Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

351: Frontal Hard Steel! Synthetic Group Went Crazy

Beijing Military Region.

Army Group Headquarters.

After the director's department determined that the exercise was over, Ge Tieshan immediately came to the group army headquarters to seek cover.

At this time, only the military commander can help him get justice.

"Commander, you have to make the decision for me and the T Division. Field army exercises are not like this. The combined regiment will humiliate not only the T Division, but also our entire A Army." Ge Tieshan said sadly.

"The abominable synthetic group has despicable methods and is despised. This matter must not be left alone." After learning what happened, the lieutenant general was also very angry.

The T Division, the ace main division of Group A of the Beijing Military Region, was actually played like this by the combined group. When word spread, how could Army A gain a foothold in front of the other two group armies?

The methods are despicable and the heart is crazy, and the gang members should be punished.

"Commander, but there is a directing department supporting the synthesis group, what should we do?" Ge Tieshan said with an ugly face.

If it were just a composite group, he really wouldn't take it seriously, but behind the composite group there is a director's department, and there is a general staff boss in the director's department.

Even if the commander of the group army comes forward, it won't be enough in front of the general staff boss.

"Nonsense, what can we do? Of course we go to the headquarters to ask for the commander." said the lieutenant general.

But the "510" does not have the strength to uphold justice. In this division, only the commander of the military region has a chance.

The lieutenant general took the senior colonel to the military region headquarters. After arriving, in front of the military region commander, Ge Tieshan performed an extremely pitiful performance and made an angry accusation against the synthesis group.

But what he got in the end was a severe reprimand from the military commander.

The combined regiment can instigate an officer of the T Division. As the commander of the T Division, if he doesn't reflect on himself and find his own problems, he still dares to redress his grievances?

Do you have a grievance? The boss of the General Staff has spoken to set the tone, and they even come to him to scold him. Don't get involved with him.

The Synthetic Regiment instigated a rebellion against the officers and soldiers of T Division, and the entire T Division was poisoned. The news that the exercise ended with everyone killed in action spread among the field army, causing an earthquake in an instant.

There was an uproar in each army group and they were very shocked.

After all, this is the first time in history that a field army has conducted an exercise confrontation.

"Crazy, Synthetic Group is really crazy, playing like this."

"I'm so shocked that I don't know what to say. Synthetic Group is so heartbroken."

"T division is so miserable. One of our own people was instigated to rebel. The exercise ended as soon as it started. We didn't even get out of our house.

"The Hengtuan Group has done something that is outrageous to both humans and gods and is not tolerated by nature. It is strongly recommended that the Hengtong Group be punished."

"Strongly demand that the combined group be given a warning and that our field army be given justice and innocence."

"I think the Synthetic Group is right. If one of its own officers is instigated to rebel, it means that the work is not done properly and there are problems within itself.

"After all, it is just an exercise. It is better to be instigated by your own people than to be instigated by the enemy one day. Find out the problems and correct them.

"The synthesis group is right, I support the synthesis group."

There was a lot of discussion in all the military regions. Some supported the Synthetic Group, while others denounced the Synthetic Group as crazy and demanded that the Synthetic Group be punished.

At this time, the one who had the greatest comfort in their hearts was undoubtedly the Z Division. Originally they thought they were miserable enough, but they lost a tank regiment before the exercise even started.

But now it seems that compared to the T Division, the division is pretty good.

At least they left the station, arrived at the Zhuhe training ground, and had a fight with the synthesis group.

Although they lost in the end, at least they tried hard, right? At least the officers and soldiers of Z Division died on the battlefield, not at the hands of their own people.

When the divisions competed, Division Z was very lucky, but it was too miserable.

At the same time, Southern Military Region, P Division!

After receiving the notice from the director's department, six hours later, the entire division went to the Zhuhe training ground to conduct a drill and confrontation with the combined group. For a while, the whole P division was in a hurry.

After learning from the defeat experience of Z Division and T Division, and receiving the notice of the exercise, the chief officer of P Division immediately held an emergency meeting.

Increase vigilance and strengthen the ideological education of officers and soldiers in each unit to ensure that incidents such as being attacked by a combined group or inciting rebels before the start of the exercise will not occur.

P Division's top and bottom staff felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, as if a storm was about to come, and the buildings were full of danger, with a full sense of crisis.

P division commander Yao Wansheng made it clear that if any unit is attacked by a combined group due to insufficient vigilance awareness, the unit chief officer will be demoted directly.

At the same time, it was also ordered that if any officers and soldiers were "poisoned" in each unit, the canteen cooking team would be immediately packed up and left professionally after the exercise, and the unit chief officer would also be graded ten.

Under such high pressure, the chief officers of all units of P Division were all trembling. They were under great pressure and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

After Division Z and Division T defeated the combined men, Division P was really scared.

As a soldier, it is not shameful to lose on the battlefield, but it would be really shameful if you lose for this reason. The former means that your skills are inferior to others, while the latter means that you have huge problems of a different nature.

