Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

320: It’S Not Easy To Train New Recruits This Time.


"Everyone get off the bus, stand in line, and don't run around."

The second lieutenant of the synthetic battalion who was responsible for picking up the first batch of new recruits shouted loudly.

The first batch of recruits consisted of fifty people, including 25 college students. After everyone got off the bus, everyone looked at the surrounding environment very curiously.

After joining the army, they are still looking forward to the upcoming military life.

When they came to Hesheng Camp, they saw the handsome and shocking promotional video and the opportunity to honor their ancestors in Hesheng Camp.


Xu Daxun, who got off the train, breathed in the fresh air, breathed a long sigh of relief, and stretched out comfortably.

Out of habit, I reached out and took out a pack of Huazi from my luggage bag, just about to light one.

"Who told you to smoke?"

A scolding sound came, and a man with serious features walked up to Xu Daxun.

Hearing the scolding, Xu Daxun did not put away the cigarette immediately, but looked around. Seeing that the other people's attention was not here, he secretly handed Huazi over and said flatteringly: "Squad leader, you can have one too. "

The sergeant's face turned dark instantly. Good guy, you dared to corrupt him with a cigarette.

"Put away the cigarette immediately." The senior sergeant reprimanded sternly.

"Yes, squad leader." Seeing that the senior sergeant was unmoved, Xu Daxun had no choice but to put away his cigarette.

The senior sergeant glared at Xu Daxun fiercely before leaving to organize the others to fight in formation.

I remember Xu Daxun in my heart. He dared to corrupt the squad leader on the first day. This recruit must be a thorn in the side and must be dealt with carefully.

"Everyone, please stand still. Don't look around. Don't whisper to each other. You said you didn't hear me."

"Start counting now."


The first batch of recruits got off the bus and stood in line. They looked at the crowd and shouted sternly.

The first batch of recruits consisted of 25 college students, and the rest were almost all high school graduates. Most of these soldiers were pampered, and none of them looked honest.

Bang bang bang.

At this time, the sound of neat and powerful steps came.

Ten veterans specially selected from the synthetic battalion ran over with neat and powerful steps.

On the first day when you meet these new recruits, you must show them the good and powerful image of the officers and soldiers of the synthetic battalion.

These ten officers were led by the recruit commander Man Lian Dazhi who was responsible for the training of new recruits.

Seeing the arrival of Man Dazhi, the second lieutenant trotted up to Man Dazhi, saluted and said loudly: "Comrade company commander, the first batch of recruits in Yanshi has been assembled. There should be 50 people, but there are actually 50 people. Please give instructions."

"Take a break."


The second lieutenant came to the new recruits and gave them a mouth rash.

"Take a break.

The recruits moved loosely and untidyly, and each of them had no momentum at all. They either looked like they were not awake, or they looked like they were carefree. They were worthy of the title of "recruit eggs".

The social laziness about him is very obvious in front of professional soldiers.

In this regard, Man Dazhi pretended not to have seen it. It was normal for the recruits to look like this. These people were pure recruits, and there were no second-time enlistments among them. If they wanted to behave like professional soldiers, they would have to check carefully.

Don't let some secret agent wearing makeup lurk in.

"Tell me about it."

"Comrades, I am the company commander of the recruit company. My name is Man Dazhi. I am the company commander of your recruit company during the training period. In the next three months of training, I will train you to become a real soldier. ..."

Man Dazhi's speeches were all nutritious.

Anyway, after finishing talking, the originally very lazy recruits became even more lazy and almost fell asleep one by one.

This made Man Dazhi, who became a company commander for the first time, a little depressed.

Every time Wei Mao's battalion commander spoke, the people listening below felt as if they had taken hormones, their hearts were surging, and their emotions were easily aroused.

Why is it his turn to speak and mobilize? These new recruits are starting to feel sleepy.

No, these recruits must be made aware of his majesty as the commander of the recruit company.

"I see that everyone is a little sleepy. There are only ten kilometers left from here to the combined camp. It seems that the troop carriers prepared for everyone are not necessary. There is a long platoon."


"Take them and run back."


The platoon leader of the recruit company looked at everyone and gave the command: "Everyone listen to my command, turn right, and run.

When they learned that they had to run back, the recruits were instantly dumbfounded.

Damn, what's going on? Let them run back ten kilometers away? This must be exhausting.

They are great young people of the new era, how could you treat them like this?

"Why are we asked to run back? Ten kilometers is still a long way, and it will tire people to death." Xu Daxun made a dissatisfied sound.

Under his leadership, others immediately protested.

"That's right, why do we need to run back?"

