Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

311: One Against Six Successfully! Exercise Ends

The Warriors Combined Battalion and the Wolf Head Combined Battalion were eliminated by the Blue Army Combined Battalion, and more than half of the main armored force of the Condor Combined Battalion was lost in battle.

Everything was going according to Li Ran's plan. The Blue Army Battalion fought with the Warriors and the Wolf Head Combined Battalion, luring the main armored force of the Condor Combined Battalion to take the initiative to leave the city.

The Shenying Combined Battalion launched a sneak attack during the retreat of the Warriors and the Wolf Head Combined Battalion, and took advantage of it. They were very satisfied. On the way back to Zhucheng, they were ambushed by the Blue Army Battalion.

The Blue Army synthetic battalion split into two and launched the final attack on the main armored force of the Condor synthetic battalion and the defeated Wolf Head and Warrior synthetic battalions.

In the end, he killed three birds with one stone and won a complete victory.


Since more than half of the main armored force was lost in battle, the Shenying Combined Battalion's upgraded combat strength was less than 40%. Among them, the losses of the armored force were too serious.

It is already impossible and unrealistic to have a frontal confrontation with the main armored force of the Blue Army Battalion.

But Zhucheng, a strategic city, is still their advantage.

The commander of the Shenying Combined Battalion, with a solemn face, was mobilizing before the war.

"Comrades, our synthetic battalion has encountered the biggest test since its establishment. The blue army synthetic battalion took advantage of our unpreparedness to sneak attack on the main armor of our battalion, causing heavy losses to the main armor of our battalion.

"What kind of scenes have we not seen in the Shenying Combined Battalion? "Three One Three" Although our main armored force suffered serious losses, Zhucheng is still in our hands. We will fight positional warfare and street fighting with them. Do you have the confidence? ?”


Although more than half of the main armored force was lost, the morale of the remaining officers and soldiers of the Condor Combined Battalion was still sufficient.

Seeing this, the lieutenant colonel was very pleased.

Although they suffered such a big loss at the hands of the Blue Army Synthetic Battalion, fortunately they made a smart move at the beginning and occupied Zhucheng as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the Shenying Synthetic Battalion would be truly helpless now. .

Fight street fighting! Fight defensive warfare!

The lieutenant colonel is still very confident. Even if the Blue Army's combined battalion is extremely powerful, it is not easy to capture Zhucheng and defeat them completely.


However, not long after the Lieutenant Colonel's pre-war morale mobilization was completed, a huge explosion was heard.

Densely packed artillery shells rained down on the battlefield of the Condor Synthesis Battalion. The sudden bombing stunned everyone in the Condor Synthesis Battalion.

"What's going on? People from the Blue Army camp are coming?"

"I didn't even see anyone. Where did the attack come from?"

"What's going on? This shell must be equipped with a positioning function. It's completely aimed at us."

The officers and soldiers on the Shenying Combined Battalion's position were all stunned. They were a little overwhelmed by the incoming bombardment. The key was that the artillery shells were extremely accurate, as if they were equipped with positioning equipment.

It was just to greet them.

For a moment, white smoke was rising from the Shenying Synthetic Battalion position.

The combat losses of the officers and soldiers of the Shenying Combined Battalion increased rapidly.

"What's going on? Reconnaissance company, did you detect where the shells came from? Has the Blue Army Battalion entered the city?" the lieutenant colonel asked immediately.

"Batalion Commander, no, the Blue Army Battalion has not entered the city at all."

"Didn't go into the city?"

The lieutenant colonel was also stunned at this time. Instead of entering the city, he would bomb them outside the city. Such intensive firepower "is not the firepower that a tactical missile vehicle crew should have."

When did the artillery bombardment of the Blue Army Camp become so intense?

Such a fire bombing would require at least one artillery battalion!

At a distance of 800 meters outside Zhucheng, the remaining tanks of the Blue Army Battalion were all lined up in a straight formation. Each tank was in a tank trench specially dug by the officers and soldiers of the Blue Army Battalion. The front was high and the rear was low, which physically increased the elevation angle of the tank's gun bore.

More than thirty new main battle tanks were used by Li Ran as fixed forts for artillery bombing.

From here to the position of the Condor Combined Battalion, the maximum effective direct firing distance has been completely exceeded. After the cannon is ejected from the chamber, it will follow a parabolic trajectory.

There is a special calculation formula for the location of the impact point of the artillery shell. At the same time, Li Ran has already guessed the position and firepower distribution of the Shenying Combined Battalion in the city.

Now, the main armored force of the Condor Combined Battalion has suffered heavy losses. With the rest of the force, you can tell with your own feet that the Condor Combined Battalion will choose to fight urban battles with the Blue Army Battalion and will not come out.

If you put it on other mechanized troops, you may encounter a lot of main force.

After all, it is difficult for armor to exert its combat effectiveness in cities.

But for Li Ran, is it difficult to fight urban warfare with armor?

Direct fire coverage, bombing all your positions and fire points for you.

Boom boom boom~


The tanks kept firing salvos, and all the tactical missile crews also opened fire. The powerful firepower poured directly towards the position of the Condor Synthetic Battalion, and the hit rate was quite high.

It's like a positioning device is installed on the shell.

This scene left all the exercise audience stunned.

