Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

377: Perfect Score In Theory! Create The History Of Mainland Universities Again

Li Ran's words made the chief of the General Staff want to curse.

He knew very well about Li Ran. Even if Li Ran had a stubborn temper and insisted on being promoted to major general at the end of the year, and insisted on taking the army campaign teacher exam with a group of senior colleges when he was a colonel, none of the senior generals would do it. So angry.

Li Ran's father's ideological work has been successful, and it has been postponed for three years. Li Ran can rush if he wants. It is a good thing for young people to have ambitions and ideas.

It's not just a test. At most, it's not that I haven't passed the test. It's not a big deal. It's just an early experience.

But Li Ran kept saying that he would retire at the end of the year, which made the general staff boss very unhappy.

"If you want to take exams, take them. If you want to be promoted to major general by the end of the year, do it. Don't keep talking about retirement in front of me. If you say this again, don't blame Lao Tu for whipping you.

Even if there were other people around, the general staff boss used foul language in front of everyone for the first time.

As long as it doesn't violate the principles, Li Ran can try whatever he wants, but he can't retire.

The general staff boss roared like this, which made a group of senior colonels around him dumbfounded.

This was the first time that they had seen the usually calm General Staff boss swearing and swearing in front of so many people. Imagine how angry Li Ran's previous words made the General Staff boss.

What made them even more stunned was, what did the General Staff boss mean by what he said?

The colonel wants to be promoted to major general at the end of the year?

Did they hear it right? A colonel wants to be promoted to major general in the remaining few months? What are you talking about in your sleep in broad daylight?

That is a major general or general-level officer. For them, it is their dream and the goal they have been striving for.

They have worked hard for so many years before they can reach the position of senior principal. Even if they pass this exam, whether they can be promoted to major general in their lifetime remains to be seen.

As a result, a 19-year-old colonel wanted to be promoted to major general in a few months. What the hell was he trying to do?

This was said by the head of the General Staff. If the colonel said this to them, they would still sneer at him even at the risk of offending others.

"I understand, chief. I won't say anything else anymore. Please calm down. There are many adults, so don't be as knowledgeable as me." Li Ran08 said with a playful smile.

He was not timid at all because of the anger of the general staff boss.

Neither humble nor arrogant, the true nature of a man!

"Hmph, you're a smart kid." The general staff officer snorted coldly. He was quite satisfied with Li Ran's current attitude, so let's forget it.


The senior colonels on the side looked suspicious of life.

Forget it? Is this just over?

The head of the General Staff was so angry and let it go like this? He didn't even say a word of criticism. This must be too much love for the colonel.

It is said that the colonel is known as the illegitimate son of the commander of the Northern Military Region. Now it seems that the illegitimate son of the commander of the Northern Military Region is clearly the illegitimate son of the boss of the General Staff.

This kind of treatment, even for a biological son, is nothing more than this.

The Army Operations Graduation Examination and the theoretical examination have begun.

Li Ran and others entered the examination room. This theoretical examination was all conducted on the computer, and the examination questions were randomly selected from the question bank.

There are all theory tests, multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and short-answer questions.

After everyone was seated, the director of the Academic Affairs Office, who served as the invigilator, announced that the exam had officially begun.

For this exam, the invigilators include the director of the Academic Affairs Office and the lieutenant general and dean. As for the cheat sheet, no one dares to do it, and no one can do it.

Once discovered, the consequences would be quite serious.

The lieutenant general and the dean personally proctored the exam, and he also wanted to write cheat sheets, which was to light a lamp in the toilet and look for daddy.

As the questions appeared on the screen, everyone began to answer the questions.

Several college students looked at the questions on the screen with ugly expressions. To be honest, they were unsure. The exam had been advanced, and they originally planned to read a book unexpectedly in the last month.

Now I just have to bite the bullet and can only answer based on the experience accumulated over the years.

"Choose A for this question."

"This is B."

Teacher E answered the questions very rhythmically and without any confusion. He was very confident about the questions in the question bank.

As the student with the best grades in the advanced training class, that was no joke. For this exam, he started preparing very early and read books whenever he had time.

An excellent field army officer must be strict with himself and must be able to discipline himself.

Only in this way can you achieve your goals.

