Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

390: Blue Army Combined Brigade! Seven Directly-Administered Battalions

Following the expansion of the synthetic battalion into the synthetic regiment, there was another expansion. The synthetic regiment was expanded to the synthetic brigade and became a brigade-level unit.

The expressions on the faces of the chief officers of various units present changed from the previous nervousness and heaviness to surprise.

Because they didn't expect that the combined group would be able to expand.

After the expansion, the next level unit will be a brigade level unit, not a division level unit. They heard the reason from their regimental commander.

For synthetic troops, the brigade-level organization is a streamlined system that is just suitable for synthetic troops. If it is a combined division, the combat system will become a bit bloated.

But what many people are confused about is that the combined regiment has been expanded into a combined brigade. This is obviously good news. Why is the commander of his own regiment so heavy-handed?

Expanding into a brigade-level unit, doesn't it mean that many of them can make progress again? Can they reap the fruits of honor again?

It has only been a few months since the last time I made progress and harvested the fruits of honor.

Whether it is progress or harvesting the fruits of honor, the speed is too fast, making them feel like they are dreaming.

"Captain, it's a good thing that our regiment is expanding into a combined brigade." Chief of Staff Qi Qiang couldn't help but say.

The solemn look on Li Ran's head was something he, the chief of staff, had never seen before.

That's right, the leader of his group likes to pretend to be a cup, and he even likes to pretend to be serious and heavy in front of them every time, and then suddenly changes his face to surprise them, paving the way for the cup.

But in the past, I would say hello or discuss it with him, the chief of staff, in advance.

But this time, he keenly felt that his captain was different from before. The heaviness he showed was not fake, he was very serious.

When he heard the latest expansion notice issued by the General Staff, he originally thought that his regimental leader would change his face and put on a cup, but now he didn't at all. The expression on his face was still serious, completely different from before.

"Everyone, expansion is a good thing for the combined group, but the time is only two months. It is very urgent. Not only must the expansion be completed, but also the combat effectiveness of each unit must be completed." Li Ran said very seriously.

The chief officers of each unit, who were originally surprised to hear the expansion, suddenly became a little ugly after hearing the next sentence.

The combined regiment was expanded into a combined brigade, and the staffing and firepower configuration were at least tripled.

The replenishment of personnel and equipment is not very difficult for the combined group. The main thing is the running-in and cooperation of each unit after the expansion is successful.

Just like when the combined battalion was expanded into a combined regiment, after the personnel establishment and firepower equipment were replenished, continuous time and daily training were required to strengthen the cooperation of each unit and complete the transformation of combat effectiveness with the addition of personnel and equipment.

Strengthening the coordination of various units and completing the transformation of combat effectiveness requires the most time and energy.

When the combined battalion was expanded into a combined regiment, it took more than two months to complete the transformation of combat effectiveness. Now that it has been expanded into a brigade, the time has become less and it is very difficult.

"Captain, two months is a bit too tight.

"The replenishment of personnel and equipment is okay, but it is really difficult to complete coordination within this time."

"Captain, can you apply to the General Staff for two or three more months?"

"It would be nice to give it one more month."

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

"No, the time given by the General Staff is only two months. I don't care what method you use, even if you don't sleep, you must complete the task of expanding the synthesis group in two months and adjourn the meeting.

Li Ran's attitude was very firm, and after saying that, he stood up and left.

In the conference room, the rest of the people looked at me and I looked at you, and they all felt that something was wrong. There was something very wrong with their leader.

In the past, although his team leader had strict requirements on them, he still fundamentally considered scientific training.

Although the training intensity of the Synthetic Group is high, the logistics support and work and rest arrangements can continue to support the daily training of everyone in the Synthetic Group.

But now, his team leader's behavior is too abnormal.

In two months, the combined regiment has been expanded into a combined brigade, and it is completely unscientific to ensure the expanded combat effectiveness.

Even those present who have experienced expansion once are still unsure and have no confidence at all.

They had no confidence, but their leader should also be aware of the difficulty. Why did he suddenly become so domineering, leaving no room for negotiation?

"Chief of Staff, there is something wrong with the commander."

"Yes, Captain, he is very abnormal today. What happened?"

"Has the leader been approved?"

"Probably not. It makes no sense at all."

