Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

344: Capture Li Ran Alive! Liberate Zhu He

The drill is coming.

As the emergency assembly whistle sounded in the 102nd Regiment, all battalions and companies immediately became busy.

In the corridor, strong footsteps continued to sound.

"Quick, quick."

"Emergency gathering."

Under the leadership of each squad platoon leader, the personnel of each squad gathered and ran towards the parking lot. The exercise officially began, and the entire 102nd Regiment was dispatched.

As the only remaining tank regiment of Division Z, the 102nd Regiment carries a heavy burden on its shoulders.

On the assembly ground, the entire 102nd Regiment was assembled. Since the tragic incident that occurred with the 101st Regiment the day before, other units of the Z Division have learned a profound lesson and will continue to fight for the rest of the day.

The alerts were all raised to the highest level, fearing that the combined group, which did not want Bilian, would use some sneak attack methods.

The 101st Brotherhood Group has already suffered from the murderous hands of the synthetic group. If another tank regiment suffers from the vicious hands of the synthetic group, there is really no need to continue this exercise.

Fortunately, the Synthetic Group also knew that they had learned from past mistakes and would strengthen their vigilance, so they were very sensible and did not continue to take action.

The colonel leader of the 102nd Regiment stood in front of all the officers and soldiers of the regiment and said loudly: "Comrades, just yesterday, our Z Division had an appalling sneak attack. The main culprit was the most evil of the regiment. The exercise has not even started yet. Our brothers The 101st regiment encountered a gangster, do you think we should avenge this?"

"Yes!" Everyone roared in unison.

"Do you want to be ashamed of the Synthetic Group?"

"don't want."

"our target is?"

“Capture Li Ran alive and liberate life and knowledge.



All the officers and soldiers of the 102nd Regiment share the same hatred of the enemy, and they all have fighting spirit in their eyes. The hateful synthetic regiment, the hateful Li Ran, actually doesn't want Bilian so much.

Although there is usually a competitive relationship between the 101st Regiment and the 102nd Regiment in Division Z, in such an exercise, both sides agreed that they were brother units.

Brotherhood 633 has encountered such a gangster, and it is our duty to help the brotherhood retaliate!

This time, when going to the Zhuhe Exercise Ground, the 102nd Regiment traveled by road maneuver. In order to ensure the safety of their maneuvers, Qi Long specially arranged a combat formation escort for them.

In this exercise and confrontation between the two sides, two air force divisions assisted in participating.

It's nothing for the combined regiment, because the entire regiment is stationed at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground, and the entire regiment does not need to maneuver, so it will not be subject to air attacks during the maneuver.

However, all units of Division Z need to pay special attention to this point. The armored cluster is at its weakest during maneuvers. If you can seize this opportunity well, you can often achieve unexpected results.

And this time the 102nd group also prepared a feast for the combined group!

At the beginning of the exercise, all units of Division Z began to set off respectively, heading towards the Zhuhe exercise ground in two ways: railway and road maneuvers.

In this way, the mighty armored group of the 102nd Regiment kicked off its journey to the Zhuhe training ground.

Boom boom boom~

Tanks and armored vehicles are being assembled and driven, and all links and relevant units have been coordinated.

If anyone wants to check them on the way, under the guise of inspecting and cooperating with their work, it must be someone sent by the Synthetic Group to sneak attack on them.

During the last exercise of the seven combined battalions, they still remembered the way the combined battalion treated the other six combined battalions.

Various tactical deception methods are emerging in endlessly, so they must not fail in this exercise.

In this way, after maneuvering smoothly for more than an hour, the colonel commander of the 102nd Regiment ordered the entire regiment to take a simple three-minute rest (aidi).

"I don't know if the synthetic group has ambushed people on the road to sneak attack. My 95 is already hungry and thirsty.

"Oh, I really hope that the synthesis team can give us some fun, otherwise it would be quite boring to arrive at the training venue like this.

"The Synthetic Group wants to attack us, but they have to be strong enough to do so. Don't look at the fighter jets above us patrolling back and forth. Do they have a chance to attack us?"

"That's right. The Synthetic Group is weak-minded. We have seen through their methods a long time ago. They are at the end of their rope."

During the temporary rest, the officers and soldiers of the 102nd Regiment talked with each other.

They had already walked for more than an hour, and the journey was smooth and smooth, which made them feel a little bored. They hoped that the combined group could send forces to sneak attack on them, which could be regarded as giving them some exercise.

In this way, after a brief rest, all the officers and soldiers of the 102nd Regiment continued on the road.

But as we walked, someone noticed something was wrong.

"Hey? Where are our fighter jets?"

"Why are there no fighter jets patrolling the air?"

"No, fighter jets would fly over every once in a while. Why is there no movement now?"

"No, our air escort is missing?"