"Here, can tanks still be used like this? I've learned a lot."

"Today is an eye-opener. It's true that tanks are used as fixed turrets, but this is the first time I've seen them used like this.

"This shot is too accurate, isn't it? Are the cannonballs equipped with positioning marks?"

"The Blue Army Camp is so awesome. The firepower covers it and it is completed directly. Everyone is aware of it."

"This method of mechanized urban warfare is absolutely second to none. Without the support of the air force, this method of fighting is inhumane."

The senior officials of the seven military regions also opened their eyes.

Mechanized troops fighting urban warfare has always been a difficult problem and a subject of research, but I didn't expect that Li Ran would fight like this.

Among them, only Lieutenant General of the Northern Military Region was not surprised by this style of play. He knew that this style of play was created by Li Ran. When Li Ran was still in Lu Yuan, he had demonstrated his skills and had special calculations. The formula for the impact point of a cannonball.

I just didn't expect that I would be able to see it with my own eyes during this exercise.

This style of play places high demands on the commander.

General Staff, Director’s Department!

“I have never seen the Blue Army Battalion play like this before, and it will be a huge reference for our army’s urban warfare.

"I'm curious, how can he accurately ensure the landing point of tank shells?"

"It's incredible. [The Blue Army Battalion] gave us most surprises from the beginning of the exercise."

"The six combined battalions were defeated at the hands of the Blue Army Battalion, and they don't complain at all."

At this moment, everyone was impressed by the combat effectiveness of the Blue Army Synthetic Battalion. No one had any opinions on the Blue Army Synthetic Battalion's previous tactical deception.

Who dares to have an opinion on the strength currently displayed by the Blue Army's synthetic battalion? Who can still have an opinion?

It is true that the two combined battalions of the Tigers and the Dragons were eliminated by the Blue Army Combined Battalion without respecting martial ethics, but for the remaining four combined battalions, the Blue Army Combined Battalion could eliminate them all based on their actual strength.

Not surprisingly, this Xi must have produced results.

The Lieutenant General of the General Staff saw the picture on the screen, and his eyes burst out with excitement. How many years have the field army been waiting for, and finally a character like Li Ran appeared...

The Lieutenant General of the General Staff seemed to see hope!

He has been fighting for hope for the rest of his life!

Someone has inherited the future pillars of the field army.

On the battlefield.


Man Dazhi gave the order and all the tanks opened fire again.

In this final battle, there was only one tactic to deal with the Shenying Combined Battalion huddled in Zhucheng, and that was to bomb, bomb, and bomb again.

The tanks and tactical missile crews must use up all the remaining ammunition at the Condor Combined Battalion's position.

Man Dazhi was very excited. He remembered that when he was still in Lu Yuan, he didn't know how high the sky was when he faced off against Li Ran and fought in urban battles. As a defender, he was originally very confident, but he was defeated by Li Ran's tricks. .

Any commander who wants to fight a city defense battle will be left unable to fight back when faced with tactics like his own battalion commander's.

It's normal, too normal.

Many officers and soldiers of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion were also stunned, especially the officers and soldiers of the tank company, who were very excited.

I never thought that one day, tanks could be used like this, as long-range fixed artillery fire.

The three people in the tank don't have to do anything, just fire without thinking, since their positions are fixed anyway.

"How would the artillerymen feel if they saw this scene?" an old noncommissioned officer asked curiously.

"That must be depressing. Our tank crews can do their artillery work, hahaha."

"The battalion commander is really awesome. He really gave me a lot of experience."

Through this exercise, the officers and soldiers of the combined battalion had a breakthrough in Li Ran.

The officers and soldiers of the Blue Army's Combined Battalion were having a good time fighting now. The officers and soldiers of the Shenying Combined Battalion located in Zhucheng were trembling under the bombardment of artillery fire.

In a short period of time, more than half of the remaining people were lost in battle.

"This battle can't be fought. The Blue Army camp is too brutal. Where did they fight?"

"I don't know. It feels like a cannon is placed in front of us to blast us."

"I can't stand it anymore. I really can't stand it anymore. I just surrender."

"We didn't even try to hide. These shells were like they had eyes, waving at us."

On the position, the officers and soldiers of the Shenying Combined Battalion were depressed. They could not fight or hide, so they could only wait for the battle losses to come.

Within the headquarters.

"Battal Commander, this can't be fought. Let the brothers withdraw from their positions." the chief of staff advised.

"We can't withdraw. If we withdraw, there will be no chance at all." The lieutenant colonel gritted his teeth and said.

If we give up these positions, we might as well surrender directly. There is no chance anyway.

Finally, after twenty minutes of bombardment, the artillery fire finally stopped.

The lieutenant colonel breathed a sigh of relief. It was finally over. Although most of his men had been lost, fortunately the position was still there.

Just when the lieutenant colonel was about to let the remaining people regroup and persevere to the end.

Da da da!

Gunfire rang out.

In the surrounding buildings, strong figures appeared one after another, each wearing an individual combat suit like a bald eagle special forces unit, with strong personal combat effectiveness.

They cooperate with each other, and the division of labor is orderly. They are completely a tactical team.

The fire coverage is over, and the special warfare unit of the Blue Army's synthetic battalion performs the final cleaning mission...

(Please support me with various data, please give me everything, thank you!!).

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