"Do you think the leader was stimulated by something?"

"It's very possible that suddenly there is no room for negotiation at all, which makes people feel very uncomfortable."

"Don't talk nonsense, orders are orders, don't bargain, just do what you have to do." Qi Qiang said seriously, and then left the conference room.

Something was wrong with his team leader today, and he also felt that in front of so many people, his team leader might have something to say that was hard to say.

As the chief of staff, it was necessary for him to find his captain alone to find out.

Seeing that the chief of staff had said this, the others had no choice but to shut up and leave the conference room.

Inside the office.

"Captain, did something happen?" Qi Qiang came to Li Ran's office and asked directly.

"Lao Qi, nothing happened, don't think too much." Li Ran said.

At the highest-level meeting attended by the General Staff, the top-secret mission codenamed "Corrosion" he proposed was supported in the final show of hands.

Therefore, the top-secret mission code-named "Corrosion" was officially launched from the moment Ji Ran left the General Staff.

The mission level is top secret. Currently, the only people who know about it are a few real bosses of the field army, including the boss of the General Staff, and the other one is Li Ran.

Other than that, no one knows about this mission.

Therefore, even if Qi Qiang is the leader of the synthesis group, Li Ran can trust him, but it is impossible to reveal even a word.

After hearing what Li Ran said, Qi Qiang couldn't help but ask again.

"Captain, is it true?"

"Lao Qi, it's okay. It's a good thing to expand the combined regiment into a brigade. Maybe I have been busy with many things during this time and am a little tired.

After hearing Li Ran's explanation, Qi Qiang nodded and did not intend to ask any more questions.

After the news came out that the Synthetic Group was going to be expanded into a Synthetic Brigade, there was a stir in the Synthetic Group.

It hasn't been long since the last expansion, but they didn't expect another expansion. Everyone who heard the news was a little excited.

"The Synthetic Group is awesome, it's going to expand again."

"Expand into a brigade, then we will be called a combined brigade."

"By the way, we have expanded into a combined brigade. It will be no problem to fight two divisions with one."

"The expansion is great for a while, but the training crematorium, I feel that our good days are numbered."

"What about the good days? Are we living a good life every day now?"

"Anyway, I'm numb and used to it. As long as the training doesn't kill me, just do whatever you want.

There was a lot of discussion in the Synthetic Regiment, and for the grassroots officers and soldiers, there were both joys and worries.

Fortunately, once the number is expanded, the opportunities for advancement will become greater. For example, some platoon leaders who have performed well may be promoted to deputy companies this time?

The sad thing is that after the last expansion experience, once the expansion occurs, many new people will join, and each unit will have to carry out huge collaborative running-in training.

The expansion from a regiment to a brigade is not as simple as adding a company or a battalion, it is an expansion of at least three regiments.

The staffing of a combined brigade is completely based on that of a division, but the staffing system is more streamlined than that of a division to eliminate bloat.

If such an expansion is carried out all at once, it goes without saying that the subsequent training intensity will probably be astonishingly high.

After the news of the expansion came out, the Synthetic Regiment caused a sensation, and other major military regions also became commotion.

All major military regions and units all felt that the combined group had made another big move.

The combined regiment has been expanded into a combined brigade. The demand for personnel and equipment is real. The equipment is okay, but there are many gaps in personnel, especially officers.

This time, there was no need for Li Ran, the commander of the regiment, to arrange any tasks. The day after receiving the notice of expansion, the chief officers of each unit of the synthesis regiment immediately left the synthesis regiment and went to various units in the major military regions to recruit people. .

Many people resolutely go back even if they risk being beaten by their old employer.

There's nothing we can do, what should we do?

What if you don’t go back to your old unit or go to other units to recruit people?

As the chief officers of each unit of the combined regiment, if they don't take care of this kind of thing, who can they rely on to take care of it? Their own regiment leader? Xiangchenchi.

Everyone has an intuition in their hearts. Even though their team leader did not give them clear targets for each person's recruitment task this time, if they don't have any awareness at all and ask their team leader, they will definitely be criticized.

Your team leader will definitely say, is this the first day you joined the team?

I've been hanging out in the Synthetic Group for so long, but it was all for nothing?

Do you still need to ask him about this matter? You don’t have any awareness at all?

