Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

337: Let’S Have A Heart-To-Heart Talk! The Regiment Leader Said Tanks Are Rubbish

Beijing, staff headquarters.

For the major military regions, the General Staff is a proper holy land-level unit in their hearts.

If the Army Academy is to them a holy place for promotion of military rank, then the General Staff is a holy place for promotion of position.

Although Li Ran has met the General Staff boss, Li Ran has met him personally in the General Staff office for the first time.

Li Ran was very excited about this.

This is the boss of the General Staff. The lieutenant generals and generals of the Tianjun District are all younger brothers in front of the boss of the General Staff.

After arriving at the General Staff, someone immediately informed Li Ran. Not long after, a major came to Li Ran and said with a smile: "Commander Li, come with me. The chief of staff is waiting for you in the office.

In this way, Li Ran followed the major and came to the office of the chief of general staff.

Knocking on the door, there was an energetic response from inside.


Li Ran took a deep breath, opened the door, then walked in with his head held high.

After walking into the office, he put his feet together hard, and with a crisp sound, Li Ran stood in an extremely standard military posture.

Li Ran raised his right hand and gave a very solemn salute to the general staff boss in front of him.

"Li Ran of the Synthetic Group was ordered to come to report and ask for instructions from the leader."

Even though Li Ran was very casual in front of the military commander, in front of this big boss, Li Ran really didn't dare to make any mistakes.

After looking carefully at Li Ran, the general staff officer nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, you are more mature and steady now than when I first met you."

08 "Thank you for the compliment, chief." After receiving the compliment from the General Staff boss, Li Ran remained unfazed and very serious.

"I heard that you are not as reserved as you are now in front of the commander of your military region. Why are you so cautious in front of me? Can I eat you?" the chief of the General Staff joked.

"Commander, I have always warned the regiment to be closed. Soldiers who do not have the concept of superiors and subordinates are like grasshoppers after the fall. They will not be able to jump around for long. You are the commander, so in front of you, you and I have not met a few times, so. ."

Li Ran didn't finish his words, but his meaning was very clear. It's always good to be more serious when meeting for the first time.

These words directly amused the chief of the General Staff, and he said happily: "You are indeed interesting. It seems that I will talk to you more next time I have time to shorten the distance between you and me, hahaha."

In the office, the hearty laughter of the General Staff boss came out.

The head of the General Staff was so arrogant that Li Ran suddenly lost his ability.

The conversation lasted for half an hour. The chief of the General Staff and Li Ran only talked. It did not involve too many things. Instead, it was more like a superior's concern and heart-to-heart talk to his subordinates.

During this period, the General Staff boss highly praised Li Ran's performance. Li Ran also took the opportunity to express some thoughts. The General Staff boss said he would hold a meeting to discuss this.

There was no rejection, which was basically an affirmation of some of Ji Ran's ideas.

Half an hour later, Li Ran left from the General Staff.

Not to mention Li Ran was surprised by this conversation, even many officers and staff members of the General Staff were also shocked.

Who is the Chief of General Staff?

Work is extremely busy on weekdays. There is a schedule every day. What time to do and who to see at what time are all work plans.

Even if the chiefs of staff of the seven military regions want to come to see him, they have to inform him and make an appointment.

As a result, today, the head of the General Staff had a heart-to-heart talk with a lieutenant colonel for more than half an hour, which was very shocking.

Sure enough, the general staff attaches great importance to the youngest lieutenant colonel in the field army. Except for Li Ran, no one else has enjoyed such treatment.

Synthetic regiment station.

On the training ground, roars continued to sound, and the officers and soldiers at the grassroots level of the synthetic regiment were sweating freely on the training ground.

Because only continuous training can make them stronger.

Tanks, armored vehicles and other vehicles were all pulled out.

Especially tanks, which are really oily tanks, and some more expensive special vehicles, which are very valuable.

But the officers and soldiers of the Synthetic Regiment know Li Ran's character very well, that is, as long as he is badly trained, he is not considered bad. If the equipment is gone, he can ask for it again. If he hides it, can he keep it to lay eggs?

As long as they are consumables needed for training, the leaders of hundreds of families will find ways to satisfy them.

No matter how hard you train, you can't train hard. My team leader often says this.

Regiment headquarters, office.

After learning the news of Li Ran's return, Chief of Staff Qi Qiang came to find him immediately.

Others don't know, but he knows what Li Ran went out for this time.

This year, the Synthesis Corps is eligible to apply for military household registration and employment.

"Commander, how is the situation? What did the Military Region's Administrative Department say?" Qi Qiang asked.

"It's not like you don't know the temper of the Political Department." Li Ran said calmly.

"No approval? How can that be done? These officers in the regiment all meet the qualifications and so on, and they are from other military regions." Qi Qiang's face immediately fell.

