked carefully up and down, nodded, and said with a pleased expression: "You are very famous in the recruit company. I have heard about your deeds in the regiment. Now that I see it, it really is not the same." Same."

Of the eighty-one recruits, Li Ran was the fastest to come out. He was also neatly dressed and had his backpack packed, all within the stipulated time.

Hearing the colonel's words, Li Ran said loudly, neither humble nor arrogant: "Report to the captain, I will continue to work hard."

Upon hearing this, the colonel was immediately happy. He patted Li Ran on the shoulder and said, "Okay, I hope you will be as famous as you were in the recruit company after you join the company."

"I will never live up to the expectations of the leader."

Li Ran's words made Li Hu and others on the side breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Li Ran, a new recruit, didn't talk nonsense in front of the regiment leader this time.

"Seventh Company Commander, I'll leave the rest to you. I won't waste your time anymore." The colonel said to Li Hu.


After the colonel left, Li Hu looked at everyone and said in a serious tone: "Don't think you are like this. If the leader doesn't say anything, I will let you go. Anyone who is not neatly dressed or has a backpack will be led by the squad leader. Five kilometers on the playground.”

This sentence is equivalent to the entire recruit company of eighty people running away, except for one person, and that is Li Ran.

(Fourth update, please ask for another wave of flowers, evaluation votes, monthly votes, and a reward from a capable brother. A piece or two is my heartfelt wish, I beg for everything!)

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