While answering the questions with full confidence, the commander of Division E took a look at the other people around him and found that many people were either frowning or scratching their heads and ears in front of the computer screen. He felt very proud in his heart.

At this time, the gap between them widened.

In this exam, I and the commander of Division E will definitely become the most beautiful cubs, enter the sight of the general staff boss, make the dean happy, and reach the pinnacle of our military career.

I will definitely be able to pass the Army Operations Graduation Examination easily and smoothly, and maybe be promoted to Major General at the end of the year.

That's right, after hearing what the chief of the General Staff said, the colonel felt very dissatisfied with Li Ran.

A colonel dares to think about being promoted to major general at the end of the year. Why can't he, a senior colonel, and the main battle division commander just make a move and be promoted to major general at the end of the year?

After a moment of YY in Teacher E's mind, he quickly recovered his mind and planned to continue working on the questions seriously.

Who knows, at this moment, bang bang bang!

The sound of keyboard typing coming from my ears was like a machine gun, which was so harsh in this computer room.

The crisp sound of typing on the keyboard attracted the attention of everyone present.

Everyone heard the news and saw Li Ran facing the computer screen, typing quickly on the keyboard with both hands, typing at a dizzying speed.

Is this typing? Or is it just typing blindly?

But this look instantly made many people uneasy and emotionally unstable.

As we all know, the questions that require typing so many words are only the short answer questions at the end. Only short answer questions require typing so many words.

Are you kidding me? How long has it been since the exam and the colonel has already solved the short answer questions? So quickly?

Don't you even bother to review the questions? Just write randomly with your eyes closed?

Master E's heart was a little unstable at this moment. He was originally confident and suddenly felt a little panicked at this moment, feeling that his mentality was a little messed up.

It's like in an exam, everyone is answering the questions, but before the first part is finished, I hear the sound of someone turning the paper. This makes people feel so desperate and confused.

"Calm down, he must not know anything. He is not afraid of boiling water. He deliberately manipulates his mentality. Calm down." [The division commander comforted himself in his heart.

At this time, the sound of typing on the keyboard disappeared, and just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, who knew.

"Report, end of answering questions."

Li Ran stood up from his seat and said loudly.

Everyone else was stunned when they heard this, even the invigilator was a little confused.

Are you done now? So quickly? It’s only been thirty minutes since the exam started. The questions are not difficult for you at all, right?

The director of the Academic Affairs Office is a little better. After all, he has proctored Li Ran's many exams and has a certain ability to accept Li Ran's exam efficiency. He was only shocked for a moment and then recovered.

The lieutenant general dean was shocked, but in view of Li Ran's past performance in exams, he could only sigh in his heart, this boy was indeed well prepared.

But for the college students present, the shock in their hearts was huge.

Is this a bluff, or is the topic just child's play for the colonel?

They came up from the grassroots level one by one. Colonels who have accumulated rich experience are faced with these problems. Why are you so relaxed as a colonel?

"The exam is over, let's go out and wait for the results." The lieutenant general said slowly.


Li Ran strode out, leaving a group of senior colonels in a mess.

The senior colonels looked at Li Ran's leaving figure and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"What are you looking at? Have you answered the questions yet?" The lieutenant general's voice rang in everyone's ears, bringing the senior colonels back from their thoughts.

"Read the questions carefully. Don't keep thinking about others. It doesn't matter whether he does well or not. For him, the big deal is participation, which is different for you." The lieutenant general added another reminder.

It's not that the lieutenant general is kind, but that he can't stand it anymore.

Compared with Li Ran, the gap between the universities in the advanced training classes is huge, which makes him, the teacher of the advanced training classes, very humiliating.

"What's the use of doing it so quickly? It doesn't mean it's correct. It's really a bluff. The principal said it was a bluff." The teacher of Division E said in his heart, comforting himself.

Time passed little by little, and the universities participating in the exam began to submit their papers one after another.

We are all college students, coming from the grassroots level. If you can answer the questions, you can do it. If you can't, there is nothing you can do about it. No one deliberately wastes time because they can't answer the questions, because it doesn't make any sense.

After all candidates submit their papers, the Lieutenant General will immediately begin marking the papers.

There are not many people, and the corrections are quick. It is guaranteed that the results will be reduced before the next exam starts.