The sudden scene made many officers and soldiers of the 102nd Regiment a little confused. They discovered that the formation of fighter jets that would fly overhead every once in a while on patrol suddenly disappeared at this moment.

It was as if at a certain moment, the fighter formation stopped patrolling.

They did not think that their fighter formation had been damaged in the battle, because until now, the combined group had not sent out a sneak attack force at all, and the battle had not even started.

The heavily armed troops were not escorted by fighter jet formations in the air, which made the officers and soldiers of the 102nd Regiment feel a little cold on their backs.

If the combined air force came to bomb them at this time, wouldn't they be in trouble?

On board the 102nd Regiment command vehicle.

The colonel commander was sitting in the command vehicle. He was not too worried about the current situation of the 102nd Regiment, but looked like he had a winning chance and a plan in mind.

"Captain, we now face an air defense window of at least five minutes. It's a bit too risky." A staff officer from the Major Regiment said on the side.

"Don't worry, everything is according to plan. To form a group, you must be surprised and use strange moves. You must analyze and think from the perspective of forming a group." The colonel said.

"Captain is wise, if this ambush plan is successful, Commander, you will impress the division commander, if not the army commander." The staff major praised him in real time.


The colonel was very useful. In his opinion, his move was a strange move. When this tactic was proposed at the meeting, the division commander was very shocked.

The colonel was willing to call this ambush tactic against the combined regiment "his own tactics."

As the name suggests, treat the other person in his own way!

Time returns to the operational meeting before the start of the exercise.

The exercise has not started yet, but the situation of the Z Division is not optimistic. The 101st Tank Regiment was completely wiped out. The exercise has not started yet, so one tank regiment was lost.

As another tank regiment, the 102nd Regiment has a heavy responsibility. When the division commander asked him about his thoughts during this exercise.

After carefully analyzing and thinking about the maneuver route map of the 102nd Regiment, the colonel came up with a tactical idea that amazed everyone.

"Division Commander, the 102nd Regiment conducted a road maneuver all the way to the Zhuhe exercise site. On the 102nd Regiment's maneuver route, I speculate that the combined regiment will definitely bomb our 102nd Regiment in Area 97.

"Area 97?"

After listening to the colonel's words, everyone focused on area 97 on the map. After looking at it, they agreed with the colonel's statement.

Area 97 is not friendly to heavily armed troops in a mobile situation. The terrain is narrow and if it is bombed, it will suffer heavy losses to a large extent.

"Captain Zhang, do you want me to give you more air power escorts for the 102nd Regiment?" Qi Long said.

As the only remaining tank regiment of Division Z, it is normal for the 102nd Regiment to want more air power escort.

"No." Unexpectedly, after hearing Qi Long's words, the colonel commander refused: "You don't need to be particularly inclined to us, just a regular configuration." I only have one request.


"I hope that all the anti-aircraft artillery power of the entire division, at least two-thirds of the anti-aircraft artillery power, can be transferred to me." The colonel said something that no one present had expected.

Anti-aircraft artillery is one of the limited means of killing that can pose a threat to fighter jets during maneuvers of heavily armed troops.

The 102nd Regiment requires so much anti-aircraft artillery power, what will other units do during their maneuvers?

If they were bombed by a synthetic group, wouldn't they fight back?

"What do you want to do?" Qi Long asked directly about the colonel's application.

"I want to launch a counter-ambush by the regiment's air force." The colonel said, exuding a sense of confidence.

"Counter ambush?"

Everyone looked puzzled. Some didn't understand what the colonel meant by this counter-ambush.

During the journey, their heavily armed troops were already passive, so how could they counter-ambush them?

"If you have any ideas, just say them all."

"Division commander, do you still remember the tactic that Commander Li suggested to our Z division during the annual exercise, which was to use a pre-set anti-aircraft gun position to hit the aircraft?" the colonel asked.

As soon as these words came out, the memories in everyone's minds were immediately recalled.

Remember, of course they remember, and they remember it very clearly.

That annual exercise was rare in scale. Li Ran's performance in the exercise was even more astonishing. Various tactical methods emerged one after another. It was a classic. How could they forget it?

"You mean to set up an anti-aircraft artillery position in area 97, wait for the arrival of the Eighth Air Division in advance, and equip it with a fighter formation from the Sixth Air Division to engage in counter-ambush tactics, so as to capture part of the air force of the combined regiment in one fell swoop?"

After all, he is the commander of the heavy armor division. There is no doubt about Qi Long's military quality. After the colonel's prompt and combined with the map analysis, Qi Long immediately realized what kind of medicine the colonel was selling in this gourd.

This is the plan to use the same move that Li Ran used in the annual exercise to hit Li Ran, and treat the other person in his own way.

This move uses flexible analysis to predict the intentions of the combined group, so it is not impossible to counter an ambush. It is a unique move.

(Asking for everything, asking for all kinds of support, thank you!).

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