Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

033: Parents’ Surprise! Dig A Smokeless Stove

One week after Li Ran sent his first letter home.


Inside the small western-style building.

Li Jun was lying on the sofa, smoking and watching TV very comfortably.

Xia Qin was cleaning the living room. While cleaning, she said: "It's been almost two months since my son joined the army. I don't know how he is doing in the army. I don't know if he has lost weight. Is he able to eat enough every day? Tibetan area That area is very bitter.”

Speaking of this, Xia Qin, as a mother, felt very sad.

My son, who had grown up in a honeypot, had never experienced any hardship. The first time he went to serve as a soldier, he was assigned to be a soldier in the Tibetan area, which was even more difficult than being a soldier in other areas.

"Don't worry about it. Nothing will happen in the army, and the army won't deprive him of food. It's a bit hard there, but it can train people, and you can definitely get rid of this kid's bad habits." Li Jun said.

As a veteran, Li Jun is very aware of the hardships of serving as a soldier in Tibetan areas.

When he learned that Li Ran was assigned to serve as a soldier in the Tibetan area, Li Jun was confused. Being a soldier was hard, and being a soldier on the plateau was even harder. With his son's skinny appearance, he would probably be dismissed from the army due to lack of physical fitness, or I just couldn't bear the hardship and wanted to come back.

Therefore, in the past month, Li Jun was on tenterhooks every day, fearing that he would one day receive a phone call from the local armed forces department.

Who would have thought that nothing happened for nearly two months, which made Li Jun feel relieved.

"You just have to be tough and don't say you are worried about your son. I found you secretly looking at photos of your son several times at night. Do you have the ability and conscience to say that you are not worried at all?" Xia Qin retorted.

Li Jun was speechless by his wife's words.

Indeed, such a precious son, even though he was disobedient before, was sent to serve as a soldier, or to serve as a soldier in the Tibetan area. How could he not want to?

If he didn't want to, he wouldn't have bought another courtyard house in just nearly two months.

Picture what? Isn't it just that the longing for his son is pinned on the agreement with his son.

Fulfilling the agreement reached with his son is a kind of comfort to himself.

"This little bastard has no conscience. He has been serving as a soldier for two months and he doesn't even know how to make a phone call or write a letter." Li Jun couldn't help cursing.

At this time, suddenly the doorbell rang outside.

"I have your letter."

The local postal carrier placed the envelope in the mailbox at the door and rang the doorbell as a reminder.

Live: Before 1998, the postal service was called the Postal and Telecommunications Bureau. After 1998, the Postal and Telecommunications Bureau was officially separated into postal services and telecommunications.

In essence, the postal service is the most powerful express delivery industry in the Dragon Kingdom, because it can be delivered at any time and anywhere, and it is also the safest. The speed may be slightly slower, but there will definitely be no accidents.

"Letter? Is it from your son?"

Xia Qin hurriedly went out and took out the letter from the mailbox.

"Honey, this is really a letter from my son." Xia Qin shouted happily when she saw the sender's signature.

Hearing this, Li Jun couldn't sit still anymore and ran out of the house.

"I'll read it, I'll read it."

Li Jun took the letter from his wife and began to read it.

After a while, after reading what was written in the letter, Li Jun was very happy.

He didn't expect it, he really didn't expect it. Originally, he thought that if Li Ran could persevere and not be dismissed, he would be thankful to his son if he didn't cause trouble in the recruit company.

Who would have thought that Li Ran performed so well in the recruit company and was selected as an outstanding recruit.

This surprise made Li Jun a little unbelievable.

"My son is so outstanding." As a mother, Xia Qin looked proud.

"What this guy said is true or false, he must be deceiving me." There was no way, the surprise given by Li Ran was too big, and Li Jun couldn't accept it.

To be honest, if Li Ran said he got into trouble in the army, he would believe it.

As a result, he was rated as an outstanding recruit. He couldn't believe it.

"Why do you even doubt your own son?" Xia Qin said dissatisfied.

"It's not that I doubt it, it's that I can't believe it. Don't you know what my son was like before? Even if there is a change, there is a process. This is too fast."

Her husband's words made Xia Qin silent for a while.

For a moment, the originally cheerful atmosphere solidified, and the couple fell into embarrassment.

"How about we find time to take a look?" Xia Qin suggested.

"If he is discharged from the company, we as family members can visit him, but his recruit training has not ended yet. The army generally does not recommend family members to visit during the recruit training period." Li Jun said helplessly.

As a veteran, he still knows the rules in the army.

"Then what should we do? Why don't we write a letter and ask our son to ask their leaders if our family members can go visit and understand the situation?"

"That's fine."

So the couple immediately wrote a reply.


In an open space next to the training ground, everyone in Class Three was conducting a special training.

"Today's course is a course that the cooking class must learn and must master, but this does not mean that only cooks need to learn this course. Each of you must learn it, because as a human being, you have to eat, and you cannot guarantee the battlefield. There will be a cooking class cooking for you at any time, so digging a smokeless stove to eat while marching in the wild is a skill that must be learned."

Smokeless stove!

The interest of everyone in Class Three was immediately aroused.

"Brother Ran, does this smokeless stove that the squad leader mentioned become smokeless when you cook in it?" Wang Erniu asked in a low voice.

"No, it's just to make the smoke dissipate quickly and reduce the chance of being discovered by the enemy." Li Ran said.

Wang Qiang held an engineering shovel in his hand and said: "The time requirement for digging a smokeless stove is to be completed within five minutes, and it must be able to avoid light and disperse smoke. Next, I will show you the skills of digging a smokeless stove."

"First dig a large trapezoidal pit with a diameter of about 70cm and a depth of about 60cm. Then dig a smaller pit 30cm away from the pit. This is pit No. 2. Then penetrate the two holes from the bottom and remove all the excavated soil. Pile it around the first hole and pound it down with a shovel."

"The last and most important point is the flue, which extends above and behind the second pit. At least three flues are dug, each about 15cm deep and 2-3 meters long."

While explaining, Wang Qiang completed digging a standard smokeless stove in five minutes.

(Second update, I beg for all kinds of free data support. It would be great if a capable brother could give me a dollar reward to encourage me. If there is no book review, just leave a comment.)

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