The officers and soldiers of the combined regiment train so hard. If the chief officers like them cannot solve these problems, the people below will be so disappointed.

"Captain, you are back. I will train you to arrest you. I will go to the Military Region Administrative Department again tomorrow and we will approve whatever you say." Qi Qiang said with a firm expression.

In fact, it was Qi Qiang who originally planned to go, but was stopped by Li Ran. Only when he, the leader of the synthesis group, went there personally could he be sincere about this kind of thing. If Qi Qiang went there, it would be 100% futile.

"Lao Qi, don't get excited, I haven't finished speaking yet." Seeing this, Li Ran smiled and said: "Although the Zhengzhi Department has that temper, who am I? With my strong arguments, the Zhengzhi Department will synthesize it for us." The delegation approved it, and Minister Ni personally approved it."

Hearing this, Qi Qiang was speechless for a moment.

"Captain, if you have something to say, just finish it. Don't gasp or scare me."

"Lao Qi, I didn't just go to the military area this time. Guess where else I went?" | Li Ran looked mysterious.


"General Staff."

"The General Staff? The head of the military region took you there?"

"No, the chief of general staff personally called me there."


Hearing this, Qi Qiang couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Good guy, what a rare opportunity it is for the Chief of General Staff to personally summon his own regiment leader?

This is the boss of the General Staff, which is different from the head of the military region.

When it was still the Combined Battalion, it was stationed in the Northern Military Region. During that initial period, some of the heads of the military region often came to inspect the Combined Battalion to express their concern for this key unit.

But later, as the combined battalion gradually gained notoriety, the military region chiefs came less and less frequently, becoming a unit that even dogs disliked.

As for the Chief of General Staff, what level of character is this?

I had the honor to meet the boss of the General Staff when the last time the seven synthetic battalions held a review meeting after an exercise.

But the nature is completely different.

"Captain, what task did the Chief of General Staff come to you to entrust to our combined regiment?" Qi Qiang asked curiously.

"No, even if you came over to have a heart-to-heart talk with me, it didn't take long, more than half an hour." Li Ran pretended to be indifferent and started to fill the cup.

Qi Qiang was stunned again. At this moment, even though he knew that his team leader was filling the cup, some of him was just envious.

The chief of general staff summoned him in person, not talking about work but just talking about his heart. What an amazing treatment this is.

For field army officers, this is also a form of honor.

"Captain, next time something like this happens, you can take me with you." Qi Qiang came up and licked his face and said, "I also want to have a heart-to-heart talk with the Chief of General Staff.

Today is a rest day.

Synthetic Regiment Logistics Detachment.

On rest days, people rest, and tanks and armor can also be rested and maintained.

Under the leadership of the third-term sergeant of the repair team, tanks that had problems recently and had not yet been repaired were repaired by 363.

"Look at everything carefully. If the track can't come off, it's because there's something wrong with what you smashed. If the tank engine can't be repaired, it's because you don't have the skills." Third-term sergeant Luo Sanchui was making repairs while explaining and learning to others.

Luo Sanchui is very confident when it comes to repairs. His title of Luo Sanchui comes from the time when he was repairing a tank. Others couldn't fix it. He went up and hammered down three times.

problem solved.

He also received the title of Luo Sanchui.

It is precisely because of his unique skills that he can successfully become a third-term sergeant.

You know, it was extremely difficult for him to become a third-term sergeant when he was a soldier.

Just when Luo Sanchui was about to start talking, Li Ran came over.

"Hello, Captain."

Others saw this and quickly said hello.

"Captain." Luo Sanchui also immediately got out from under the tank.

"What are you doing?" Li Ran asked.

"Reporting to the leader, this tank had a problem some time ago. The track is broken, the engine is pulled, and there is also a problem with the fire control. I have a day off today. I just have time to check and repair it. I will also give them a test by the way. Lesson." Luo Sanpao said with a smile, Tian was very proud.

After all, even on his days off, he takes the attitude of studying with everyone, which will definitely be appreciated by his team leader.

Unexpectedly, after hearing what Luo Sandui said, Li Ran said calmly: "Just take a good rest on your days off. If this garbage is broken, it is broken. Just report it directly. It is a waste of time to repair it."

Luo Sanchui was stunned by Li Ran's words and looked at Li Ran in disbelief.

He wondered if there was something wrong with his ears and he heard the wrong words. Was this what his team leader said?

Even the military dogs knew about his regimental commander's love for tanks. After all, if a military dog ​​accidentally peed next to a tank, he would be reprimanded by his regimental commander.

But now his team leader says this is rubbish. Is there something wrong with his team leader’s brain?

(I beg for all kinds of things, kneel down to thank you, and ask for support!!).

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