"Oh, unfortunately, the question is not easy."

"You can't do it without reading. There are many things that you can read, but you can't write them down."

"I was disappointed in the theory test, so I can only watch the next one."

"It's okay. We don't look at theoretical scores alone. We look at the overall situation. There are still opportunities."

The senior colleges and universities were discussing together, and from time to time discussed the questions encountered in the test paper.

Commander E regained his confidence again, because he found that compared to others, he was lucky, and the questions drawn out were relatively simple.

Especially for the final short-answer question, although he couldn't get full marks, he could still get the main points.

Moreover, in the previous Army Operations Graduation Examinations, no one could get full marks in the theoretical examination, because it was simply impossible.

Although the Army Operations Graduation Examination is a paper-based test, it is precisely because it is a paper-based test that there are many aspects that need to be paid attention to. It is simply impossible to answer the question accurately.

No matter how well you answer the battle questions you face, loopholes will always be found and points will be deducted.

"Captain Li, how did you do in the exam?" Colonel E saw Li Ran smoking silently and walked over and asked with a smile.

"It's okay." Li Ran said.

"It's okay. Although it is theoretical, some of the test questions are beyond your knowledge. The important thing is to participate and don't feel any psychological pressure." The senior colonel said.

Hearing this, Li Ran just smiled and said nothing more.

The superiority in Mr. E's words, just like the superiority between top students and poor students in the class, made Li Ran feel a little funny.

the other side.

The lieutenant general took the lead and was correcting the test papers of several people.

Except for simple questions, other questions have standard answers. Wrong is wrong, right is right, there is no problem.

Short answer questions are the key to widening the gap and the key to testing the quality of an officer.

"Hey, this guy's answers are really good and comprehensive. There are some parts that even the standard answers didn't take into account. Looking at Li Ran's answers to the short-answer questions, Lieutenant General couldn't help but exclaim.

Hearing this, the other two people who were correcting the test papers also looked over and nodded repeatedly to Li Ran's answer.

"That's a great answer. It's perfect."

"I think his answer can be used as a reference for the standard answer."

"My idea is to give full marks to Li Ran's theory test. Do you have any different opinions?" the lieutenant general asked the two people standing aside.

"No comment."

"I don't have any objection either."

Regarding the lieutenant general's words, the two of them had no objection at all. A person who can answer more perfectly than the standard answer should get full marks for theory, shouldn't he deserve it?

Having said that, Li Ran is also the first person in the history of the Army Academy to achieve perfect scores in Army Operations Theory.

It means that Li Ran has once again created the history of Lu Academy.

After more than an hour, everyone's scores were corrected and announced.

"Oh, 69 points, one point missing."

"Nothing, I can only hope for the next one."

"70, just qualified, not bad, not bad.

"Holy shit, perfect score, what the hell?"

"Full score?"

Teacher E looked at his score of 80 and was secretly proud. It was just as he expected. If nothing else happened, his score of 80 would be the highest score in the theoretical exam.

Suddenly, he was startled by the exclamation in his ears.

Full marks? Are you kidding? Who can get full marks in the theory test of the Army Operations Graduation Examination?

According to the principal's temper and the importance of the Army Operations Graduation Examination, even if your answer is the same as the standard answer, you will be deducted one point. It is simply impossible to get a perfect score.

But when he saw Li Ran's perfect score in the score column, he was stunned.

The actual score of 100 made him blinded by the excitement. A perfect score. Someone could actually get a perfect score in the Army Operations Graduation Examination. How is this possible?

The key is that the way Li Ran did the questions before, did he look like he could get full marks? It was clearly like he was doing it badly and pretending to be fake.

Recalling the attitude of the General Staff boss towards Li Ran, the senior colonel couldn't help but wonder, could there be a shady secret in this exam?

But then I thought about it, and it was impossible.

A perfect score on the Army Campaign Examination will definitely cause a huge sensation if word spreads about it. The test papers will definitely be released afterwards. If the standard of a perfect score is not met, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction with the TV University.


Sure enough, while the senior high school students were shocked, the lieutenant general and principal issued an order to post and publish the test papers for Li Ran's exam.

When everyone saw the announced Li Ran test paper, there was an uproar!

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!).

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