Therefore, after explaining the affairs of the unit, the chief officers of each unit consciously went out to work.

0......Please give me flowers......

Time is tight. We only have two months to complete the expansion and ensure combat effectiveness. It's impossible not to hurry up.

After staying in the Synthetic Regiment for such a long time, the chief officers of each unit have become seasoned and very thick-skinned.

Even Ai Xue, a female soldier like her, is much thicker-skinned than before. She is getting more and more comfortable cheating her old unit without feeling guilty at all.

Guilt? What is there to feel guilty about?

They are busy for the future of the Field Army. Everything is to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the Field Army. They have done nothing wrong, so why should they feel guilty?

As a result, with the concerted efforts of the chief officers of the units of the Synthetic Regiment, the major military regions once again caused a flurry of excitement.

All units were furious at the synthesis group, and their saliva could even flood the synthesis group.

"Time and time again, the Synthetic Group has gone too far."

"It's too abominable. I'll just come here and poop a few times when I have nothing to do. Can I live with this job?"

"It's too much, it's really too much, the synthetic group is lawless.

"Emotionally, have we all become the logistics supply station for the synthesis group? Come and get whatever you need.

"Protest, protest strongly."

"Brothers, we must turn the humiliation we have suffered into the motivation for our growth. One day, we will stand in front of the synthesis group as a winner."

There was a lot of discussion among various units.

A week later.

The chief officers of each unit of the Synthetic Regiment returned to their bases one after another.

After meeting each other, they greeted each other cordially.

"You're back? How was the harvest?"

"So-so, twenty."

"Okay, I was almost nineteen."

"It's pretty good. I was lucky this time, twenty-nine."

"Hiss! So many?"

"Lucky, lucky, there just happened to be a lot of new people coming to my old unit. I heard that the Synthetic Group was going to expand, so I applied without hesitation. It didn't cost me anything.


"Good guy, your old leader can't kill you."

"The old leader was quite angry. Fortunately, I ran fast."

The chief officers of each unit discussed each other and showed off the glorious achievements of each of them.

Everyone's face is filled with confident and proud smiles, and they don't feel the slightest guilt for doing evil tricks and deceiving people in their old unit or even other units.

That's right, the chief officers of each unit have all made progress. As the saying goes, once you join the combined group, you will be as deep as the sea, and from now on you will look like a stranger!

How much is this face thing worth? Can I get more Tiger 9 main battle tanks with this thing? Or can it be replaced with a drone?

Now they can use this thing in exchange for a large number of talents, and no one would be a fool not to exchange it.

They are no longer the noobs they were when they first came to the combined camp, and they no longer have the kind of glassy hearts that make their consciences condemned because they attacked their old unit.

They have grown and progressed, and they have been following in the footsteps of their leader.

Because everything they do is for the strong future of the Field Army, and everything they do is extremely glorious.

Not far away, several officers and soldiers of the passing synthesis regiment couldn't help but rolled their eyes after hearing the discussion of the chief officers of each unit.

"The battalion commander and the others really don't want Bilian."

"Yes, our synthesis group's reputation outside has become extremely bad."

"It seems that we have become the public enemy of all major military regions."

"Be more confident and remove the appearance. We are now villains in their eyes."

"We need to be more careful when we go out in the future. We can't expose our units casually, as we are very likely to be beaten."

Inside the office.

The chief officers of each unit reported the progress of various aspects of work in front of Li Ran.

Compared with the last expansion, their recruitment speed is indeed much faster this time because they have learned from the previous experience.

But what is different from the last time is that although the expansion notice has been issued this time, no one's position has been changed.

Needless to say, the commander of the synthetic brigade must be the commander of his own regiment, but will these battalion commanders still make progress?

After listening to the reports from the chief officers of each unit, Li Ran nodded, glanced at everyone, and said slowly: "With this expansion, the combined brigade will no longer retain the regiment-level establishment, but will instead

Brigade directly under the jurisdiction of the battalion, preliminary estimates, our brigade will be expanded to seven directly under the jurisdiction of the battalion. "

"Therefore, there will be no new transfers to your positions at this time."

After hearing this, everyone felt a little disappointed for a moment.

But Li Ran's next words made their breathing quicken...

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank me!!! Thousands).

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