There are still three hours left before the exercise.

P Division and the reconnaissance battalion directly under the division took the lead in detaching from the main force and heading towards the Zhuhe exercise ground.

Although the start time of the exercise has not yet arrived, this time the P division commander Yao Wansheng was smart. The combined group did not want Bilian and would use any means to launch a sneak attack before the exercise started.

Then why couldn't his P Division respond to the enemy's attack by treating him in kind? Before the exercise began, he also sent a unit to the Zhuhe exercise ground, and then used it as a surprise force to look for opportunities to decapitate the combined regiment. ?

"Division Commander, this is a great move. This time our P Division went against the norm and sent the Division Reconnaissance Battalion to the Zhuhe Exercise Ground to lurk. We will definitely be able to win by surprise." P Division Chief of Staff said with admiration.

"Damn the synthetic group, he is unkind, so don't blame me for being unjust." Yao Wansheng said proudly: "Although his synthetic group defeated Z Division and T Division successively, anyone with a discerning eye can see it. All of them are conspiracy methods that cannot be put on the table. Since he wants to play dirty tricks, let's play with him and see what clever tricks he can come up with this time."

"Miaoji, it was the combined regiment that took the lead in not fighting according to the drill time. If our P division does this, even the director department has no reason to say anything." The chief of staff of the P division said with a smile.

After a comprehensive analysis of the reasons for the defeat of Division Z and Division T, Division P already had enough experience to deal with the combined group.

That is, the Synthetic Group likes to use underhanded tricks and does everything possible, and its true level is only that.

Take the Z Division for example. If it hadn't been for the fact that the combined regiment violated the drill time regulations and sent people to sneak attack first, resulting in the loss of a tank regiment, otherwise the Z Division in its heyday and its powerful armored group would not have been able to easily destroy the combined regiment. Was the group directly bulldozed?

Let’s talk about the T Division. The combat effectiveness of the strategic quick counterattack division should not be underestimated. If the entire division successfully marches to the combined group, it’s hard to say who will win. 0

Therefore, in the eyes of the commander of Division P and others, the reason why the combined group was able to defeat Division Z and Division T was just by relying on cunning means and a lucky win without any principles or bottom line.

It is not a true victory based on strength.

In this exercise, as long as the entire P division can successfully march to the Zhuhe exercise ground, victory is basically guaranteed.

The synthetic group is just a paper tiger. Although it pretends to be a bald eagle and imitates foreign troops, in fact, its combat effectiveness is just that.

It has to be said that Master P’s strange move aroused the admiration of many people in the director’s department.

"Teacher P did a good job this time, he learned smartly."

"With the experience of Division Z and Division T, Division P should have no big problem.

"Finally, I can watch a real fight with real swords and guns."

"The Synthetic Group won't be able to pull any dirty tricks this time."

"Even if you imitate foreign troops, you can't always rely on conspiracy and trickery to achieve success."

In the director's department, everyone was talking about it.

As everyone expected, P Division also achieved its strategic goal. As the third division-level unit to fight against the combined group, in this exercise, they avoided being attacked by sneak attacks and the officers and soldiers were instigated to rebel. At the same time, they did the opposite. , before the exercise began, a surprise force was dispatched to the Zhuhe exercise ground.

Everything went so smoothly.

Within the stipulated time, the P Division successfully arrived at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground, and all units of the division formed battle formations and formed a group to fight at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground.

The battle was very fierce, with the air forces, ground forces, armor, and tanks of both sides fighting in a huge melee.

There is no so-called tactical detours and no so-called feints. The first battle is the decisive battle.

After the entire P Division arrived at the Zhuhe training ground, under the order of the division commander Ge Tieshan, the entire division pressed forward towards the defensive position of the combined regiment for a decisive battle.

An extremely fierce battle broke out between the two sides, and the scene was comparable to an annual exercise.

But more than an hour later.

P division commander Ge Tieshan could not help himself for a long time after watching the battle damage reported by each unit.

In such a fierce battle, P Division suffered heavy losses. The entire division's current battle losses have exceeded 60%. In just over an hour, 60% of them were lost. "What is this concept?"

On the other hand, although the combined regiment also suffered battle losses, the battle losses were completely acceptable compared with the P Division.

The most important thing is that until now, the P Division has not captured any of the positions held by the group.

What does this mean?

It shows that the battle was so miserable and the battle losses were so many, but there was no substantial progress at all.

This kind of battle situation shocked the senior colonels. Is the combined force so strong? It's a bit too strong.

"Division commander, why don't we withdraw first, leaving the green hills behind without worrying about having no firewood? The combat effectiveness of the combined regiment is much stronger than we thought. Let's re-discuss the tactics." The officer staff advised.

"Withdraw? Are you kidding? Don't panic. I still have a trump card. The division reconnaissance battalion can take action. Let all the remaining combatants from each unit press forward to create opportunities for the division reconnaissance battalion. As long as the beheading is successful, the combined group will be able to instantly The soil is disintegrating." Yao Fen said confidently.

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