“It’s too much to deliberately let us run even though we have a car.

"I protest, I want to take a car, not run."

For a time, the recruits started a commotion.

"Quiet." The second lieutenant shouted, looking coldly at everyone present, and said seriously: "If anyone disobeys the order, get out now. Look at what you look like now. You are all a fool, and you are not worthy of being a soldier. ?"

The threat of being withdrawn if disobedient is still very useful for new recruits.

Xu Daxun, who originally planned to stir up the atmosphere, immediately shut up when he saw this.

He had made an agreement with his father that he would serve as a soldier for two years and then go back and inherit the family property once the two years were up and become a rich second generation.

If he is withdrawn from the army now, not only will his father beat him with the seven wolves when he returns, he will probably have no chance of inheriting the family property. He also has a three-year-old brother at home.

Under the second lieutenant's reprimand, all the recruits shut up and stopped talking.

"Does anyone else have any opinions? Ah?" the second lieutenant roared again.

Seeing that no one spoke, the second lieutenant gave the command again: "Listen to my command, turn right and run."

Under the leadership of the second lieutenant, the recruits carried their luggage and ran towards the direction of the synthetic battalion. The veterans also ran to keep up.

Man Dazhi followed leisurely in his jeep. A ten-kilometer run was nothing to a veteran of the synthetic battalion, but it was a good idea to see if he could find a few relatively good-looking recruits among these recruits.

But soon, Man Dazhi was disappointed.

These recruits ran for nearly an hour for a distance of ten kilometers. When they arrived at the gate of the synthetic camp, they were all exhausted and out of breath.

"I'm exhausted."

"Mother, I have never run such a long distance since I was a child."

0......Please give me flowers......

"I'm so tired. This is deliberately messing with us."

"This is nothing like the military camp I expected. We were asked to run ten kilometers on the first day. It was so impersonal."

"Oh, I'll take it home"

A common problem among recruits is that before they come, they have a beautiful yearning for the military camp, but when they experience it a little bit, they will find that the real military camp is different from what they imagined.

They didn't come to the military camp just for fun, and the veterans and superiors in the military camp didn't treat them like guests.

The new recruits all have a strong social atmosphere and each have their own problems. After joining the army, those minor problems will be continuously magnified.

After feeling a little bit of pain, I started to think about giving up.

The veterans have all been through this and know this all too well.

Man Dazhi got off the car, glanced at everyone, and said sternly: "Look at how you are now. You are so exhausted after just ten kilometers. The old lady selling popsicles at the door will not look like you even after running ten kilometers. You do this."

"Is there anyone who sells popsicles? Where? I want to buy one. No matter how expensive it is, I want it."

Xu Daxun said feebly, and took out a hundred-dollar bill. He urgently needed popsicles to relieve his pain.


Man Dazhi's appearance made many recruits burst into laughter immediately.

The faces of the surrounding veterans also darkened. They did not expect that there would be such a treasure among these new recruits, especially the senior non-commissioned officer who was given a cigarette by Xu Daxun before.

Seeing Xu Daxun casually holding a hundred-dollar bill, he expected that, as expected, this new recruit was still a rich young man.

The one who smoked was Huazi, and he took the hundred-dollar bill as he was told, without any ambiguity.

Man Dazhi, who was leading troops for the first time, was about to get angry when he saw the heart attack. These new recruits were far worse than they were back then.

Back then, when he was still a recruit, he was not like these people.

"A long line."


"Bring them back to the station. I don't need to say more about what they should and shouldn't have."


The second lieutenant brought the first batch of recruits into the combined camp. During the recruit training, the dormitories and training grounds for these recruits were all in the outer area of ​​the combined camp.

After seeing the new recruits walking into the station one by one, the two sentries at the door looked at each other and exchanged eyes instantly.

The new recruits are here, and veterans like them may have an easier time in the future.

After the first batch of newly arrived recruits were divided into classes, Gao He, the first class leader, and an old second-term non-commissioned officer were a bit overweight.

The recruit Xu Daxun who left a deep impression on him was actually assigned to his squad. He could tell at a glance that this recruit was a real thorn in the side.

With his presence in the class, there will definitely be a lot of Yaozi who are killed behind the first class.

Such as now.

"Squad leader, come here."

Xu Daxun, who had been divided into classes, glanced around and shouted to Gao He.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Gao He said, with some helplessness in his tone.

"Come here, come here." Xu Daxun continued to insist, and even raised his fingers at Gao He. He looked like a thief and would be up to no good.

Seeing this, Gao He had no choice but to come over. He wanted to see what Xu Daxun was up to.

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